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Англійська мова

Методичні вказівки для студентів ІІІ курсу спеціальності

Технології та конструювання виробів із шкіри


Англійська мова: Методичні вказівки для студентів ІІІ курсу спеціальності “Технології та конструювання виробів із шкіри” / Упор.: М. В. Рогачова, А. В. Спіжова. – К.: КНУТД, 2009. – 61 с. Англ. мовою

Упорядники: М. В. Рогачова, доцент

А. В. Спіжова, ст.. викладач

Відповідальний за випуск: зав. кафедрою іноземних мов ф-ту ТЛП, к.ф.н.,

доцент Т. В. Барамикова

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов факультету ТЛП

Протокол № 10 від 4 травня 2009 р.

Unit 1 history of footwear text a

  1. Read and remember the words and their translation:

  1. footwear – взуття

  2. rawhide – недублена шкіра

  3. thong – ремінь

  4. craftsmanship – майстерність

  5. cobbler – швець, чоботар

  6. strap – ремінець

  7. moccasin – мокасин

  8. duckbill shoes – качконосі туфлі

  9. stiletto heel – тонкий каблук

  10. tapering – звужений

  1. Read and remember the following phrases:

  1. an article of prestige – престижна річ

  2. plaited grass – плетена трава

  3. to provide protection – забезпечувати захист

  4. winged sandals –сандалі з крилами

  5. staring role – головна роль

  6. intricate decoration – вигадливе оздоблення

  7. distinctive seam –характерний (особливий) шов

  8. to give protection to the foot – захистити ступню

  9. requirements of fashion – потреби моди

  10. to make walking easy – полегшувати ходу

  1. Read and translate the following text: history of footwear

Footwear has a history which goes back to many thousands of years, and has long been an article of prestige. The earliest footwear probably made of plaited grass or rawhide held to the foot with thongs undoubtedly born of the necessity to provide some protection when moving over rough terrain in varying weather conditions, and there still exist examples of footwear from ancient civilization, such as the Egyptians, Chinese and Vikings. Soon, however, the rich and influential began distinguishing themselves by the craftsmanship and decoration which characterized their shoes.

Throughout the history footwear has figured widely in mythology, folk stories and superstition. The Greek god Mercury wore winged sandals, and there are very few Europeans who do not remember childhood tales of Puss in Boots, the Seven League Boots, Cinderella and the Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe, and most cultures have stories where shoes play a starring role. The cobbler has always been a romantic figure, and even today it is traditional to tie a boot or a shoe to the back of the newlyweds’ car as good luck token.

In ancient times, as today, the basic type of shoe worn depended on the climate. In warmer areas, the sandal was, and still is the most popular form of footwear. It varied from the primitive form worn thousands of years before Christ, to beautifully finished versions with many straps and intricate decoration. The modern moccasin derives from the original shoe adopted in cold climates by races as North American Indians, Eskimos, Laplanders and Siberian tribesmen. The distinctive seam on the upper of modern moccasin is all that remains, however, of the puckering string that was gathered and tied about the ankles to give all over protection to the foot.

Shoes have not always served such a purely functional purpose, however, and the requirements of fashion have dictated some curious designs, not all of which made walking easy. The “cracowes” of mediaeval time, famous for their long tapering points, eventually became so long and tapering as to make walking impossible, and their successors, the duckbill shots the 16th and 17th centuries were so wide and flat that they also created severe problems. Neither did the mediaeval period have the monopoly of impractical fashion shoes. In our own times the stiletto heel became so high and narrow that it not only made walking difficult and risky, but also damaged floors and carpets, while the “platform” fashion of the 1970’s gave us soles several inches thick.

Specialized footwear for specific purposes was not known until comparatively recent times, this being particularly true of the military, where footwear was given little or no consideration until the 17th century.