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Objects of civil law

Objects of civil rights - it's tangible and intangible benefits, about which there are civil relationship.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan under the Civil Code, the objects of civil rights may be things, including money and securities, other property, including property rights, services and information, objectified results of intellectual property and intangible benefits.

Intangible benefits include life, health, dignity, honor, good name, reputation, privacy, personal and family secrets, the right to a name, right of authorship, the right to inviolability of the work and other intangible benefits and rights.

Under things are understood by both humans and nature, material objects that satisfy certain human needs. Things are the most common sites of civil rights. They are classified as: withdrawn from circulation, limited in circulation and circulating freely. The list of things that are limited in circulation, and things that are removed from circulation, must be explicitly stated in legislation.

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