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    1. Docs reconfigurability deal with cost-effective, quick reactions to market changes ?

    2. What are the cornerstones of a new manufacturing trend?

    3. What market changes are occuring during recent years ?

    4. What is the main reason for rms development ?

    5. What do these changes reflect ?

    6. Why must new functions be added to the manufacturing system through reconfiguration ?

    7. Is a different type of reconfiguration needed to cope with the large fluctuations in product demand ?

    8. Are the large fluctuations in product demand caused by the new market conditions ?

Practice 5. Перескажите текст, используя ответы на вопросы к тексту 1 в качестве плана.

Unit 2 Flexible Manufacturing Systems . Text 2.

      1. Прочтите текст, дайте определение гибкой производственной системы (гпс).

      2. Назовите основные преимущества и недостатки гпс .

      3. Чем объясняется высокая себестоимость продукции на линии гпс?

      4. Почему чпу общего назначения устанавливаются перед тем, как изготовитель выберет станки и составит план процесса ?

      5. Объясните, почему гпс и станки с чпу создаются со встроенными функциональными системами и каков общий подход к возможностями гпс.

      6. Какой тип системы гпс приводит к повышению себестоимости?

Active vocabulary.

Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) - гибкая производственная линия (ГПС); general-purpose CNC machine - станок с ЧПУ общего назначения; to adopt - применять , внедрять ; capital cost - капитальные затраты, себестоимость ; to design - проектировать, конструировать ; to

select - выбирать : to adapt - приспособлять ; volume - объём ; rigid line - жесткая линия ; assumption - допущение ; sequence - последовательность ; multi-axis CNCs - многоосевые станки с ЧПУ ; parallel system structure - параллельная структура системы ; tool magazine - магазин инструментов ; expensive - дорогой ; production capacity (throughput) - производительность.

Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs) can produce a variety of products, with changeable volume on the same system . FMS consists of expensive, general-purpose computer-numerically-controlled (CNC) machines and other programmable automation . The flexible manufacturing systems are effective when designed with multi-axis CNC machines that operate in parallel. Despite this advantage, however, a recent survey showed that flexible systems have not been widely used , and many of the manufacturers that bought FMSs are not pleased with their performance . Because of the single-tool operation of the CNC machine, the FMS productivity is lower than that of rigid lines . The combination of high equipment cost and low throughput makes the cost per part relatively high .

The high cost of FMS is one of the major reasons for the low level of acceptance or satisfaction with FMS. Why is FMS expensive? CNC machines are not designed around the part. Rather, general -purpose CNCs are built before the manufacturer selects machines and before process planning is undertaken to adapt the machines and the process to the part. Since the specific application is not known to the machine builder, the flexible systems and machines are constructed with all possible functionality built in . This creates capital waste. It is also a common assumption that FMS should be able to produce any part (within the machine parameters) in any sequence. This approach increases cost since it requires a parallel system structure for FMS that utilizes high-power, general-purpose multi- axis CNCs with a very large tool magazine and multiple sets of tools - a very expensive solution.

Word study

Practice 1. Скажите, соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста. Если нет, дайте правильный вариант ответа.