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Unsettled - Нерешенный

En- En definition: Something such as a problem or argument that is unsettled has not been dealt with successfully.

Example: Some important issues remained unsettled after the peace talks.

Synonyms: Open, undecided, undetermined, unresolved.

Forceful – Сильный, влиятельный

En- En definition: Confident and good at influencing people.

Example: A forceful personality

Synonyms: Dynamic, effective, emphatic, powerful.

Nevertheless - Всё же, всё-таки, тем не менее

En- En definition: Despite a fact or idea that you have just mentioned:

Example: Alexander II was an obscure but nevertheless interesting Scottish king.

Synonyms: However, still, yet, all the same

Sustained - Непрерывный

En- En definition: Continuing at the same level or rate for a long time

Example: Sustained economic development

Synonyms: Continuous, uninterrupted

Peak – Максимум, высшая точка

En- En definition: The time when someone or something is most successful or powerful

Example: The Ottoman Empire reached its peak in the 15th and 16th centuries.


Pursue - Преследовать

En- En definition: To follow a course of activity

Example: He wants to pursue a career in medicine.

Synonyms: Prosecute, engage, follow

Outline – Набрасывать, делать зарисовку

En- En definition: To give the main ideas of a plan or a piece of writing without giving all the details

Example: The document outlines our company’s recycling policy

Synonyms: Delineate, draw

Wallow – Валяться, барахтаться

En- En definition: To spend a lot of time feeling a negative emotion, especially because you want sympathy from other people

Example: George still seems determined to wallow in self-pity.

Synonyms: Billow, rejoice

Bounce back – Выздоравливать, приходить в норму

En- En definition: To become healthy, happy, or successful again after something bad has happened to you

Example: He’s sad about Sally leaving him, but he’ll bounce back.

Synonyms: Get well, get over

Accommodate - Приспосабливаться

En- En definition: To change your attitudes and behaviour in order to deal with a new situation

Example: Your investment strategy has to be flexible enough to accommodate changes in the market.

Synonyms: Hold, admit

Linkage - Связь

En- En definition: A connection made between two or more things

Example: We haven’t found a linkage between the attacks.


Array - Порядок

En- En definition: A large group of people or things that are related in some way

Example: An impressive array of musical talent

Synonyms: Range

Take charge of – Заботиться

En- En definition: To take control and become responsible for someone or something

Example: It was a great relief when Heather arrived and took charge of the project.

Synonyms: Take care of

Victim - Жертва

En- En definition: Someone who has suffered as a result of the actions or negative attitudes of someone else or of people in general

Example: She believes she is the victim of a media conspiracy to discredit her.

Synonyms: Secrifice

Apparent – Видимый, явный

En- En definition: Easy to see or understand

Example: His apparent lack of interest in her work always annoyed her.

Synonyms: Visible, seeming

Redundancy - Избыток

En- En definition: A situation in which something is not needed, especially because the same thing or a similar thing already exists

Example: Over 500 workers face redundancy if the factory closes.

Synonyms: Surplus, excees

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