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Elements of music By Thomas Murphy

In modern 1) academi__, the arts are usually 2) gro__ped with the Humanities. Some subjects in the 3) Human__ties are history, linguistics, literature, philosophy, women's studies. Music as a kind of art has many different 4) ___lements. The main elements are: rhythm, melody, 5) __armony, structure, timbre, 6) d__namics, and texture. Each element — and each of its 7) s__b-elements, if any — is discussed below.

A melody is a 1) _______of notes sounding in 2) ___________. The notes of a melody are typically created with respect to3) _______ systems such as scales. The rhythm of a melody is based on the inflections of language, the physical 4) ________of dance, or simply periodic pulsation. 5) _______ is typically divided into phrases within a larger overarching structure. The elements of a melody are pitch, duration and 6) ________. In the context of theory, a piece of music may be melodically based. A harmonically based piece, on the contrary, will focus on a 7) ______ progression, with the melody as a secondary.

In music, dynamics normally 1) (refers, refer) to the softness or loudness of a sound or note, e.g. pianissimo or fortissimo. Until recently, most of these dynamics and signs 2) (were, was) written in Italian, but recently are becoming 3) (written, wrote) or translated into English. However, to every aspect of the execution of a given piece, either stylistic (staccato, legato etc.) or functional (velocity) 4) (are, were) also known as dynamics. The term 5) (is, to be) also applied to the written or printed musical terminology 6) (used, uses) to indicate dynamics.

Текст 3

Завдання до тексту

I.   Вставте пропущені букви у словах першого абзацу.

II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (listening, spatial, variations, functions, mental, Association, performance) у другому абзаці.

III. У третьому абзаці підкресліть правильну граматичну форму.                                    

IV. Складіть план до тексту.

V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію.

From The Times

29. 09. 2007

Learning through Music

By James Black

We are all by nature musical, 1) rhy__hmical people. We listen to our mother's heartbeat for nine months before we are born and come into the world with our own rhythms of breathing and 2) p__lse. We are surrounded by music every day, enjoy it for 3) rela__ation, yet many of us have not 4) exper__enced music in our school lives beyond learning the alphabet through 5) sin__ing it. And many others have only 6) unde__stood music in school during a weekly forty-five minute class 7) peri__d.

Recent research reported at the 1994 Annual Convention of the American Psychological 1) ________ suggests that music lessons, and even simply 2) ________ to music, can enhance spatial reasoning 3) __________. It notes that "well-developed 4) _________ intelligence is the ability to perceive the visual world accurately, to form 5) ________ images of physical objects, and to recognize 6) ________ of objects. The researchers theorize that spatial reasoning abilities are crucial for such higher brain 7) _________ as music, complex mathematics, and chess.

It is interesting 1) (to, -_) note in this context that the majority of 2) (-, the) best engineers in Silicon Valley are 3) (practicing, plasticize) musicians. Numbers of theorists suggest that the fact that the universities of India graduate so 4) (many, much) brilliant mathematicians and physicists has something to do with the early (even prenatal) listening to ragas-music. It is known that a Japanese mathematics teacher, 5) (whom, whose) students have demonstrated incredible math ability, was asked the question. "What would you say is the most effective way of heightening children's mental ability at the earliest possible stages?" He answered, "The finest start 6) (by, for) infants is to sing songs. It helps to elevate power of understanding.”

Текст 4

Завдання до тексту

I.   Вставте пропущені букви у словах першого абзацу.

II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (progressed, decades, music, listenable, entirely, CD, undoubtedly) у другому абзаці.

III. У третьому абзаці підкресліть правильну граматичну форму.                                    

IV. Складіть план до тексту.

V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію.

From The Daily Telegraph
