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3.Перепишите предложения и передайте их смысл в форме пассивного залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The radar sends out a beam of radio waves.

A beam of radio waves is sent by the radar.

Пучок радиоволн посылается радаром

  1. The microprocessor measures the difference in wavelength between outgoing and returning signals.

The difference in wavelength between outgoing and returning signals is measured by the microprocessor.

Разница длины волны между исходящим и входящим сигналами измеряется радаром

  1. Operating systems control and manage the use of hardware devices.

The use of hardware devices is controlled and managed by operating systems

Операционная система осуществляет контроль и управление за использованием аппаратных средств компьютера

  1. IBM first released the IBM PC in 1981.

The IBM PC was first released by IBM in 1981

В 1981 г. Ай-Би-Эм (IBM) первой выпустила ПК Ай-Би-Эм (IBM PC)

  1. Most users will not purchase UNIX for their own use.

UNIX will not be purchased by most users for their own use

Многопользовательская многозадачная операционная система Юникс (UNIX) не будет приобретена большинством пользователей для персонального использования.

4. Перепишите предложения и письменно переведите их на русский язык, обратив внимание на перевод определительных конструкций.

  1. The Practice Manager uses a payroll package based on spread sheet to calculate salaries for each employee of health center.

Практикующий менеджер использует пакет платёжной ведомости, базирующийся на электронных таблицах, чтобы рассчитать зарплату каждому сотруднику медицинского центра

  1. Computer software typically consists of many files that contain user-executable programs, support programs and data files.

Программное обеспечение компьютера обычно состоит из множества файлов, содержащих исполняемые пользователями программы, программы поддержки и файлы данных

  1. A program editor is any word processor that can be used for basic editing tasks.

Редактор программы – это любой текстовый процессор, который может быть использован для осуществления основных редакторских задач

  1. Reception staff use specially tailored software developed from a database to enter all appointment dates and times for each doctor.

Персонал рецепции использует специализированное программное обеспечение, разработанное на основе базы данных, для ввода данных обо всех датах и времени приема для каждого из докторов

  1. Electronic bulletin board systems (BBS) are a new means of casual communications for computer users.

Электронные доски объявлений – новый способ свободной коммуникации для пользователей компьютеров.

5. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. Hardware, Software and Firmware

The units that are visible in any computer are the physical components of a data processing system, or hardware. Thus, the input, storage, processing and control devices are hardware. Not visible is the software – the set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation that make possible the effective operation of the computer system. Software programs are of two types: systems software and applications software.

Systems software is the programs designed to control the operation of a computer system. They do not solve specific problems. They are written to assist people in the use of the computer system by performing tasks, such as controlling all of the operations required, to move data into and out of a computer and all of the steps in executing an application program. The person who prepares systems software is referred to as a systems programmer. Systems programmers are highly trained specialists and important members of the architectural team.

Applications software is the programs written to solve specific problems (applications), such as payroll, inventory control, and investment analysis. The word program usually refers to an application program, and the word programmer is usually a person who prepares applications software.

Often programs, particularly systems software, are stored in an area of memory not used for applications software. These protected programs are stored in an area of memory called read-only memory (ROM), which can be read from but not written.

Firmware is a term that is commonly used to describe certain programs that are stored in ROM. Firmware often refers to a sequence of instructions (software) that is substituted for hardware. For example, in an instance where cost is more important than performance, the computer system architect might decide not to use special electronic circuits (hardware) to multiply two numbers, but instead write instructions (software) to cause the machine to accomplish the same function by repeated use of circuits already designed to perform addition.