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I. Scan the text for answers to the following questions indicate the paragraph where the information is found.

1. What document is the operation of the US government based on?

2. How are the powers of government distributed between the federal government and the state governments?

3. What are the three branches of the national government?

4. What is the system of "checks and balances"? How is it exercised?

5. In what way does the legislature exercise a check on the executive branch?

6. What limits the powers of the national and state governments?

7. What is known as the Bill of Rights?

8. What is the procedure for introducing an amendment to the Constitution?

9. What are the duties of the president?

10. What is the "impeachment procedure"?

11. How can the work of the executive branch of the federal government be described?

12. What are the functions of the Senate and the House of Representatives?

13. How is the procedure of passing a law organized?

14. Under what circumstances does a bill become law?

15. How does the Supreme Court function?

16. What is "judicial review"?

17. What crimes are called "civil"?

18. What is the structure of the state government?

II. Determine the main idea and supporting details of paragraphs 2, 14, 26. Write them out in columns.

III. Identify the sentences which are generalizations and translate them into Russian.


1. Explain the meaning of the words and word combinations in italics from toe context.

1. Certain powers are given to each of the branches, but these powers overlap... This arrangement is known as the system of checks and balances.

2. ...the legislature must authorize money that is used to pay for programs... which arc administered by the executive branch.

3. ...amendments ... guarantee to all citizens... certain legal procedures and rights.

4. ...who are not entitled to vote.

5. The committee ... holds hearings on it.

6. Then the vote is taken.

7. ...if two thirds of each house of Congress then vote for it ... thus overriding... the president's veto.

8. The president may also use the "pocket veto" by withholding his signature within ten days of congressional adjournment.

9. ...hearings drew wide-spread attention.

10. All lower courts follow the rulings of the Supreme Court.

11. Federal Courts have the power to rule on both criminal and civil cases.

12.... cases involving environmental and consumer law have been gaining importance.

13. The often ambiguous line between state and federal authority has resulted in recurring conflicts.

14. ...the legislature exercises an important check on the executive branch.

II. Look op the following words hi an English-English dictionary and write oat the principal meaning and derivative.

1. overlap v; 2. legislature n, 3. override v; 4. rule (on a case) v 5. ambiguous adj

III. Find in the text the English phrases corresponding to the Mowing Russian phrases.

1. принять конституцию; 2. исполнительная власть; 3. законодательная власть; 4. судебная власть; 5. осуществлять власть; 6 система контроля и сдерживания; 7. осуществлять контроль над какой-л. ветвью власти; 8. гражданские права (свободы); 9 гарантировать правовые процедуры и гражданские права; 10. вести переговоры о заключении договора; 11. назначать глав ведомств; 12 командовать вооруженными силами; 13 выбирать президента и вице-президента на общенациональных выборах; 14 снимать с поста; 15 иметь право голоса; 16 открытое голосование; 17 поименное голосование; 18 найти компромисс; 19 наложить запрет (вето) на закон; 20. пересмотр (судом) принятого решения; 21. дело о государственной измене; 22. дело о подделке документов; 23. нанести ущерб чьей-л. собственности; 24. нарушить контракт; 25. сделать клеветническое заявление; 26. находиться в ведении законодательства штата; 27 проводить слушания; 28 урегулировать разногласия; 29 провести голосование; 30 партийное руководство; 31 оплатить ущерб

to pass a constitution -

to exercise power –

the legislative branch -

the judicial branch -

a system of checks and balances -

to put a treaty into effect –

to administer a program –

to exercise a check on some branch –

civil liberties –

to guarantee legal procedures and rights –

to negotiate a treaty -

to appoint government heads –

to command the armed forces –

to choose in a nation-wide election –

to remove from office -

to be entitled to vote –

a party caucus –

a roll-call vote -

to adjust differences –

to veto a law –

congressional adjournment -

to draw widespread attention –

judicial review –

to hold hearings –

to take a vote –

a voice vote –

a case of treason -

a case of counterfeiting -

to damage property -

to violate a contract –

to make a libelous statement –

to pay damages –

to come under federal (state) jurisdiction

recurring conflicts –

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