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  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод составных предлогов.

1. In view of the great importance of this subject, a separate chapter will be devoted to it. 2. Apart from these implications, some experiments with interactive systems are note - worthy. 3. Aside from this suggestion, however, there is no other information available about these mechanisms. 4. You can never have a revolution in order to establish a democra­cy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution (G. Chesterton). 5. You will be punished or rewarded accord­ing to whether you have led a virtuous or a sinful life. 6. As to the thesis it holds for more general cases of isomerization. 7. In spite of the complexity of the structure, the theoretical results may be considered highly satisfactory. 8. In view of this fact I decided to place much greater emphasis on general principles.

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод предлога of.

1.All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, and the books of all time (J. Ruskin). 2. The recent develop­ment is of great value for practical workers. 3. These finding's are of fundamental mathematical importance. 4. Some features of the model may be of utmost interest to designers and users of computers. 5. The scheme was of some help in developing the de­vice. 6. Of all the cases of interest the former is of prime impor­tance. 7. The latter transformation will be of greater importance for us. 8. They thought of making another series of experiments. 9. The reasoning process can only be of analytic nature.

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на а) существительные во множественном числе и б) существительные в притяжательном падеже.

1. The data speak in favour of this theory. 2. One's left hand does not know what one's right hand is doing. 3. The reaction, if any, runs in vacua. 4. As to the scientists' work, it is of great im- portance. 5. After a week's rest the rabbit may be given a second dose of vitamins. 6. There are some methods at one's disposal of reaching this goal. 7. In spite of some objections this engineer's design was accepted. 8. It was implicit owing to comments about using the computer's power. 9. They attempt to continually en­large the sphere of the program's local simplicity. 10. Pr. Beale's theoretical work has always been firmly grounded in practice. 11. Of all the values Pauling's estimates of the radii of these vol­umes are of utmost importance. 12. An acceptable level for the machine's performance can be defined as the machine's own char­acteristic. 13. Its structure will obviously emphasize the poles' rule as system parameters. 14. Though unofficial memoranda of the subject were under intensive discussion. 15. According to Locke's theory sense data are the only source of knowledge. 16. In addi­tion to differences in their physical properties the two materials differ in their technology. 17. In accordance with statistic data nearly one-third of the Earth's population experiences freshwa­ter shortages even today. 18. The structure's static nature has limited effectiveness due to two implicit assumptions. 19. Of ten metrics enumerated by Day's model six have polynomial time al­gorithms. 20. Hypothesis is a necessary instrument for a scientif­ic investigation. 21. The most important considerations are the mathematical nature of the problems to be solved. 22. They could not predict efficiencies. 23. Good people are not corrupted by their surroundings. 24. By pure numismatics he understood the simple activities of collecting, classifying and describing numismaticitems. 25. One should see the situation with one's own eyes.

IV. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на дополнения.

1. Our data suggested a different reaction course. 2. They have answered all the questions. 3. It was left for Constable to give landscape painting its final dispatch. 4. Turner was the first to reveal to his fellow islanders the beauty of the sea. 5. In this way the metals can be given quite remarkable me­chanical properties. 6. This gives the language clearer than usual semantics. 7. Appropriation of knowledge gives the firm a degree of monopoly power. 8. The dancer gives objectivity to her feelings. 9. To call such suggestion "creation" is pre­tentious. 10. This property gives symbolic architectures a major advantage over traditional architectures. 11. The mech­anistic differences between the reactions account for this re­markable difference in product selectivity. 12. The serious error affected the measurements. 13. Automation has given rise to a number of special problems which call for careful analysis by economists. 14. The survival of animals depends on many factors. 15. One calls for dialectical synthesis and not analysis. 16. A change in temperature influences the in­version point of these emulsions. 17. We cannot rely upon his experimental findings. 18. The achievements earned the sci­entist great popularity among his colleagues. 19. The size of an optimal model approaches the size of an PLA model. 20. These three cases can be easily accounted for.

V. Переведите предложения, используя правило ряда.

1. Argument force rather than force argument should dom­inate. 2. The class of regulators can be thought of as composed of three parts: a parameter estimator, a linear controller and a block which determines the controller parameters. 3. They have used the conventional crystal growth method. 4. Here frequen­cy dependent rate equations are applicable. 5. The approach is used for time and money saving purposes. 6. A cell growth rate increase has been observed. 7. They have constructed a gas-filled high pressure cell. 8. Such integrity has been achieved by a com­bination of manual and computer based controls. 9. An integrat­ed absorption area value of all methyl groups is reasonably good. 10. Straumanis has built an elaborate temperature-control sys­tem. 11. They have used the temperature controlled system. 12. The uptake of oxygen is the rate-determining step of the re­action. 13. Procedure-oriented languages are usually related to a class of problem types. 14. They had a tendency to a risk prone behaviour. 15. The remaining concern is to take into account varying demand rates and cost variables. 16. The research team developed a new kind of information receiving system. 17. They presented the mass of data necessary for effective land use plan­ning. 18. The cold light source lamps operate at low power lev­els. 19. Cocyclization of II produced a completely different prod­uct distribution. 20. Two additional large centrifugal type heat pump water heaters have been provided. 21. The logic device produces a specif ic type signal for specific sensor state. 22. There is a vast controversy-filled literature on the problem.

VI. Переведите текст, выделяя ряды разного типа.

System identification has arisen in different areas of ap­plication where the system model is completely unspecified but one wants to predict the system response, to regulate the system, or to simulate the system. The only data available are a sequence of known input and a sequence of noise corrupted output. The intermediate objective is to specify a model which agrees with the statistical data. To perform system identifi­cation requires three steps: structure determination, param­eter identification, and model verification. Before solving the parameter identification problem, one would address the problem of identifiability of parameters. With an assumed structure, is it ever possible to identify the unknown param­eters by extracting information from deterministic input and stochastic output data? The capability of answering this ques­tion will facilitate the selection of an appropriate model struc­ture. Clearly, one would not select a model structure whose parameters cannot be identified. Thus the question of param­eters identifiability is central in the procedures for system identification.

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