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Text analysis

  1. Discourse parameters of the text

The article under consideration is headlined: The Evolution of Language: How Internet Slang Changes the Way We Speak

The extra linguistic factors are pictures.

The text refers to discourse of the mass media, particularly to discourse of the print press and the electronic media. The communicative intention of this text is to persuade the addressee to change his/ her point of view about usage of computer slang and its influence on our day-to-day dialogue.

The text belongs to grey zone, which is located between artifact and mentafact texts, it first reflects and then changes the world. The main aim of the text is to persuade the users of the internet that language is changing more quickly, but technologies have developed and they allow the transmission of slang terms to pass from one group to another much more quickly. This text is written for people who use the slang words not only in their chart or social networks, but in their daily life. The text is cohesive with many repetition links:

Simple lexical repetition: words words, social network social network, internet internet, technological technological, Language Language, social media networks social media networks, slang slang; complex lexical repetition: to use useful; substitution links: slang it, technologies they; word it.

2. Stylistic characteristics of the text

1) Analysis of tropes and figures of speech

Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. It may also be a situation that ends up in quite a different way than what is generally anticipated. In simple words, it is a difference between appearance and reality [2, p. 300].

The author of the text uses such Irony as “Computer slang is developing pretty fast in Ukraine”, “A dulya is a Ukranian gesture using two fingers and a thumb, used in the same situations in which we'd give "the finger”, “language is changing more quickly, but technologies have developed.” to create an interest of the reader, to attract to riding this article and to express its benefits.

Metonymy is a stylistic device in which a thing or concept is called not by its own name but rather by the name of something associated in meaning with that thing or concept [2, p. 305].

The metonymy “slang spread between cities and countries” “internet trends come and go” “slang says” is used in this sentences highlighting the expectations from the process of slang formation and the fact that something interesting is develop in the social networks.

Epithet is a stylistic device that describes the characteristic features of a person, a thing or a place [2, p. 320].

The epithets entirely new meaning”, “foolish action” “stupid action”, is used in this text to persuade the addressee, that the process of slang formation in the whole world is unstoppable. It also can be used in this text to bring emotional coloring to the sentences by using the eye-catching effect.

Hyperbole is a device that we employ in our day-to-day speech. Therefore, a hyperbole is an unreal exaggeration to emphasize the real situation [2, p. 326].

The hyperbole “the internet is likely the most prevalent influence on our day-to-day dialogue" is used in this text to attract persuade the readers about the importance of the internet in our life according to the context of this.

  1. Analysis of special literary and colloquial vocabularies used in the text.

Subject field words: internet, abbreviations, slang, technologies, information, dialogue, linguists, anthropologists, searchable record, pinpoint, transmission.

Slang items: "OMG", "crowdfunding", "selfie", "cyberbullying", "LOL", "asg", "5", “TTFN”

Acronyms: “FOMO” (Fear Of Missing Out), “YOLO” (You Only Live Once).

Internationalisms: internet, technologies, phrases, atmosphere, phenomenon, online, radio, smartphones, dialogue, public, media.