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Let`s think

We can’t catch time. Years are passing… Our parents are getting older and older… One day they will not be able to live alone. What should we do?

Read and learn the following words:

Far away from - далеко от

Forgetful (adj.) [fə getfəl] забывчивый, рассеянный

Housekeeper (n) [ hauski:pə экономка

Nurse (n) [ nə:s] сиделка

Pill (n) - таблетка

Solution (n) [sə lu:∫(ə)n] решение, разрешение (проблемы)

Tiny (adj.) [ taini] крошечный

To afford to do smth.(v) [ə fə:d] позволить (кому-либо) что-то сделать

To commute (v) [kə mju:t]- совершать ежедневные поездки

To die (v) [dai] умирать

To face (v) [ feis] встречать что­­­-то смело, смотреть в лицо чему-либо без страха

To hire (v) [ haiə] нанимать

To look for (v) - искать

To take smb … to do smth. займет (потребуется)

For example: It takes me 5 minutes to get their.

To take care of (v) заботиться о

Exercise 1. Explain the following words:






Exercise 2. Give the comparatives and the superlatives of the adjectives:

Old, forgetful, expensive, tiny, small, big, impossible, cheap, far.

Find adjectives in the text and determine their degree.

Exercise 3. There are two phrasal verbs in the text: to take care of, to look for. What do they mean? Study the examples and match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

To look

You should look up all unfamiliar words in a dictionary.

Our neighbours promised to look after our cat while we are on holiday.

She looked at him as if she wanted to ask something.

Look out!

To look at

take care of something/ someone

To look up

direct one’s eyes on something/ someone

To look after

be on the watch; be careful

To look out

search for something in a book, dictionary.

To take

Where did the accident take place?

She pretended not to take notice of strange behaviour.

Andrew takes after his father.

We took part in the competition.

To take part in smth.

happen, occur

To take place

catch sight of somebody\ something

To take notice of

resemble a close, older relative

To take after

participate in

Exercise 4. Translate the word combinations:

Решение вопроса, ежедневно ездить на работу, мужественно встретить опасность, позволить себе купить машину, рассеянный человек, заботиться о родителях, нанять работника, принимать таблетки 3 раза в день, крошечная квартира, искать очки, далеко от города, для решения задачи потребуется 20 минут.

Exercise 5. Toshi is worried about his 78-year-old mother. Read Toshi's conversation with his wife, Midori, and find out: what do they want to do for his mother?