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060101.65 ГСЭ.Ф.01 Иностранный (английский) ито....doc
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V1: Речевой этикет

V2: Бытовая сфера


S: This is my friend Nick.

+: Glad to meet you.

-: Glad meeting you.

-:Glad the meeting.

-: I glad.


S: Have a nice week-end.

-: And you.

-: Too you.

+: You too.

-: You also.


S: Thank you for your help.

+: Never mind

-: Please

-: Here you are

-: That’s it.

V2: Профессионально-деловая сфера

I: S: During the course of studies medical students have only practical classes at the University.

-: That’s true.

-: I think so.

-: You are absolutely right.

+: It’s not true


S: In Britain students can take only full-time post-school education.

-: It is right.

-: You are absolutely right.

-: That’s true.

+: I’m afraid you're mistaken.

I: S: Which sentence is absolutely true ?.

-: In Britain all universities admit only men.

-: There are only two universities in Britain. They are Oxford and Cambridge.

-: Students who pass exams at the and of the first year of study get Bachelor’s degree.

+: The most common faculties in British universities are arts, law, medicine, science and



S: To know English today is necessary for every educated person.

-: I disagree.

-: I don’t think so.

+: You are absolutely right.

-: You are mistaken.

V1: Тексты

V2: Тексты на ознакомительное чтение


S: Прочтите текст. Укажите предложение, которое не соответствует содержанию текста.

Ronald Ross. Ronald Ross (1857 - 1932), an English physician, was born in India. He was the eldest son of the ten children of a British officer in Indian Army. He spent his childhood in India but was educated in England. Years later Ross returned to India as a doctor. In 1892 he began the study of malaria which with other fevers was killing thousands of India’s people. Ross discovered the life history of the malaria parasite in mosquitoes. He made two very great discoveries. First of all he saw the malaria parasite in the stomach of anopheles (a kind of mosquito). This showed that the malaria parasite is sucked up by the mosquito from the blood of a carrier of the disease. In later years Ronald Ross was known as “Malaria Ross” the man who showed how malaria was carried and how it could be prevented. He was given the Nobel Prize in 1902. Liverpool had just founded a School of Tropical medicine and Ross became its first lecturer. Later he became the director of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases. He died on the 15th of September 1932. He was a great man because he showed people how to conquer a felling disease.

-: Ross was an English physician.

+: He was educated in India.

-: He made two great discoveries.

-: He reserved the Nobel Prize.

I: S: Прочтите текст. Укажите предложение, которое соответствует содержанию текста.

Ronald Ross. Ronald Ross (1857 - 1932), an English physician, was born in India. He was the eldest son of the ten children of a British officer in Indian Army. He spent his childhood in India but was educated in England. Years later Ross returned to India as a doctor. In 1892 he began the study of malaria which with other fevers was killing thousands of India’s people. Ross discovered the life history of the malaria parasite in mosquitoes. He made two very great discoveries. First of all he saw the malaria parasite in the stomach of anopheles (a kind of mosquito). This showed that the malaria parasite is sucked up by the mosquito from the blood of a carrier of the disease. In later years Ronald Ross was known as “Malaria Ross” the man who showed how malaria was carried and how it could be prevented. He was given the Nobel Prize in 1902. Liverpool had just founded a School of Tropical medicine and Ross became its first lecturer. Later he became the director of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases. He died on the 15th of September 1932. He was a great man because he showed people how to conquer a felling disease.

-: Ross lived and worked in England when he studied malaria.

-: He was a practicing doctor but not a scientist.

-: He never worked as a teacher.

+: He discovered the method of preventing malaria.


S: Прочтите текст. Укажите предложение , которое не соответствует содержанию текста:

High blood pressure. In very young children, high blood pressure may result from an underlying and possibly correctable disorder, such as kidney disease or a defect in the aorta, the body’s mail artery. More often high blood pressure, or hypertension has no apparent cause. It may develop in a setting of a high salt diet or obesity, but the underlying abnormality is not known. Hypertension is an insidious problem that may cause no symptoms for three of the nation’s leading killers – heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. If you have high blood pressure, your heart has to work harder that it should to pump blood, your kidneys have to work harder to try to regulate your blood pressure, and your arteries undergo excessive wear and tear and accumulate abnormally large fatty deposits that reduce their ability to transport blood. A person with so-called mild hypertension has twice the average risk of dying before age sixty-five, and a person with moderately severe hypertension is three times more likely to die before age 65 than someone with normal blood pressure. Children are just as likely as adults to suffer damage caused by hypertension. However, in nearly all cases the risk can be greatly reduced by effectively controlling high blood pressure through a combination of diet, weight loss, exercise, and, if necessary, drugs. Dr. Jennifer Loggie, professor of pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati, says that every child over the age of three should have his or her blood pressure taken once a year and at every visit to the doctor during adolescence and adulthood.

+: Children do not suffer from hypertension.

-: hypertension can be controlled by diet, weight loss, exercise and drugs.

-: There is no way to prevent hypertension.

-: People during adolescence and adulthood should have their pressure taken at every visit to a doctor.


S: Прочтите текст. Укажите предложение. Которое соответствует содержанию текста:

High blood pressure. In very young children, high blood pressure may result from an underlying and possibly correctable disorder, such as kidney disease or a defect in the aorta, the body’s mail artery. More often high blood pressure, or hypertension has no apparent cause. It may develop in a setting of a high salt diet or obesity, but the underlying abnormality is not known. Hypertension is an insidious problem that may cause no symptoms for three of the nation’s leading killers – heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. If you have high blood pressure, your heart has to work harder that it should to pump blood, your kidneys have to work harder to try to regulate your blood pressure, and your arteries undergo excessive wear and tear and accumulate abnormally large fatty deposits that reduce their ability to transport blood. A person with so-called mild hypertension has twice the average risk of dying before age sixty-five, and a person with moderately severe hypertension is three times more likely to die before age 65 than someone with normal blood pressure. Children are just as likely as adults to suffer damage caused by hypertension. However, in nearly all cases the risk can be greatly reduced by effectively controlling high blood pressure through a combination of diet, weight loss, exercise, and, if necessary, drugs. Dr. Jennifer Loggie, professor of pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati, says that every child over the age of three should have his or her blood pressure taken once a year and at every visit to the doctor during adolescence and adulthood.

+: High blood pressure is a correctable disorder.

-: Hypertension causes particular symptoms at once.

-: Children shouldn’t have their blood pressure taken.

-; A person with mild hypertension has no risk of dying.

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