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11. Answer the questions about London:

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

2. Is London a big city?

3. What is its population?

4. What river does London stand on?

5. What parts is London divided into?

6. Why is the City called the business centre of London?

7. What places of interest does Westminster include?

8. Who is buried in Westminster Abbey?

9. What is the West End famous for?

10. Why is the central square in London named Trafalgar Square?

11. Where is the National Gallery situated?

12. What do you know about the British Museum?

13. The East End is an industrial area, isn’t it?

14. What is situated in the East End?

12. Here are some places of interest of London.

1) The Houses of Parliament; 2) Oxford Street; 3) the Port of London; 4) the National Gallery; 5) beautiful parks; 6) St.Paul’s Cathedral; 7) district where the cockney live; 8) the Bank of England; 9) Buckingham palace; 10) Westminster Abbey; 11) the Stock Exchange; 12) Trafalgar Square; 13) the British Museum; 14) the Tower.

a) Match their names to appropriate districts of London:

The City Westminster

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The west End The East End

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b) Complete the following sentences and say where the places are situated:

1) There are … in … . 2) … are in … . 3) … are situated in … . 4) One can find … in … . 5) … includes … .

13. Find in the text information about:

a) the historical parts of London;

b) its business centre;

c) its official centre;

d) its richest part;

e) the industrial district of London;

f) places of interest in London;

g) old buildings;

h) royal places;

i) Trafalgar Square and the area around it.

14. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Лондон – самый большой город в Европе. Он простирается почти на 30 миль. 2. Вместе с окраинами он называется «Большой Лондон». 3. Сити – старейшая часть города. Лондон начал расти с этого места. 4. Во время второй мировой войны Сити был сильно разрушен (to be destroyed). 5. Трафальгарская площадь – это место, где происходят различные демонстрации.

6. Картинные галереи Лондона – богатейшие в мире. 7. Сохо (Soho) – район города, где живут люди искусства: художники, артисты, писатели. 8. Британский музей содержит многочисленные древние манускрипты, монеты, скульптуры. 9. Лонlон гордится своими прекрасными мостами через Темзу. Из 15 мостов самыми знаменитыми являются Лондонский мост, Тауэрский и Вестминстерский.

15. Read for more information: Speaking about London

London is the capital of Great Britain. Everybody knows that London is the biggest city in Europe. However, London is one of the oldest cities in Europe, too. The town on the Thames was built by the Romans in the middle of the first century. In our days numerous places of interest in London show a 20century-old history and rich traditions of the city. Let us acquainted with the most important of them a bit closer.

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