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UNIT 1-4.doc
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II. Match:

делать выбор (1) gut feeing (a)

брать на себя ответственность (2) trust instincts (b)

когда что-нибудь не ладится (3) predict the future (c)

передумать (4) make a choice (d)

аргументы «за» и «против» (5) take responsibility (e)

внутренний голос (6) when things go wrong (f)

предсказывать будущее (7) change one’s mind (g)

полагаться на интуицию (8) affect smth.(h)

влиять на (9) pros and cons (i)

III. Fill in prepositions if necessary:

to have something _1_ lunch; to invite someone _2_ lunch; to choose _3 the red or the black jacket; to make _4_ one’s mind; the difference _5 a tuna or chicken sandwich; a long-term impact _6_ your life; to turn _7_ to be a nightmare; to congratulate someone 8_ his/her birthday; trust _9_ your friends; rely_10_ friends; to be keen __11_ something.


Exercise 1

  1. to make choice

  2. to take responsibility for something

  3. when things go wrong

  4. to change one’s mind

  5. pros and cons

  6. the bigger the decision, the bigger the potential mistake

  7. to waste money

  8. nightmare

  9. gut feeling(s)

  10. to predict the future

  11. trust your instincts (intuition)

  12. to drive someone mad

  13. to set a time limit (a deadline) and stick to it

  14. the sooner you make a decision, the better

  15. a destination

Exercise 2.

  1. to make up one’s mind

  2. to dither

  3. an impact

  4. to affect

  5. sensible

  6. an adult

  7. the consequence

  8. financial mess

  9. to fall to bits

  10. to command respect

  11. another option

  12. to alter

  13. to get an opportunity

Exercise 4.

to have something for lunch; to invite someone to lunch; to choose between the red or the black jacket; to make up one’s mind; the difference between a tuna or chicken sandwich; a long-term impact on your life; to turn out to be a nightmare; to congratulate someone on (upon) his/her birthday; trust your friends; rely on your friends; to stick to something; to be keen on something

Exercise 6.

    1. B

    2. D

    3. F

    4. A

    5. G

  1. E

Keys to revision test n 1:

    1. 1-b, 2-a, 3- b, 4-c, 5-a 6-b, 7-c, 8-c, 9-c, 10-a, 11-b, 12-b, 13-a, 14-a, 15-c, 16-c, 17-a, 18-c, 19-a, 20-a, b

II. 1-d, 2-e, 3-f, 4-g, 5-I, 6-a, 7-c, 8-b, 9-h.

III. 1-for, 2-to, 3-between, 4-up, 5-between, 6-on, 7-out, 8-on, 9- - 10-on, 11-on

Transcript n 1 performance appraisal

Derrick works for Trans Am., a large airline in the USA. He’s just applied for the job of operations manager, an important administrative position in the company and hopes to go before a Selection Board shortly. His immediate boss Robert supports his application. However the airlines personnel director Inn has other ideas. Listen to the following conversation between Robert and Inn.

Robert: I’ve come to see you Inn because I’ve heard something that surprised me. It’s about Derrick, you probably know that.

Inn: Yes, I was expecting to hear from you. You are wondering why I want his name to be taken off the short list.

Robert: Yes, I am.

Inn: It’s simple. He’s not the man for the job. If you are going to run our operations at any airport, I don’t care whether it’s New York, Tokyo or wherever you’ve got to have all the right qualities: intelligence, the sense of responsibility, and the ability to keep calm in a crisis. Derrick is not our man.

Robert: Derrick not intelligent? Come on! You’re putting me on!

Inn: O.k., so he’s a smart guy I admit that, but…

Robert: But what? What have you got against him? I’ve worked with him for three years now, he’s a really good administrator, he handles passengers superbly. Everyone likes him.

Inn: O.k., so he’s charming and intelligent. But is he reliable, will he keep his head in a crises?

Robert: Yes, he will. Do you know something I don’t?

Inn: Let’s look at some facts. What about his breakdown? It was pretty serious if you remember.

Robert: Oh! He had that breakdown years ago. He was only twenty then.

Inn: Yes, but let’s face that it was serious. They thought of the schizophrenia for a while

Robert: It wasn’t schizophrenia; it was a simple problem, some sort of chemical imbalance in the brain. He still has to take tablets but he’s fine now.

Inn: You reckon? I’d say he’s emotional, moody, up one minute, down the next…

Robert: It’s crab! Why don’t you like the man? Is it something personal?

Inn: Now hold on!

Robert: Oh, I’m sorry! I take that back.

Inn: It’s not really the breakdown; it’s Turkey that bothers me. Remember, back in eighty-one?

Robert: Turkey, eighty-one? I was in West Africa then.

Inn: Ah, let me tell you about it. Derrick had a car accident while he was on holiday there, crashed into someone else, driving too fast on a narrow road.

Robert: Ah, could happen to anyone.

Inn: Right, but you see, he panicked, turned off his lights and left the scene of the accident as some of the people in the other car were badly injured.

Robert: Oh!

Inn: The police caught up with him in the end. He spent over two months in jail. I’ve got a file full of correspondence about the accident. We had a hell of a job getting him out of Turkey.

Robert: I…I didn’t know about this. I’ve heard he had some sort of accident. I didn’t realize it was so serious.

Inn: Rather. I understand your position, believe me. I know Derrick’s done a splendid job for you and I also know you are very friendly with his father.

Robert: Oh, it’s got nothing to do with it. His father has been a director.

Inn: Of course not. I’m telling you now my considered opinion is that Derrick’s not right for the job. If I get my way, he won’t go before the Board.

Robert: O.k., I understand now. I’m not going to argue that case any longer after what you have told me.

Robert: Good. I thought you might see it my way once you know all the facts.

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