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appellation название to be appointed назначаться

superlative превосходная степень for life пожизненно

dominance влияние amendment поправка

to border граничить oligarchy олигархия

legislative законодательный gain завоевание

executive исполнительный taxation налогообложение

judicial юридический electoral положение о

donkey осел requirements выборах

term зд.: срок residence ценз оседлости

leap year високосный год requirements

amendment поправка


“Melting Pot” “плавильный котел”

Supreme Court Верховный Суд

Chief Justice Председатель Верховного Суда

Associate Justice Член Верховного Суда

executive order указ

Bill of Rights первые десять поправок в конституции США


  1. Pronounce correctly:

superlative, parliamentary, legislative, executive, judicial, representative, requirement, supreme, oligarchy, Senate.

  1. Give the corresponding Russian words and word combinations:

land of Opportunity, legislative, development, elections, executive power, electoral requirements, amendment, Bill of Rights, taxation, to be appointed for life, executive order, oligarchy, residence requirements.

  1. Give the corresponding English words and word combinations:

поправка, налогообложение, назначаться пожизненно, выборы, законодательный, исполнительная власть, олигархия, Страна возможностей, развитие, ценз оседлости.

  1. Insert the prepositions:

1.Chicago is famous…. its skyscrapers, stores and museums. 2. The Sierra Nevada mountains are covered…. snow. 3. The Declaration of Independence was adopted …. July 4,1776. 4. San Francisco is washed … the Pacific Ocean ….three sides. 5. The USA is composed … 50 states. 6. The flag of the US is called “Stripes and Stars”. It consists … 13 horizontal stripes (полосы) alternately red and white equal … the number … the original colonies with a blue union (эмблема) marked with white stars equal in number … 50 states today.

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

1.США расположены в центральной части Северо-Американского континента. 2. США – это парламентская республика. 3. Правительство состоит из 3 ветвей: законодательной (Конгресс США), исполнительной (Президент и его Администрация) и юридической (Верховный Суд). 4. Президент избирается на 4-летний срок. 5. Судьи Верховного Суда назначаются пожизненно. 6. Конституция США была принята после Войны за Независимость. 7. Конгресс США состоит из 2 палат – Сената и Палаты представителей.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. How many states compose the US today?

  2. What was the number of original colonies?

  3. What was the US originally?

  4. What is the total area of the USA?

  5. What is its population?

  6. What countries does the USA border?

  7. What kind of state is the USA?

  8. When are presidential elections held?

  9. For how long is the President elected?

  10. What main branched is the government of the US divided into?

  11. What does the Supreme Court consist of?

  12. When was the US Constitution adopted?

  13. What are the main political parties of the USA?

  14. What holiday is in America on the 4th of July?


Canada is the second largest in the world - nearly as all the Europe. Only the Russian Federation is larger. Canada spreads from the Atlantic right across the prairies and the rocky Mountains to British Columbia; and northwards to the bare, but beautiful Yukon and the ice-covered islands of the Arctic.

It is the land of thick forests, tall mountains, green river valleys, and huge grasslands. Though Canada has a large area, it has few people. The population is about 27,3 million. Nearly 90% of Canadians live on a strip of land along the 6,379 km southern border with the USA. Its the longest unguarded national boundary in the world. The southern region is, of course, the warmest, most hospitable area of the country and also has the best land and waterways.

Canada has some mineral resources. Its great natural resource is its forests, which cover about two thirds of its lands. Canadas rivers are another valuable resource. Canada has so much waterpower that it is selling power to the United States.

The single most significant factor in climate is latitude. In just a few hours travelling north, a drop in temperature can often be felt. The warmest area is along the USA border. It’s no accident that nearly everybody lives in this southern region. July and August are the warmest months across the country and generally they are dry. The west and east coasts are very wet. Canadian winters are long. In more than two-thirds of the country the average January temperature is –180 C. Except in the warmest areas, snowfall can be heavy. As a rule the further north, the more snow.

Political structure. Canada now belongs to the Commonwealth of Nations (nations which once belonged to the British Empire). Canadian government is more British in style than American, except that it is a federal government. The form of the government is a constitutional monarchy. Canada is ruled by a parliamentary system with the head of state officially remaining the monarch of Britain. Within Canada the appointed Governor-General is the monarchs representative. Parliament is divided into two parts, the upper house, or Senate, and lower house, or House of Commons. Voters in each province choose candidates from different political parties. The head of the political party with the most elected representatives in the House of Commons becomes the prime minister, the leader of the country. Senators are not elected, they are appointed by the Prime Minister. Each province has a lieutenant-governor appointed by the federal government.

There are two official languages in the country, English and French.

Canada’s current flag was proclaimed in 1965. In the centre of the flag there is a red sugar maple leaf, Canadas best known symbol. The side bars represent the ocean boundaries.

The country is made up of 10 provinces and two northern territories. The four eastern coastal provinces are known as Atlantic Provinces. The three generally flat mid-western provinces are the prairies. Ontario and Quebec are termed central Canada.

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