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12. Изобретения, изменившие жизнь

Over the years scientists have invented a great number of things, which we now use in everyday life, for example, computers, telephones, radio, television, automobiles, electricity, planes etc. One of the most useful and handy devices today is the computer. Being a commonplace in most of contemporary homes today, it is quite difficult to imagine that the first computer appeared only about 50 years ago and now it has changed completely. Based on two important innovations such as the integrated circuit and the microprocessor the computer began performing logical calculations and surprised people with its intelligence. The first desktop computer for everyday use was manufactured in 1974 and its popularity was enormous. Apple computers by Stephen Wozniack and Steven Jobs got the first world’s computer system. The next step in computer development was IBM PC with a more powerful and faster processor. Gradually, the competition between companies resulted in a constant development of the machine for this revolutionary invention not to lose its popularity.

7. Возобновляемые источники энергии

Renewable Energy . We call these sources nearly renewable as they do run out, but they can be replaced within our lifetime.

The fuel can be reprocessed and more energy retrieved. However, there is the problem of nuclear waste and fallout. The waste produced from energy production of this type is dangerous. It causes cancer and other illnesses. Also if there is a problem at a power station there can be serious consequences as at Chernobyl, in the USSR in 1986, when a power station had a meltdown. The fallout from this can affect the surrounding area for a great distance.


Although many people blame technology for destroying nature and causing pollution, and say that it is the worst evil in the world , I still believe that it has greatly changed our lives for the better as we hardly imagine what would happen if we went for a day without technology.

The word laser stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation." A laser is a device for converting ordinary light into and intense narrow beam. The laser passes an electric current through a material, which can be a solid, liquid, or gas. Some atoms of the material take in energy and give off quanta (packets of radiation). This causes other atoms to give off quanta. These bounce back and forth between mirrors and are fired out as light of a single wavelength.

16.История развития нефтегазодобывающей промышленности

The use of oil and gas has a long and fascinating history spanning thousands of years. The development of oil and gas has evolved over time and its numerous uses have also expanded and become an integral part of today's global economy. The use of oil eventually replaced coal as the world's primary source of industrial power in the early twentieth century. Just as oil and gas drives today's world economy, the control and availability of oil and gas played a major role in both World Wars and still remains the critical fuel source that powers industry and transportation