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The Future Perfect Tense

Ex 36 Study the following chart.

  1. They will have done their work by 7 o'clock.

  2. By this time tomorrow he will have crossed the channel and will be in England.

  3. In 1990 he will have lived in Moscow for twenty years.

  4. By the time you come back, he'll have been here for two hours.

Ex 37 Complete the following sentences, using the Future Perfect Tense.

1. By the time he arrives they — (leave). 2. She is ill now. By the first of April she — (be in hospital for three weeks). 3. He has bought this TV set on credit. He — (pay all the money by the 21st of August). 4. How long has she stayed with your family? By the end of the month she —. 5. She has lived here a long time. By 1990 she —. 6. He is still a school boy, but by this time next year he — (leave school).

Ex 38 Translate the following sentences, using the Future Perfect Tense.

1. Я надеюсь, что к концу собрания мы уладим этот вопрос. 2. На будущий год к этому времени он проработает на нашем заводе тридцать лет. 3. К тому времени, когда он приедет, я буду жить на юге уже две недели. 4. К тому времени, когда ты приедешь домой, ты забудешь все, что я говорил тебе. 5. К 1 Мая они уже переедут в новую квартиру. 6. Они закончат строительство школы к началу учебного года.

Ех 39 Open the brackets, using the correct tense form. Explain the use of the tenses.

Mr Sherlock Holmes (sit) one morning at the breakfast table in his room in Baker Street. His friend Dr* Watson (stand) near the window, examining a walking stick which a visitor (forget) the day before. "To Dr Mortimer, from his friend," was engraved upon it, with the date "1884". Sherlock Holmes suddenly (turn) to Watson and (say): "The owner of this stick (have) a dog which (be) larger than a terrier and smaller than a mastiff."

"How you (know)?" (ask) Watson in surprise.

"I (examine) that stick carefully and (notice) the marks of a dog's teeth on it," (answer) Holmes. "They (be) too broad for a terrier and not broad enough for a mastiff. Probably the dog often (carry) the stick behind its master. I think it must be a spaniel, in fact it (be) a spaniel."

Holmes (leave) the breakfast-table and (stand) near the window as he (say) this. Watson (look) at him in surprise and (ask): "How can you be so sure of that?"

"For the simple reason that I (see) the dog at our door and I (hear) the bell which its master (ring). I wonder why Dr Mortimer (want) to see Mr Sherlock Holmes. Well, we soon (know). Come in," he (add), there (be) a knock at the door.

(After "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by A. Conan Doyle)

Reported Speech. Sequence of Tenses (contd)

Ex 40 Study the following chart, compare the use of the tense forms in direct and reported speech.*

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

1. Mary said: "I've caught a cold."

2. "Have you seen him since he moved to Kiev?" Mary asked.

3. "Peter saw the film yesterday," Mary said to me.

4. "He lived in Leningrad from 1960 till 1965," she said.**

5. The dean asked them: "Will you have returned by the beginning of term?"

1. Mary said that she had caught a cold.

2. Mary asked if I had seen him since he moved to Kiev.

3. Mary told me that Peter had seen the film the day before.

4. She said that he lived in Leningrad from 1960 till 1965.

5. The dean asked them if they would have returned by the beginning of term.

Ex 41 Use Reported Speech.

1. "Have you travelled abroad much?" he asked. 2. "Who has written this note?" he asked the secretary. 3. "I've just received a post-card from Mother," my brother said to me. 4. "The students also took part in arranging the conference," the chairman said. 5. "Have you been here long?" the stranger asked me. 6. "Did you really see this happen with your own eyes?" the militiaman asked the boy. 7. "I hope they will have taken a decision by the end of the meeting," she remarked. 8. "Did you watch the detective film on TV yesterday?" he asked her. 9. "This story happened long ago," he said, "and few people remember anything about it." 10. "I haven't read so interesting a book since I don't remember when," she said.

Ex 42 Rewrite (or retell) in narrative form the passage from the text from ‘Where have you been? ...’ up to ‘... But they are pictures just the same, aren't they?’.

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