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для студентов 2 –АФ курса.

Составитель: Матвеева Л.В.

г.Ялта, 2009


Данная методическая разработка предназначена для студентов 2 курса языковых специальностей, начинающих изучать дисциплину «Теоретическая фонетика».

Предметом данного теоретического курса является фонетический строй современного английского языка.

В курсе преподавания изучаются следующие темы, охватывающие объем материала, необходимого для знакомства с фонетической структурой английского языка: Фонетика и ее аспекты. Понятие о фонеме. Структура слогообразования и ударений в английском языке. Просодия, как комплекс фонетических элементов.

Основные интонационные образцы и их семантические функции. Понятие о фоностилистике.

Основными задачами курса является ознакомление студентов с ролью и достижениями отечественных и зарубежных языковедов в развитии фонетической науки и ее проблем; с некоторыми

современными методами фонологического анализа, а также с применением теоретических положений курса с практикой преподавания английского языка.

В разделе: «Фонетическая система английского языка» приводится сравнительный анализ систем украинских и английских согласных и гласных фонем.

Учитывая, что количество аудиторных часов, выделенных на изучение предмета, ограничено учебным планом, в содержание данного пособия входят:

1. Краткий курс лекций по фонологии, с вопросами для самопроверки;

2. Словарь-глоссарий с пояснением основных терминов по курсу фонологии;

3. Схема фонетического анализа предложения;

4. Схема краткого фоностилистического анализа текста;

5. Задания для самостоятельной работы по фонетическому и фоностилистическому анализу текста;

6. Список вопросов к экзамену по фонологии;

7. Аудиоприложение с записями для фонетического и фоностилистического анализа.

Таким образом, пользуясь данной методической разработкой, студент может самостоятельно проработать пропущенные темы; проверить степень усвоения материала, ответив на вопросы, приведенные после лекций для самопроверки;

воспользовавшись схемой краткого фоностилистического анализа и аудиозаписями, проанализировать отрывки текстов разного стиля.


Phonetic structure of English is rather a vast area of study. The purpose of its reference guide is to describe the system of phonetic functional units and their use in the process of social communication.


  1. Lecture 1. Introduction.

Phonetics as a part of Linguistics. Phonetics and its branches.

Phonetics and a speech sound. Human speech and its stages.

Language and speech. The theoretical and practical aspects of


  1. Lecture 2. The Functional Aspect of Speech Sounds.

The Phoneme.

The notion of the phoneme. The phoneme and its main aspects.

Relationship between the phoneme and its allophones.

The main trends in phoneme theory.

  1. Lecture 3. Methods of Phonological Analysis.

The three parts of phonology as corresponding to the three levels

of linguistic analysis. The distributional method in phonology. The

semantic method in phonology. Notation. Phonetic transcription.

  1. Lecture 4. The System of English Phonemes.

The English phonemic system. The consonant phonemes in the

English, Ukrainian and Russian languages. The vowel phonemes

in English, Ukrainian and Russian.

  1. Lecture 5. Syllabic and Accentual Structures of English Words.

Syllable and its functions. Syllable formation and syllable division.

Accentual structure in English. Accentual tendencies in English.

  1. Lecture 6. Suprasegmental Phonology.

Intonation and prosody. Structure and functions. The structural

elements of prosody. Intonation patterns. Fundamental intonation

patterns and their use.

7. Lecture 7. Phonostylistics and its Problems.

Phonostylistics and its development. Extralinguistic situation and its

main constituents. The problem of classification of phonetic styles.

  1. Lecture 8. Classification of Phonetic Styles.

Conversational style. Academic style. Publicistic style. Declamatory

style. Informational style.

9. Appendix 1. Plan of Phonetic Analysis of a Sentence.

10. Appendix 2. Plan of Phonostylistic Analysis.

11. Appendix 3. Glossary of Phonetic Terms.

12. Appendix 4. Tapescripts.

13. References and Works Quoted from.



Lecture 1.


1. Phonetics as a part of Linguistics.

2. Phonetics and its branches.

3. Phonetics and a speech sound. Human speech and its stages.

4. Language and speech.

5. The theoretical and practical aspects of Phonetics.

1. Phonetics as a part of Linguistics.

Linguistics as a science of language consists of many disciplines, each of which takes as an object of its analysis only one particular aspect of language or one level of its structure.

The theoretical course of English usually consists of phonetics, lexicology, grammar and stylistics. All the branches of phonetics are closely connected with each other as well as with such branches of linguistics as lexicology, grammar and stylistics.

The connection of phonetics with grammar, lexicology and stylistics is exercised first of all via orthography, which in its turn is very closely connected with phonetics.

A theoretical course of phonetics is an integral part of the general course of the theory of language like theoretical courses of grammar, lexicology and stylistics, and it is indispensable for the description and comprehension of linguistic phenomena. The term ‘phonetics’ is of Greek origin (‘phone’ means “sound, voice tone’).

Ancient objects, drawings, and written documents show that voice and speech always fascinated people. Written documents and evidences from ancient civilizations point to the awareness of speech, its origin and abnormalities a long time ago.

In India more than 2000 years ago there flourished a science of phonetics more advanced than any that has since been known until very recent times. The results, embodied in a series of Sanskrit texts, were first introduced to the West only some 80 years ago.

Phonetics as a science began to be seriously developed in the XX-th century. The factors that stimulated its development were as follows:

  1. a more thorough acquaintance with the functioning of the human speaking apparatus;

  2. investigation of the languages that had no alphabets;

  3. compiling alphabets for such languages;

Here are some data connected with the history of phonetics development:

1829 – laryngoscope was invented;

1852 – first observations of the vocal cords were made;

1877 – gramophone was invented;

1886 – International Phonetic Association (IPA) was founded.

2. Phonetics and its branches.

The science of phonetics is concerned only with such sounds of speech which are produced by the human speaking apparatus, they have a set of basic characteristics and are capable of carrying meaningful linguistic information.

Speech sounds can be considered and investigated as a physical phenomenon having its acoustic aspect. The branch of phonetics which studies the way in which the air stream vibrates between the speaker’s mouth and the listener’s ear is called acoustic phonetics.

The branch of phonetics investigating the hearing process is known as auditory phonetics.

The branch which studies speech sounds as units serving the purposes of communication is called phonology.

Besides there are other divisions of phonetics.

General phonetics deals with analysis, description and comparison of phonetic phenomena in different languages.

Descriptive phonetics studies the contemporary phonetic system of a language, i.e. the system of pronunciation, and gives a description of all the phonetic units of this language.

Historical phonetics is the branch of phonetics, which studies phonetic components on the diachronic level; it is a part of the history of a language, which studies the history of the development of the phonetic laws.

Comparative phonetics, which is closely connected with historical phonetics, deals with correlation between the phonetic system of two or more languages.

Phonology – is the branch of phonetics that studies the linguistic function of consonant and vowel sounds, syllabic structure, word accent and prosodic features, such as pitch, stress and tempo..

Dialectology – the branch of phonetics which studies the dialectal differences in pronunciation.

Phonotactics studies patterns of combinability of speech sounds and frequency of their occurrence. The knowledge of phonotactics possibilities also shows us how this system works, where we have opportunities or taboos. This can be important if you want to lessen or minimize your foreign accent. E.g.: the sounds [t, n] are the most frequently used consonants in English as well as the consonant clusters: mbl, ndl. Consequently, a teacher should introduce these sounds first.

Phonostylistics is the study of phonetic phenomena from the stylistic point of view. It deals with the main phonetic peculiarities of existing intonation styles, which are displayed in a variety of texts generated in everyday communication of a modern man.

3. Phonetics and a speech sound. Human speech and its stages.

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics which studies speech sounds (phonemes), word-stress and intonation. Phonetics studies the articulation and acoustic qualities of speech sounds, the physical characterist6ics and sound perception of stress and intonation, the lexical and grammatical role of phonemes, word-stress and intonation.

A speech sound is an element of a speech sequence which is formed with the help of our speech apparatus and can be distinguished from any other sequence. A sound only becomes a speech one if it has a certain set of basic characteristic features that make this sound identifiable and recognizable in a speech flow despite various changes which it can undergo under the influence of its neighbors. E.g. In the word ”brother” – “b-r-o-t-h-e-r” we can identify the sound [b] because it has some characteristic features: bilabial, voiced, plosive.

Unlike any other sound, a speech sound, if not taken separately, can form meaningful combinations like morphemes, roots, endings etc.

A sound of speech has three aspects:

1. physiological (articulatory) aspect. We have a certain mechanism producing speech sounds. It is called organs of speech. The way the organs of speech are working to produce a sound is called its articulation.

2. acoustic aspect concerns the physical characteristics of the sound of speech. Every sound of speech produces the airwave which may be investigated by means of an instrumental analysis. To that effect many instruments can be applied, such as oscilographs, sound spectrographs, glottographs, etc.

3. functional aspect regards the sounds of speech from the point of view of how the language uses them to convey the ideas, to fulfill its main function, the function of communication.

Phonetics studies the first two aspects of speech sounds. Phonology studies the last.

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