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ДЕЛОВЫЕ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ (Кардович, Ивакина, Сумароко...doc
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Practice 11

Complete the following sentences using necessary prepositions

  1. The solution …. this weeks puzzle will be published …. next week’s magazine.

  2. It’s alright, I don’t need a calculator, I can work it … … my head.

  3. You should take extra care …. you dict, or better still, give … smoking.

  4. Alan will take you … a hotel and arrange … your accommodation there.

  5. As a charity, we provide food and shelter … people …need regardless … the reasons … their need.

  6. Many famous pop stars were involved … the recording … the song “We are the world”, to raise money … Ethiopia.

  7. The despute was settled … a way that was acceptable … both sides.

  8. The proposal is … negotiations.

  9. What are they negotiating … them …?

  10. Your computer will only respond … commands given … the correct sequence.

Practice 12

Insert missing words. Use your active vocabulary.

  1. The author’s … in writing this book was to draw attention to the problem of the Maoris in New Zealand.

  2. Anyone who wants to … fluency in a foreign language should buy this dictionary.

  3. Everyone pays the same rate of tax,… whether they are married or singh.

  4. We are prepared to lose money on this …, it’s in our long – term interest.

  5. The offer is …, so feel free to suggest changes.

  6. It took 2 years of… to end the war.

  7. The dance is basically a … of steps repeated over ond over again.

Practice 13

Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Его банкротство было результатом нескольких необдуманных коммерческих предприятий.

  2. Они заключили сделку, что будут держаться вместе независимо от обстоятельств.

  3. Возможно стоит дать объявление в местную газету.

  4. После переговоров, продолжавшихся почти весь день, нам удалось достичь удовлетворительного соглашения.

  5. Он попробовал начать собственное дело, он бросил его в 1980 году, когда понял, что был близок к финансовому краху.

  6. Хороший менеджер постарается вовлечь всех в процесс принятия решений.

  7. Настоящий профессионал может работать со всяким клиентом, независимо от его возраста, расы и цвета кожи.

  8. Организация здравоохранения – важный вопрос в избирательной кампании правительства.

  9. Последовательность событий, ведущих к войне, очень интересна с исторической точки зрения.

  10. 62 процента людей, страдающих сердечными заболеваниями, участвовали в обследовании.

  11. Его можно убедить пересмотреть его решение?

  12. Эта работа будет сделана по частям.

  13. Ей удается переговорный процесс, она знает как идти на компромисс.

  14. Давайте заключим сделку. Я расскажу вам то, что вы хотите знать при условии, что вы никому об этом не расскажите.

  15. Оснащение отеля было великолепным: теннисный корт, плавательный бассейн, несколько баров и хороший ресторан.

Unit 2 Cultural Differences Affecting Negotiations

Americans have а negotiation style that often differs from that of many other countries. Americans believe that it is important to be factual and objective. In addition, they оften make early concessions to show the other party that they are flexible and reasonable. Moreover, U.S. negotiators typically have authority to bind their party to an agreement, so if the right deal is struck the matter can be resolved quickly. This is why deadlines are so important to Americans. They have соmе to do business, and they want to get things resolved immediately.

А comparative example would bе the Arabs, who, in contrast to the logical approach of the Americans, tend to use an emotional appeal in their negotiation style. They analyze things subjectively and treat deadlines as only general guidelines for wrapping up negotiations. They tend to open negotiations with an extreme initial position. However, the Arabs believe strongly in making concessions, they do so throughout the bargaining process, and they almost always reciprocate an opponent's concessions. They also seek to build а long-term relationship with their bargaining partners. For these reasons, Americans typically find it easier to negotiate with Arabs than with representatives from many other regions of the world.

Before beginning аnу negotiations, review the negotiating style of the parties. (Table 4-3 provides some insights regarding negotiation styles of the Japanese and North and South Americans.) This review should help answer certain questions: What can we expect the other side to say and do? How are they likely to respond to certain offers? When should the most important matters be introduced? How quickly should concessions bе made, and what type of rесiрrосitу should be expected? These types of questions help to effectively prepare the negotiators.



North American

South American

Emotional sensitivity highly valued

Emotional sensitivity not highly valued

Emotional sensitivity valued

Hiding of emotions

Dealing straightforwardly or impersonally

Emotionally passionate

Subtle power plays; conciliation

Litigation not as much as conciliation

Great power plays; use of weakness

Loyalty to employer; employer takes care of its employees

Lack of commitment to employer; breaking of ties by either if necessary

Loyalty to employer (who is often family)

Group decision-making consensus

Teamwork provides input to а decision maker

Decisions come down from one individual

Face-saving crucial; decisions often made on basis of saving someone from embarrassment

Decisions made on а cost-benefit basis; face saving does not always matter

Face saving crucial in decision making to preserve honor, dignity

Decision makers openly influenced by special interests

Decision makers influenced by special interests, which often is not considered ethical

Execution of special interests of decision maker expected, condoned

Not argumentative; quiet when right

Argumentative when right or wrong, but impersonal

Argumentative when right or wrong; passionate

What is down in writing must be accurate, valid

Great importance given to documentation as evidential proof

Impatient with documentation as obstacle to understanding general principles

Step-by-step approach to decision making

Methodically organized decision making

Impulsive, spontaneous decision making

Good of group is the ultimate aim

Profit motive or good of individual ultimate aim

What is good for group is good for the individual

Cultivate а good emotional social setting for decision making; get to know decision makers

Decision making impersonal; avoid involvements, conflict of interest

Personalism necessary for good decision making