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Lesson 13 a. Gastritis. Gastro - Enteritis.

Gastritis may be acute or chronic but both forms of the disease may be caused by the same etiological agents acting with varying degrees of severity and for varying periods. The inflammation may be caused by physical, chemical, bacterial, viral or metazoan agents.

Physical agents. Gross over-feeding causing gastric dilatation is usually accompanied by some secondary gastritis. Frosted or frozen feeds, particularly roots, may cause a severe gastritis, although frozen roots in adult ruminants are more likely to cause severe indigestion accompanied by frothy bloat The ingestion of coarse, fibrous feeds such as straw bedding may cause a chronic gastritis, especially in pigs and calves Bad teeth, leading to faulty mastication, may have the same effect as coarse roughage.

The feeding of damaged feeds, including mouldy and fermented hay and ensilage, commonly causes a moderate gastritis. Foreign bodies may also lacerate the gastric mucosa and cause gastritis.

Vocabulary List

agent (n), causative agent, etiological agent - возбудитель

coarse (a) – грубый

gross (a) - явный, грубый, сильный bedding (n) – подстилка

over-feeding (n) - перекармливание primary (a) - первичный

dilatation (n) - расширение secondary(a) - вторичный

accompany (v) - сопровождать faulty (a) - неправильный

frosted (a) - замерзший mastication (n) - жевание

frozen (a) - замороженный roughage (n) - грубые корма

root (n) - корень damaged (p) - испорченный

hay (n) - сено mouldy (a) - заплесневелый

straw (n) - солома fermented - забродивший

indigestion (n) - несварение, ensilage (n) – силосованный корм

нарушение пищеварения lacerate (v) - разрывать

frothy (a) – пенистый perverted appetite - извращенный аппетит

bloat (n), bloating - вздутие

ingestion (n) - прием внутрь, заглатывание

Exercise 1. Translate text A. into Russian.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions to text A:

1. What forms of gastritis do you know?

2. What agents cause gastritis?

3. What physical agents cause gastritis?

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions to text A in Russian and then in English:

1. How many forms of gastritis do you know?

2. What are the forms of gastritis?

3. What agents may cause inflammation?

4. What does over-feeding cause?

5. What feeds may cause gastritis?

6. What is it said about bad teeth in the text?

7. Does the feeding of damaged feeds cause a moderate gastritis?

B. Gastritis. Gastro-enteritis

Chemical agents. A number of caustic and irritant poisons including arsenic, lead, copper, mercury, phosphorus and nitrate, causes gastro-enteritis. Excess production of lactic acid in the rumen after engorgement bit grain often leads to the development of acute rumenitis and subsequently gastro-enteritis.

Clinical findings in acute gastritis. When the inflammation is severe, pigs and sometimes horses and ruminants vomit. The vomitus contains much mucus, sometimes blood, and is small in amount, and vomiting is repeated with forceful retching movements. The appetite is always reduced, often absent, but thirst is usually excessive and pigs affected with gastro-enteritis may stand continually lapping water or even licking cool objects. The breath usually has a rank smell and there may be abdominal pain. Diarrhea is not marked unless there is accompanying enteritis but the faeces are usually pasty and soft. Additional signs are usually evident when gastritis is the part of a primary disease syndrome. Dehydration and alkalosis with tetany and rapid breathing may develop if vomiting excessive.

Chronic gastritis. Here the syndrome is much less severe. The appetite is depressed or depraved and vomiting occurs only sporadically, usually after feeding. The vomitus contains much viscid mucus. Abdominal pain is minor and dehydration is unlikely to occur but the animal becomes emaciated due to lack of food intake and incomplete digestion.