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2 Comment on the following lines from the text. Explain the underlined words.

  • … the careful nurturing of popular consent (Par.A)

  • The antidote is more exposure. (Par. A)

  • In a media-soaked age, that is a fantastic asset. (Par. B)

  • … only 19% would like to switch to a republic (Par.C)

  • I would put her appeal down to consistency. (Par. D)

  • … which make instinctive sense to her. (Par.E)

  • The Queen has also subtly refurbished the most public aspect of her work … (Par. F)

  • Her staff say that she is almost spookily well-informed and observant. (Par. G)

  • … never tire of the grind, the rigid code of behavior, the deluge of small talk?(Par. I)

  • … she wants to leave behind: a Crown relentlessly pragmatic enough to stay popular. (par. L)


3 Write a summary heading for each paragraph (a-m), justify your variants.

Strategy Points : When writing a summary sentence

  • study the suggested variant and the paragraph it is based on

  • avoid using exact words from the text, use your own words to express the ideas .

  • always try to paraphrase the information, using synonymous phrases and different structures.

A To be closer to the young generation

B ……………………………………………..

C ……………………………………………..

D ………………………………………………

E …………………………………………….

F …………………………………………….

G ………………………………………………

H ……………………………………………..

I ………………………………………………

J ………………………………………………

K ……………………………………………..

L ………………………………………………..


4 Match these words with the definitions (1-11) given.

antidote consistency to refurbish to venerate ubiquitous a dignitary

continuity a national anthem to abdicate balmy venue

deluge helm grind legacy

  1. a song of loyalty or devotion, as to a nation or college

  2. anything that counteracts or relieves a harmful condition; remedy

  3. an overwhelming rush or number

  4. having or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at once

  5. mild and pleasant

  6. conformity with previous attitudes, behaviour, practice, etc

  7. a situation in which smth exists for a long time without changing

  8. laborious or routine work

  9. to respect or honour

  10. to give up a position of being a king

  11. to repair, improve, change

  12. something handed down or received from an ancestor or predecessor

  13. a person of high official position or rank

  14. any place where an organized gathering or public meeting is held

  15. a position of leadership or control

5 Provide Russian equivalent for the following word combinations:

- to exercise one’s (constitutional/ real, etc) powers ………………………………………

- to nurture popular consent ………………………………………………………………….

- to dissolve Parliament …………………………………………………………………

- to host dinner for smb …………………………………………………………..

- to get widespread respect ………………………………………………………………

- be averse to risk ………………………………………………………………………..

- to pool the wool over smb’s eyes …………………………………………………………