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Nature of evidence required

Evidence prior to a collision

Evidence recording the daily routine of the vessel will be crucial in determining how and why a collision occurred. This type of evidence will include copies of the vessel’s rough log books. It is imperative, therefore, that all sections of the log book are completed fully and accurately at all times (refer to the introduction of this book). Sounding records are also likely to be important. Working charts and movement books are two items of evidence which have particular relevance in collision investigations.

Working charts

The master should ensure that chart positions are left precisely as plotted and that positions which do not match others are not erased. As a large number of collisions occur under pilotage or in congested waters, the master should also ensure that the general practice of marking the ship’s position on charts during the passage is continued while the vessel is under pilotage. Particular care should be taken to plot the vessel’s location on the chart, for example, by indicating the distances abeam off buoys.

Movement books

The master should ensure that movement books are kept in ink and that any alterations are made in ink, signed, and dated by the person making the alterations. The material deleted should be scored out with a single line leaving the writing underneath legible. The use of correction fluid should not be permitted. The master should also ensure that times are recorded as accurately as possible. Finally, he should ensure that printer outputs from telegraph recorders and the engine room are retained as part of the movement book.

Evidence after a collision

If possible, the master and the crew should collect, record, and preserve as much detail of the collision as they can immediately after an incident. Although a comprehensive list of the items of evidence required from the vessel is provided at the end of this chapter, the type of evidence discussed below is of particular importance. The master should ensure that a note of the following is made:

• The vessel’s position at the time of the incident

Every effort should be made to fix and confirm the position from more than one source.

• The exact time of the collision

The accuracy of the clocks on the bridge and in the engine room as well as the accuracy of automatic recorders such as course recorders, telegraph loggers, and data loggers should be verified. The personal watches of the members of the crew who witnessed the incident should be checked. If a reflective plotter was in use prior to a collision, the crew member operating the plotter should ensure that he has made a note (not on the screen) of any marks he made on the screen with the time they were made.

• The heading of the vessel at the time of the collision

It is important that the course recorder is marked in ink to indicate the time when the vessel collided, although care should be taken not to spoil the trace. If a course recorder is not available, the heading of the vessel should be determined by some other method which also should be recorded.

• An estimate of the angle of blow by or to the other vessel

• An estimate the speed of each of the vessels at the time of the collision

The estimates can be verified at a later date by other data such as photographs and logs.

• Any alterations of course and speed prior to a collision

If possible, this note should be verified by a second person or equipment recording. In addition, the master should ensure that all crew members on the bridge as well as other members of the crew who witnessed the incident, record their account of events which occurred prior to and after the incident. The master should also ensure that any independent witnesses to the incident are identified. He should record the names of all the vessels in the vicinity and attempt to obtain the names and addresses of the operators and duty officers of these vessels by VHF.

Finally, the master should ensure that any scraps of paper which have been disposed of in the waste paper basket on the bridge are retained as these may contain the key as to why and how a collision occurred.

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