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XII. Interview your partner about the Law Faculty of raj.

  1. What academy do you study at?

  2. What is your major?

  3. What should you do to enter RAJ?

  4. Do you like to study at the Academy? Why?

  5. What kind of studies do you have during the term?

  6. What happens at the end of each term?

  7. What helps students to study well and become good specialists?

  8. How many students study at the Law Faculty?

  9. What subjects do the law students study?

  10. What legal professions can student get at the Law Faculty of RAJ?

  11. What makes the Academy so popular with the school leavers?

  12. What foreign languages do you study at the Academy?

  13. Is it difficult for you to study here?

  14. What subject are you good at?

  15. What are your favourite subjects?

  16. Where would you like to work after graduating from the Academy?

XIII. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Чтобы стать знающим специалистом вы должны учиться усердно.

  2. Если вы не хотите иметь проблем в конце семестра, вам не следует пропускать занятия.

  3. Вам не следует спать на лекциях, если вы хотите получить профессиональные знания и навыки.

  4. Чтобы учиться хорошо вы должны быть активными на семинарах.

  5. Вам следует слушать лекторов внимательно, если вы не хотите провалить экзамены.

  6. Математика – самый трудный предмет для меня.

  7. Учеба в институте не такая сложная как учеба в школе.

  8. Работа прокурора такая же вознаграждаемая, как и работа адвоката.

  9. Работа следователь грязнее чем работа юрисконсульта.

  10. Работа нотариуса наименее опасная.

XIV. Ask questions to the following sentences.

  1. RAJ trains specialists in different branches of law.

  2. I am fond of Sociology.

  3. John does his homework every day.

  4. RAJ is very prestigious now.

  5. The Law Faculty has two departments.

  6. Students present course papers at the end of every term.

  7. Psychology and Philosophy are my favourite subjects.

  8. We have two lectures and a seminar on Saturday.

XV. Read the text. Ask questions of different types to learn about raj.

  1. Legal education is very popular and prestigious now.

  2. You can get legal education at Russian Academy of Justice.

  3. RAJ trains different specialist, such as judges, counsels for the defense, counsels for the prosecution, notaries, legal advises and others.

  4. To enter the Law faculty you have to pass entrance examinations in Russian, Literature, History and Social Science.

  5. The Law faculty has two departments: a full-time department and an extra-mural department.

  6. Full-time students study for five years, extra-mural students study for six years.

  7. Student study different subjects, such as Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Statistics, Computers, Economic theory and others.

  8. They also study different branches of law, such as Business Law, Criminal Law, Consumer Law, International Law, Land Law, Commercial Law and others.

  9. At lectures and seminars students listen to the lectures, take notes, ask questions, make reports, present course papers.

  10. Student shouldn’t miss lectures and seminars.

  11. Because at the end of the term they have to take credit tests and exams.

  12. Studying at the Academy is hard work but fun.

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