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Уманець А.В. та н. Grammar in Use.doc
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Використання неозначених займенників (Usage of Indefinite Pronouns)

Used with Countable nouns

Affirmative Sentences

Interrogative, Negative sentences

Some – кілька, деякі, дехто, який-небудь, якийсь.

Somebody, someone – хтось


(not)anybody, anyone

Used with

Uncountable nouns

Some - трохи, деяка кількість

Something - щось



  • Some та його похідні вживаються, головним чином, в стверджувальних реченнях.

Перед числівниками some означає «приблизно» – e.g. There are some 200 pages in this book.

  • В питальних реченнях що починаються питальними словами, а також що виражають прохання, пропозицію, some також вживається: - e.g. Why have some students gone home? Will you have some more tea?

  • В стверджувальних реченнях займенник any означає «будь-який, який завгодно»: – e.g. Take any chewing-gum you like.

  • Неозначений займенник one вживається:

    1. в неозначено-особових реченнях: e.g. One must always keep ones promise.

    2. замість раніше вживаних злічуваних іменників, щоб уникнути їх повторення (в однині – one, в множині – ones): e.g. I don’t want yellow gloves, give me brown ones.

    3. після порядкових числівників the first, the second, після прикметників, займенників this, that, another, the other, which: e.g. Which house? – That one. I’ll buy this one.


I. Fill in the blanks with “some” or “any”.

  1. He has … books by Hemingway.

  2. There is … butter on the plate.

  3. Are there … educational establishments in your town?

  4. Won’t you have … cake?

  5. I have read … 50 pages.

  6. Have you … relatives abroad?

  7. Take … pen you like.

  8. They asked him for money, but he hadn’t … .

  9. I can do it without … help.

  10. They need … advise.

II. Insert “some”, “any” or their derivatives.

  1. Mother bought … milk yesterday.

  2. … entered the entrance-hall.

  3. Have you … books to read? No, I haven’t.

  4. Is there … on the table?

  5. Has … here got a red pencil?

  6. Can I have … coffee?

  7. We didn’t see … in the sitting-room.

  8. He told her … insulting and she began to cry.

  9. I have … time to do all this work.

  10. Is … wrong with Paul?

III. A. Paraphrase the sentences using the indefinite pronoun “one” as in the model.

Model 1.It is necessary for everyone to go in for sports. One must go in for sports.

  1. It is impossible to master a foreign language without working hard.

  2. It is possible to find any book in this library.

  3. It is necessary for everyone to get good education.

  4. It is impossible to forget it.

B. Use the pronoun “one” (“ones”) to avoid the repetition of the preceding noun.

Model 2.The red pencil is sharper than the blue pencil. The red pencil is sharper than the blue one.

  1. This magazine is more colourful than that magazine.

  2. I don’t like this dress, show me another dress.

  3. This man is as tall as that man.

  4. The brown shoes are as dear as the black shoes.