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Федеральное агенство морского и речного транспорта

Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение высшего и профессионального образования

Волжская государственная академия водного транспорта

Кафедра иностранных языков

Е.А. Седова

Английский язык

Методическое пособие для студентов экономических специальностей

Нижний Новгород

Издательство ФГОУ ВПО»ВГАВТ»


УДК 821.111:621.396038)

С 48

Рецензент : Орлова Л.Г., канд.фил. наук. доцент

Седова Е.А. Английский язык: методическое пособие для студентов экономических специальностей очной формы обучения.- Н. Новгород: Изд-во ФГОУ ВПО «ВГАВТ», 2011, 68с.

Цель данного пособия- развитие навыков устной речи на основе профессионально-ориентированных тем.

Материал пособия организован в виде 18 тематических уроков, содержащих коммуникативные упражнения в рамках профессионально – ориентированных тем , направленные на развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения. К данному пособию прилагается диск с аудиоматериалами.

Методическое пособие предназначено для студентов специальности 080502 «Экономика и управление на предприятиях», а также может быть использовано со студентами других специальностей направления 521600 «Экономика»

Работа рекомендована к изданию кафедрой иностранных языков ( протокол № 7 от 23.05.2011)


Unit 1 Management Skills

Exercise 1.

Divide the following styles of behaviour into pairs of opposites.

a. being group oriented

b. being cautious and careful

c. being decisive and able to take rapid individual decisions

d. being individualistic

e. being assertive, authoritative, ruthless and competitive

f. being happy to take risks

g. being good at listening and sensitive to other people’s feelings

h. being intuitive

i. being logical, rational and analytic

j. liking consensus and conciliation

Which five of the above styles do you think are generally preferable for managers?

Now look at the following list of qualities. Which are the most important for a manager?

k. being competent and efficient in one’s job

l. being friendly and sociable

m. being a hard worker

n. being persuasive

o. having good ideas

p. being good at communicating

q. being good at motivating people

r. being good at taking the initiative and leading other people

Make a list of the five most important qualities from a. to r.

Which of these qualities do you think you have? Which do you lack? Which could you still learn?

Which do you have to be born with?

Do any of these qualities seem to you to be essentially masculine or feminine?

Exercise 2.

Verb and prepositional combinations are often useful for describing skills and personal qualities. Match the verbs (1-7) with the prepositions and phrases (a-g)

A good manager should:

1. respond a). in their employees’abilities

2. listen b). to a deputy as often as possible

3. deal c). to employees’ concerns promptly

4. believe d). with colleagues clearly

5. delegate e). with problems quickly

6. communicate f).in regular training courses for employees

7. invest g). to all suggestions from staff

Exercise 3.

Read the following extract and answer the questions.

Clever Tactics for Brilliant Young Managers

by David Stern

“If you’re good enough, you are old enough’, a team manager once said when giving Michael Owen, a world –class goal –scorer, his first international game at the age of 18. Is the game true in business?

Young executives come back from business school armed with big ideas. But these may or may not win support from colleagues.

So what are the practical steps that young managers need to take in order to be welcomed?

“ The biggest challenge is a basic lack of experience”, says Steve Newhall, a management consultant. “ This will affect how other people see you. You need to build credibility with your key stakeholders on a one-to-one basis in order to show that you are up to the job. You have got to have confidence in your ability to do the job. But remember that the people around you may not share that opinion”.

Young managers also need to recognize their own weaknesses – and then do something about them. “You will need a good mentor straight away”, says Mr. Newhall, “someone who has plenty of experience and who gives you support and plenty of good advice”.

Answer the following questions about the article.

1. Why is it important for young managers to make key people believe in them and trust them?

2. What should young managers do about their weaknesses, according to Mr. Newhall?

Exercise 4.

Read the extract and do Tasks A, B, C.