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Samsung объявляет финансовые итоги 4 квартала 2003 года. Достигнуты рекордные объемы дохода и операционного дохода. Квартальный операционный доход впервые превысил 2 млрд долларов сша

Доход и, одновременно, операционный доход компании за четвертый квартал достигли рекордной отметки. По сравнению с предыдущим кварталом доход вырос на 14,4%, а операционный доход на 20,8% превзошел предыдущий рекорд, установленный в третьем квартале 2000 г. Также, относительно результатов предыдущего квартала операционный доход и чистый доходы Samsung Electronics увеличились на 27,9% и 1,1%, соответственно.

Новые цифры также служат указанием на значительный рост финансовых показателей — по сравнению с предыдущим годом. Начиная с четвертого квартала 2002 г., операционный доход поднялся на целых 63,4% в то время, как доход и чистый доход также увеличились — на 21,7% и 24%.

Итогами 2003 финансового года стал доход в 36,86 млрд долларов США (43,58 трлн вон), 6,08 млрд долларов США (7,19 трлн вон) операционного дохода и 5,03 млрд долларов США (5,95 трлн вон) чистого дохода. Помимо рекордного дохода, компания добилась выдающихся операционного и чистого доходов, оба из которых приблизились к рекордным отметкам, установленным в 2000—2002 гг. Подобные уверенные финансовые показатели свидетельствуют в пользу эффективной структуры построения бизнеса Samsung Electronics. Высокая зависимость бизнеса от сегментов динамической оперативной памяти и мобильных телефонов была смягчена, и в данный момент продукция компании более адекватно и равномерно представлена иными ключевыми бизнес-направлениями, такими, как ЖК-мониторы, флэш-память и цифровые телевизоры.

Доходы каждого из четырех основных направлений Samsung Electronics — Device Solution Network (Полупроводники), Telecommunication Network (Информационные технологии и Телекоммуникации), Digital Media Network (Цифровые медиа-технологии) и Digital Appliance Network (Бытовая техника) — увеличились по сравнению с третьим кварталом 2003 г. на 23,3%, 5,4%, 14% и 11,2%, соответственно, составив в итоге 4,95, 3,33, 1,8 и 0,72 млрд долларов США (5,86, 3,94, 2,13 и 0,86 трлн вон) в четвертом квартале. Операционный доход за четвертый квартал составил 1,7 млрд долларов США (2,02 трлн вон) у Device Solution Network, 617 млн долларов США (730 млрд вон) — у Telecommunication Network, 253 млн долларов США (3 млрд вон) — у Digital Media Network, и 676 млн долларов США (80 млрд вон — у Digital Appliance Network.

Особенно выдающиеся результаты наблюдаются у отделов чипов памяти и ЖК-мониторов. Бурный рост спроса на флэш-память обусловил 18-процентное квартальное увеличение дохода отдела памяти, который достиг 2,55 млрд долларов США (3,02 трлн вон). Еще более впечатляющие результаты достигнуты отделом ЖК-мониторов — это 42-процентный рост дохода по сравнению с предыдущим кварталом, выраженный в итоговых 1,65 млрд долларов США (1,96 трлн вон). Комбинированный операционный доход направления Device Solution Network, куда входят отделы памяти, ЖК-мониторов и системных БИС (System LSI), впервые превысил 1,7 млрд долларов США (2,02 трлн вон), увеличившись за четвертый квартал на 49,6%. Операционная маржа составила 34,5%.

Показатели направления Telecommunication Network, в которое входит отдел мобильных телефонов, также заслуживают внимания. Уверенный спрос на высокотехнологичные модели мобильных телефонов с возможностями фотоаппарата и видеокамеры привел к тому, что квартальный доход достиг рекордной отметки в 3,29 млрд долларов США (3,9 трлн вон). Поставки также составили рекодный объем — 16 млн единиц за четвертый квартал. Операционная маржа в 18,5% является доказательством крепких конкурентоспособных позиций мобильных телефонов Samsung.

Ожидается также, что относительно слабые позиции направления Digital Media должны укрепиться вместе с тем, как будет расти спрос на плоскопанельные, цифровые телевизоры и телевизоры высокой четкости.

Рациональная финансовая структура Samsung Electronics позволяет выстраивать агрессивную политику капиталовложений. Ранее на этой неделе компания Samsung Electronics уже объявила о своих планах инвестирования 1,01 млрд долларов США (1,2 трлн вон) в 13-ю линию и дополнительных 2,28 млрд долларов США (2,7 трлн вон) — в 7-е поколение ЖК-линии. Общий объем запланированных на 2004 г. расходов увеличится на 18% по сравнению с 2003 г. и составит 6,7 млрд долларов США (7,92 трлн вон).

With the start of the second millennium, SAMSUNG begins its second century. Humanity must now successfully manage the opportunities and challenges resulting from the new and quickly changing digital paradigm with equally revolutionary changes in the rules it uses to do business. Currently, SAMSUNG Group is undergoing changes in its business structure, management perspective and systems, and corporate culture to meet a global standard. We regard the digital age as having both incalculable potential and risks. It's a time of intense competition-fortunes can be made or lost in the blink of an eye. However, at SAMSUNG, we see challenges as opportunities. Which is one reason we believe that we are perfectly positioned to be one of the world's recognized leaders in digital technology. Our commitment to being "World's Best" has succeeded in securing the number one global market share for thirteen of our products. Our target is nothing less than to have thirty number one "world products" by 2005, adding digital TVs, IMT 2000, and printers to our current world market leaders-semiconductors, TFT-LCDs, monitors and CDMA mobile phones. At the same time, we are making historic advances in research and development of our overall semiconductor line, including flash memory and non-memory, custom semiconductors, and DRAM and SRAM. For example, SAMSUNG Electronics, which has been among the world's top 10 in US patents for four consecutive years, has 13,000 researchers representing a US$ 1.7 billion investment in Research and Development. In the financial market, SAMSUNG is also committed to being the World's Best. SAMSUNG Card has been selected as the "Best Card Company in the New Millennium" by Master Card, the result of securing more than 1 million members within one year through the release of "Aha Loan Pass," the first loan-only card in Korea. Euromoney has also selected SAMSUNG Securities as the "Best Security Company" for the 3rd consecutive year. And SAMSUNG Life Insurance has ranked as 10th largest company by Fortune's "Global 500" in the Life/Health insurance category. We are also actively promoting our brand value, a key engine of business growth. SAMSUNG's brand value increased to US$8.31 billion in 2002 from US$6.37 billion in 2001 and was recognized by Interbrand Corporation as the fastest growing global brand. How did we make such astounding progress in such a short time? One answer is that we are perpetually engaged in achieving global competitiveness through continually improving our financial structure and profitability and looking at the structure of our organization. Reducing production costs and working hard to maintain our brand image have also contributed mightily to our surge. Accordingly, SAMSUNG Electronics has secured a nation's credit rating from S&P and Moody's while SAMSUNG Fire also has been recognized by S&P for its stability and growth potential and has received its second consecutive A rating. Another clue to the quick pace of our development goes to the heart of our management philosophy "We will devote our human resources and technology to create superior products and services, thereby contributing to a better global society." Our active participation in various sports events around has helped promote community spirit as well as returning corporate profits to society. As a Worldwide Olympic partner in the wireless equipment sector for the 2000 Sydney Olympics, SAMSUNG provided 25,000 advanced digital wireless telecommunication devices including mobile phones. We also have served in that capacity at the 1999 Nagano Winter Olympics, and will be a Worldwide Olympic Partner in the 2006 Torino Olympics and 2008 Beijing Olympics. We actively participate as a contributor in the Asian Games, SAMSUNG Nations Cup Riding Competition, SAMSUNG Running Festival, SAMSUNG World Championship (a U.S. LPGA Tour), and many other sporting events around the world. In 2000, SAMSUNG started its management program with a new twist and aimed to stay ahead of the great waves of digital changes now engulfing the world. We expect nothing less than to lead the digitalization of society with our advanced technologies, competitive products, and professional human resources.

Chief Executive Officer Jing-Wan Kim, CEO and President

No. of Employees 6,940

2001 Net Sales U.S.Dollar 3,100 million

Telephone No. +82-2-3458-7000

Facsimile No. +82-2-3458-7100

Address SAMSUNG Yeoksam Building, 647-9, Yeoksam-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul 135-080, Korea

Major Products Commercial Ships, Industrial Ships & Offshore facility, Cruiser&Ferries Integrated navigation systems, Steel Structure & Bridge, Material Handling Equip, Bulk Material Handling Sys. Engineering and Construction

SAMSUNG Electronics Releases 4Q Earnings

- Record-breaking revenue and operating income - Quarterly operating income exceeds 2 billion US dollars for the first time.

SEOUL, Korea – January 15 th , 2003 : Samsung Electronics has announced its revenue and income results for the fourth quarter. Revenue reached 12.89 trillion won, while operating income and net income were 2.63 and 1.86 trillion won, respectively, for the quarter. Revenue and operating income for the fourth quarter were both new records. Revenue was up 14.4% from the previous quarter, and operating income increased 20.8% from the previous record, set in the third quarter of 2000. Quarter on quarter, operating income and the net income increased by 27.9 and 1.1 percent, respectively. The figures also represent significantly improved year-on-year performance. Operating income surged a whopping 63.4 percent from the fourth quarter of 2002, while revenue and net income also improved by 21.7 and 24 percent year on year. The fiscal year 2003 totals were 43.58 trillion won in revenue, 7.19 trillion won in operating income and 5.96 trillion won in net income. Along with the record-breaking revenue, operating income and net income were outstanding, with both approaching records set in 2000 and 2002. This robust financial performance demonstrates Samsung Electronics' efficient business structure. High dependency on DRAMs and mobile handsets has been mitigated, as the product portfolio is now more evenly spread over other key business areas such as TFT-LCDs, flash memory, and digital TVs. Revenues for each of Samsung Electronics' four main business units—the Device Solution (DS) Network, Telecommunication (TN) Network, Digital Media (DM) Network, and Digital Appliance Network—all increased quarter on quarter by 23.3%, 5.4%, 14%, and 11.2%, respectively, to total 5.86, 3.94, 2.13 and 0.86 trillion won in the fourth quarter. Fourth quarter operating income was 2.02 trillion for DS, 730 billion for TN, 3 billion for DM, and - 80 billion won for DA. The memory and TFT-LCD divisions turned in particularly notable performances. Explosive growth in flash memory demand fueled a 18% quarterly increase in revenue for the Memory Division to reach 3.02 trillion won. The performance for the TFT-LCD division was even more impressive with a 42% quarter-on-quarter growth in revenue to total 1.96 trillion won. The combined operating income for the Device Solution Network business, which includes the Memory, TFT-LCD, and System LSI Divisions, exceeded 2.02 trillion won for the first time, grew by 49.6 quarter on quarter. The operating margin was at 34.5 percent. The performance of the Telecommunication Network Business, which includes the Mobile Phone Division, also deserves attention. Robust demand for high-end handsets with camera and camcorder capabilities drove revenue to a new quarterly record of 3.9 trillion won. The number of units shipped in the fourth quarter, 16 million, was also a new record. An operating margin of 18.5% confirms the sustained competitiveness of Samsung handsets. The relatively weak performance of the Digital Media business is expected to improve as demand for flat-panel, high-definition, and digital TVs starts to gain momentum. Samsung Electronics' sound financial structure allowed aggressive capital spending plans. Earlier this week, Samsung Electronics announced the plans to invest 1.2 trillion won in the 13th line, and additional 2.7 trillion won in the 7 th generation TFT-LCD line. The overall capital expenditure plan for the 2004 will increase by 18% from 2003, reaching 7.92 trillion won. About Samsung Electronics Samsung Electronics Co. , Ltd. is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, and digital convergence technology. Samsung Electronics employs approximately 75 ,000 people in 8 7 offices in 4 5 countries. The company is the world's largest producer of memory chips, TFT-LCDs, CDMA mobile phones, monitors and VCRs. Samsung Electronics consists of four main business units: Digital Media Network, Device Solution Network, Telecommunication Network and Digital Appliance Network Businesses. For more information, please visit

Mission and Vision 4 Strategic Business Areas Early establishment of ε-Process

Brand Value Market Oriented Enterprise

Mission and Vision

Vision of SAMSUNG Electronics is "Leading the Digital Convergence Revolution" and our mission to carry out this vision is "Digital-ε Company.

There are two parts of being a "Digital-ε Company", and the first is clearly about

being "Digital" producing not just digital products, but products that inspire digital

integration across our entire company. The second part of being a "ε" is to use ε-

Processes connecting R&D, production, and marketing to customers, partners, and

the market-disciplined approach is the way we bring value to every part of our

supply chain, including products data to and customer relationship through

Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP).

SAMSUNG Electronics will network core components such as memory chips, system-LSI and LCDs as well as A/V, computers, telecommunication devices, home appliances and other stand-alone products into a total solution of digital convergence era.

For this goal, SAMSUNG Electronics restructured into 4 strategic business areas - Home Network, Mobile Network, Office Network and Core components - that support network products. Also, we have pioneering products and technology in semiconductors, telecommunication devices and home appliances field, which will make SAMSUNG Electronics a most competitive total solution provider in digital convergence era.

4 Strategic business areas

SAMSUNG Electronics will strengthen its already strong core components business such as memory chips and TFT-LCDs, and be focus on high valued products such as system LSI, small & mid-size LCDs, and optical components. Also in future, based on even SOC (System On a Chip) and SOP (System On a Panel) that are main parts of all machinery industry, we will focus on three network business areas.

First of all, our Home Network business is centered on digital TV and home server and home gateway business. Secondly, Mobile Network business is based on wireless handsets and we will expand this business into PDAs and laptops as well as setting up the next generation telecommunications, IMT-2000 system. Thirdly, in Office Network business, we will focus on printers, IP Terminal, infomobile as well as existing display area.

SAMSUNG Electronics has 9 tier 1 products in the global electronics market. Addition to this tier 1 products, - memory chips, TFT-LCDs, CDMA handsets, and display devices and so on- we will expand digital TVs, IMT-2000, computer peripherals, and Home Appliances as our new tier 1 products to strengthen 4 strategic business areas and setup firm foundation for future growth. Also, we will also focus on core components such as SOC, SOP and so on that are essential for network products based on core R&D technology and ε-Process.

No. 1 In The World

Early establishment of ε-Process

To reduce leading time on supply chain SAMSUNG electronics networked 4 processes of Business management process, customer management process, R&D management process, and supply chain management process. It is ε-Process that connects R&D, production, marketing and customers, mainly concerns customers and market. Also, as we acknowledge need of IT infrastructure to speed up 4 processes, we adopted ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) system in domestic and overseas subsidiaries.

SAMSUNG Electronics will converge and network SCM (Supply Chain Management), PDM (Product Data Management), and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system and set up global real-time management information system.

Internet Based IT Infrastructure

Brand Value

In digital era, products will be distinguished by its brand more than by its functions or by its quality. Since 1999 SAMSUNG Electronics is practicing global brand communication strategy. Based on the research done by Interbrand INC., USA, SAMSUNG Electronics is the fastest growing brand from 6.4billion USD (2001) to 8.3billion USD(2002) in Brand equity.

In the future, SAMSUNG Electronics will practice holistic marketing strategy instead of individual marketing plans to strengthen its market power and increase brand value with high quality products. Under the brand concept of "Wow, Simple, Inclusive", SAMSUNG Electronics is launching a worldwide brand campaign.

Market oriented Enterprise

SAMSUNG Electronics provides unique solution that fits customers' needs. For this, we will expand marketing platform based on global CRM (Customer Relationship Management) that is applicable to all products. Also we will develop a digital network platform that improves compatibility between products to serve our customers with the best solution. SAMSUNG Electronics is and will put our customers need first and practice a market-driven company to become a more reliable company.
