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PART I(1).doc
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  1. Translate this extract in written form:

As automobiles changed through the years, mechanics or automobile service technicians, as they are now called, have kept them running. The “Big Three” (Ford, GM and Chrysler) automobile makers produced millions of cars for a public eager for freedom and mobility the automobile promised. With the ill-prepared roads suddenly overrun by inexperienced drivers, accidents and breakdowns became common. People were not only unskilled in driving but also were ignorant of the basic maintenance and service the automobile required. It suddenly became apparent that a new profession was in the making.

Automobile service technicians maintain and repair cars, vans, small trucks and other vehicles. Using both hand tools and specialized diagnostic test equipment, they pinpoint problems and make the necessary repairs or adjustments. In addition to performing complex and difficult repairs, they perform a number of routine maintenance procedures, such as oil changes, tire rotation and battery replacement. Technicians interact frequently with customers to explain repair procedures and discuss maintenance needs.

  1. Can you compare the following body styles?

Van, Station wagon, Roadster, Ragtop, Limousine, Coupe.

What is the most famous manufacturing company in our country? What kind of cars does it produce?

  1. Work with your partner. Choose one of the problems below or your own problem. Solve it using the five steps. Make notes.

  • You want to go away for a weekend with your friends but your parents want you to study.

  • You want to buy a car but you haven’t got enough money.

  • You want to work but your parents want you to enter the university.

Text 22.

  1. Complete the text (a tour of a car factory) with the following words:

Clutch, combustion, crankshaft, cylinders, distribution, fuel, piston, spark plug, torque.

“Now we come to the engine. The principle of the internal ________ engine has not changed in the last 100 years. The engine takes in ________ and air which is compressed in a combustion chamber. Then this mixture is ignited by a ________ to produce an explosion, which moves the ________ in the cylinder. The up and down motion of the piston in the cylinder is converted into rotational motion by the ________. The rotational force generated by the engine is known as ________. The size of the engine determines the power. The more ________ there are, the more powerful the engine. This power is transmitted through the ________, the gearbox, the propeller shaft (in rear-wheel and 4-wheel drive) and the axles to the wheels. The position of the engine can vary, but generally speaking it is mounted at the front. In some sports cars, the engine is mounted at the rear (e.g. Porsche) or in the middle (e.g. Ferrari or Lamborghini) because of weight ________. So, that’s enough about the engine for the moment – let’s move on to the next stage …”

  1. Have you ever visited any car factory? Where would you like to work after graduating from our university? How many factories are there in Ukraine, in Russia, in the USA? Would you like to work for any Ukrainian company or to go abroad?

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