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3. Поставте питання до виділених слів

1. There is a big park in the centre of our city.

2. There are three children in our family.

3. There are five English books on my table.

4. There are only three mistakes in my dictation today.

5. There is a new drama theatre near my house.

6. There is a beautiful dress in the shop.

7. There are many friends at the party today.


4. Вставте в пропущених місцях was/there wasn't/was

there?/there were/there weren't/were there?

1. I was hungry but ...there wasn’t... anything to eat.

2. …Were there…any letters for me yesterday?

4……………a football match on TV last night but I didn’t see it.

5“We stayed at a nice hotel.” “Did you?.................. a swimming-pool?”

6The suitcase was empty..........................any clothes in it.

7I found a wallet in the street but.........................any money in it.

8“ many people at the meeting?” “No, very few.”

9We didn’t visit the museum. ..................... enough time.

10I’m sorry I’m late. .......................a lot of traffic.

11The radio wasn’t working because.......................any batteries in it.

5. Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою. Зверніть

увагу на використання звороту there is/there are, there

was/there were

1. В нашому Університеті є багато факультетів.

2. В цій книжці 350 сторінок.

3. Скільки театрів було в Києві у 1978 році?

4. Біля моєї домівки є автобусна зупинка.

5. Скільки студентів було у вашій групі минулого року?

6. На столі лежить газета.

7. В нашій родині лише одна дитина.

8. Чи є у вашій кімнаті комп’ютер?

9. В квартирі мого найкращого друга 3 кімнати.

10.Чи є у вашій країні Діснейленд?

ІІІ. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

1. Перепишите в ваши словари следующие слова и словосочетания. Протранскрибируйте, переведите и выучите их. Well-supported, to involve, current, research, relationship, anxiety, punishment, to compare, adolescent, delinquent, anticipation, tension, evidence, excitement, response. 2. Определите значения слов, не пользуясь словарем. Psychopathy, factor, focus, biological, determinant, style, reality, clinical, discomfort, experimental, stress, shock, visual, stimulation, reaction 3. Дайте русские эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям. Well-supported theory, from case to case, current research, male delinquent, to require autonomic nervous system activity, variety of conditions, excitement, threat of danger, caution 4. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Перепишите второй абзац и письменно переведите его.  There is no well-supported theory of psychopathy; many factors are involved that may vary from case to case. Current research focuses on biological determinants and on the qualities of the parent-child relationship that reinforce psychopathic styles of coping with reality. The clinical impression that the psychopathic individual experiences little anxiety about future discomforts or punishments has been supported by experimental studies. One study compared two groups of adolescent male delinquents. The experimenters tested galvanic skin response (GSR) under stress. Dummy electrodes were attached to each subject’s leg, and he was told that in 10 minutes he would be given a very strong but not harmful shock. The two groups showed no difference in GSR measures during periods of rest or in response to auditory or visual stimulation. However, during the 10 minutes of shock anticipation, the non psychopathic group,  showed significantly more tension than the psychopathic group and at moment when the clock indicated shock was due, most of the non psychopathic delinquents showed an abrupt drop in skin resistance (indicating a sharp increase in anxiety); none of the psychopaths showed this reaction.  Other studies in prison have shown that psychopaths do not learn to avoid shocks as quickly as normal or neurotic individuals do, nor evidence as much autonomic nervous system activity as other prisoners under a variety of conditions. These findings have led to the hypothesis that psychopathic individuals may have been born with an under reactive autonomic nervous system; this would explain why they seem to require so much excitement and why they fail to respond normally to the threats of danger that deter most people from antisocial acts. Interpretations must be made with caution, however. It is possible that psychopaths view experimental situations as something of a game and they may try to play it “extra cool” by attempting to control their responses.  5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту 1. What does current research focus on? 2. In what way has clinical impression that some individuals feel little anxiety about future discomfort been supported? 3. The two groups showed no difference in galvanic skin response, did they? 4. Does the text describe antisocial behaviour, parental influences or biological factors? 5. Do you agree that psychopatic delinquents under stress show no reaction? 6. Did the findings lead to the hypothesis that psychopaths may have been born with an underreactive autonomic nervous system? 6. Задайте к тексту шесть вопросов различных типов.

Практичне заняття №3

Тема: Друзі та спільні інтереси. Захоплення та хобі. Навчання в університеті. Студмістечко.

І. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.

  1. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

  1. Do you have a best friend? What is his/her name?

  2. How long have you been friends?

  3. How old is your friend?

  4. What are the common interests that you have?

  5. How do you usually spend your time together?

  6. Do you think you will find a lot of new friends at the university?

  7. Have you got acquainted with all your group-mates?

  8. Do you know who of them live in the university hostel?

  9. Are the hostel conditions of living good?

  10. What are the duties of those who live in the hostel?

  11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the hostel?

  1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Випишіть незнайомі слова до словника. Виконайте завдання після тексту.