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Unit 4.doc
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9 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in bold. The example is given at the very beginning.

I was (0) Iazy browsing through the small ads in


the local newspaper when I saw an

(1) __________________ for a second-hand word


(2) ________ so I decided to give them a ring to get


more (3) ______________. I have a computer but it


doesn’t really have a (4) ________ enough memory


for the project I’m involved in at the moment. In most

(5) ___________ nowadays, it is becoming useful to


be’ computer-literate’ but in my (6) _________ it has


become an absolute (7) ________. I must admit I do


not get much (8) ___________ out of sitting sitting in


front of a computer screen for hours, but I don’t

stand chance of (9) ___________ without computer


skills. So I made an (10) _____________ to see my


bargain computer the next day.

10 Discuss the following questions with your partner.

  1. Do you have your own site in Internet? Would you like to have it?

  2. Is it a fashionable tendency to have your own Internet site? Why?

  3. Have you ever entered your friend’s personal Internet site? Was it sent by e-mail? Was this site interesting or not? Why?

  4. How would you like to make you personal Internet site? How would you send it?

  5. Do you believe making personal Internet site to be a kind of entertainment?

  6. How do you treat advertising by e-mail?

  7. Is sending uninteresting personal Internet sites by e-mail the same thing as sending advertisements?

  8. Can you explain the word “spam”?

11 Here are some sentences about computer and Internet. For each question, finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. The second sentence is partly written for you. Write only the missing words.

Example: Dave and Jane have played an Internet game together.

Dave has played an Internet game with Jane.


I listened to the songs online. I found some sites with the texts for Italian songs.

_________________________to the songs online I found some sites with the texts for Italian songs.


He tried to use searching program. She called her friend who gave the exact name of the site.

______________________________to use searching program she had called her friend who gave the exact name of the site.


I played computer games three years. You learned their names later.

I played computer games for three years ________________________

_______________________ their names.


You worked as a computer administrator in the local club. He organized Internet Company to this time.

___________________ just _____________________ in the local club and he had organized Internet Company.


Diana ordered dinner for us. We enjoyed that cool Internet game after it.

Before we enjoyed that cool Internet game _______________________

___________________ dinner for us.


I made musical list. George switched on the online radio.

_______________________musical list in George switched on the online radio.


Rose played computer games. Roger found her old computer magazines at the time.

_______________________ computer games Roger found her old computer magazines.


Sandy graduated from school. He didn’t change his mind to become an Internet gamer after it.

Sandy didn’t change his mind to become an Internet gamer __________

________________________ from school.


The game-maker patented a huge number of games. He travelled around the world at the time.

The game-maker patented a huge number of games ______________

_____________________ around the world.


The number of gamers grew. The game-makers worked at the absolutely new Internet game series at the time.

The number of gamers grew __________________________________

_________________ at the absolutely new Internet game series.

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