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Legal eagles

lawyers, magistrates, solicitors, barristers, judges, coroners, jury, attorneys

1. Read the text, mind the vocabulary.

A lawyer is someone qualified to advise or act in legal cases.

Legal eagle is a slightly humorous expression meaning a lawyer, especially a clever one.

Courts are presided over by judges or, in lower English courts, by magistrates.

In the English system, solicitors represent people and prepare their cases before they reach court; barristers present and argue the cases in court. Solicitors do not represent people in court except magistrate’s courts.

There are a few hundred judges, trained as barristers, who preside in more serious cases. There is no separate training for judges.

Coroners have medical or legal training (or both), and inquire violent or unnatural deaths.

A jury consists of twelve people ("jurors"), who are ordinary people chosen at random from the Electoral Register (the list of people who can vote in elections). The jury listens to the evidence given in court in certain criminal cases and decides whether the defendant is guilty or innocent. If the person is found guilty, the presiding judge passes the punishment. Juries are rarely used in civil cases.

In the American system, attorneys, familiar from a thousand TV and real-life court-room dramas, represent people, prepare cases and present and argue them in court.

Vocabulary notes: lawyer юрист, адвокат, консультант по вопросам права; qualified имеющий квалификацию; advise советовать; act in legal cases выступать в судах; preside the court председательствовать на суде; prepare cases готовить дела; present a case обсуждать дело; argue a case выступать в прениях сторон; judge судья; violent/unnatural death насильственная/неестественная смерть; jury присяжные; Electoral Register список избирателей; evidence показание; criminal case уголовное дело; defendant обвиняемый; guilty виновный; innocent невиновный; pass the punishment объявить наказание; civil case гражданское дело; court-room drama драма, разворачиваемая в зале суда.

2. What did you learn about a) magistrates, b) solicitors, c) barristers, coroners, d) jury, attorneys?

3. Read the following text.

Where Legals Dare

Vocabulary notes: Where Legals Dare «Юристы принимают вызов», LA Лос-Анджелес, courtroom зал судебного заседания, action-packed захватывающий, to be spent проводятся, will завещание, juicy murder изощренное убийство, Bar Council совет барристеров, quick on feet проворный, cream of students лучшие студенты, apply использовать, scores of people много людей, seduced by exciting plots увлеченные захватывающими сюжетами, The Law Society коллегия адвокатов, all-rounder специалист-универсал, litigation судебный процесс, Crown Court Королевский суд.

In the TV series LA Law, courtroom drama is all in a day’s work. The real in England is slightly different. Barristers spend many hours in court, but few cases are action-packed. And a solicitor’s day is more likely to be spent reading out a will than solving a juicy murder.

It’s a fact lost on scores of people who, seduced by LA Law’s exciting plots, write into The Law Society’s careers officer Jenny Goddard. ‘Things are very different here,’ says Jenny. ‘A lot of people, though, do see the Crown Court as very exciting. It’s hard to generalize because there are so many different branches of the profession, from personal legal advise to selling your house.’

The main difference between British and American lawyers is that the US legal eagles are all-rounders who prepare and present cases. Here, solicitors do the litigation (prepare the case) and barristers do the advocacy (present the case) in Crown Court and upwards.

But spokesman for the Bar Council Graham McMillan believes a life in law can be very glamorous. ‘In higher courts you can get a lot of courtroom dramas, and barristers have to be very quick on their feet’…

Solicitors do, however, present cases in magistrate’s courts. Getting into the profession is not easy. There are only 70,000 solicitors in Britain, and 7,000 barristers – just over 1,000 of whom are women.

Both cases take the same initial route – and only the cream of students need apply.