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Л.П. Христорождественская Unit VII.doc
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Steffi started winning (15) competitions when she was six. At (16) age often she could play very well, and her father gave up his job and became her tennis teacher.

Today Steffi is (17) brilliant and confident player — (18) true cham­pion, but she still enjoys being at home with her family, with her mother Heidi, her brother, Michael (who is two years younger than she is) and of course, her father, Peter. She also has two dogs, Max and Ben.

When she isn't playing (19) tennis, Steffi likes (20) shopping, (21) playing (22) cards and listening to (23) music. She can't drive yet but she's already got three cars. She won them as (24) prizes in (25) compe­titions. Steffi travels a lot and she speaks very good English.

2. Translate into English.

1. Когда я был студентом, я занимался спортом. Я хорошо бегал и прыгал. Но когда я стал старше, я забросил спорт и очень жалею об этом. Этой зимой я собираюсь ходить на лыжах и кататься на конь­ках, а когда придет лето, буду плавать и заниматься греблей. 2. Я очень люблю фигурное катание и всегда смотрю по телевизору меж­дународные соревнования по фигурному катанию. 3. Я учусь в лин­гвистическом университете. У нас прекрасный спортзал и все воз­можности для хорошей физической подготовки. 4. Мой брат мечта­ет поставить рекорд по плаванию. Он много тренируется. 5. Япредпочитаю легкую атлетику боксу и борьбе. 6. Альпинизм—опас­ный вид спорта. 7. Моя дочь увлекается спортом. Ей хорошо дается фигурное катание, она хорошо плавает и бегает. 8. Вы собираетесь участвовать в лодочных гонках? — Нет, я сейчас не в форме. 9. Я, кажется, знаю этого человека. Он был когда-то отличным бегуном, а теперь он тренирует молодых спортсменов. 10. Кем был установлен последний мировой рекорд по прыжкам в высоту? — Не знаю. Я не увлекаюсь легкой атлетикой. Я предпочитаю футбол. 11. В прошлую субботу я и мой друг ходили на стадион. Играли московский "Спар­так" и минское "Динамо". Мой друг — москвич, и он болеет за мос­ковский "Спартак", а я болельщик минского "Динамо". Игра была захватывающей. Обе команды были в хорошей спортивной форме. Первым забил гол нападающий минского "Динамо". Несколько ми­нут спустя спартаковский полузащитник сравнял счет. Первая поло­вина матча закончилась вничью. Во второй половине матча дина­мовцы были сильнее своих соперников и забили еще один гол. Они победили со счетом 2:1. Я был доволен, а мой друг расстроен.




Ways of giving sympathy and encouragement to someone.


failed my exams.

lost my job.

had an accident,

broken my leg.

got to go into hospital.

I didn't

get the job.

get my degree,

get the scholarship,

win the prize,

win the case.

My wife/husband has left me!

В (Oh,)...


I am sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry to hear that.

What a shame!

That is a shame.

What bad luck!

That is bad luck.


Never mind!

Cheer up!

Don't worry (about it).

You mustn't worry (about it).

Don't let it worry you/get you down.

You mustn't let it get you down.

It could be (a lot) worse.

It's not the end of the world.

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/. Tell someone:

your car was stolen;

your house was burgled;

the house you wanted to buy has been sold to someone else;

when you got to the airport your flight had been cancelled because

of a strike;

you've lost £200.

Не/She will give sympathy and encouragement.

2. Learn the dialogue and make substitutions.

As John was driving on the motorway he heard a loud noise coming from the engine. Seconds later the car came to a sudden halt. He is talking about it to his friend Tom.

John: I daresay you've heard about my breakdown on the motorway. Tom: Yes. What bad luck! But cheer up! It could have been a lot

worse. {What a shame/Never mind) John: Could it? They tell me it needs a new engine. Tom: Oh, no! lam sorry. It'll cost you a fortune. (That is bad luck) John: Yes, over £500 I believe.

Tom: £500! Oh, that is bad luck. You poor chap. (7 am sorry) John: Still, as you say, it could have been a lot worse. I might have

been killed. Tom: Quite. It's not the end of the world. But I know how you

feel. £500 is a lot of money. (You mustn 't let it get you down).

3. Situation.

A friend is speaking to you about a number of problems he has been having recently. Give him sympathy and encouragement.



/. Express reproach.

> You do not remember your child's birthday. You might remember your child's birthday.

> You did not switch off the lights before leaving.

You might have switched off the lights before leaving.

  1. You do not wear your new suit to the office.

  2. You did not sew the buttons on, Alice.

  3. You did not even notice how well she played. You do not pay enough attention to your child.

  4. Do come and help me choose the present.

  5. You did not try hard enough.

  6. Please help me with my homework.

  7. He didn't meet her at the airport.

  8. You didn't tell me at once what was wrong.

  9. Please stay with us a little longer.

  1. He didn't pay the bill.

  2. I can't understand why he didn't offer us a lift.

  3. Why didn't you ask me first?

  4. You never let me know when something like this happens.

  5. You didn't get up earlier and help me to clean after the party.

  6. Why don't you write to her?

  7. Why didn't you invite him?

  8. Why didn't she write?

  9. I was a bit upset that they didn't lend a hand.

2. Translate into English.

1. Ты бы мог подарить что-нибудь сестре. Почему ты не сделал этого? Она обиделась. 2. Вы могли бы приходить вовремя. Почему вы всегда опаздываете? 3. Право, Ник, ты мог бы помочь мне не­сти этот тяжелый чемодан. 4. Наконец-то ты пришла! Ты могла бы прийти пораньше, ты ведь знала, что я больна. 5. Ты могла бы вер­нуться раньше и провести вечер с ребенком. 6. Ты был не так уж сильно занят. Ты мог бы нам помочь. 7. Он мог бы сделать это для вас. Ему это совсем не трудно. 8. Вы могли бы быть с ней повежли­вее. 9. Вы могли бы предупредить меня, что собрание отложено. Почему вы не сделали этого? 10. Он мог бы хоть что-нибудь ска­зать, чтобы поддержать меня. 11. Она беспокоилась. Вы могли бы ей позвонить. 12. Вы могли бы подождать меня пять минут. Я опоз­дал не по своей вине.

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TOPIC: MEDICAL MATTERS Listen, read and practise.

At the Doctor's Surgery

There were several patients waiting at the surgery, one of them was Joseph. There was nothing wrong with him, but the National Health Service was free, so he was always inventing pains and being given enormous supplies of pills, ointments and medicines that were worth a small fortune.

This meant that he was getting regular check-ups, because he was constantly having to register with a new doctor. But what harm was there in that?

His name was called over the loudspeaker and he rose promptly. He didn't want his overcoat, which he wore winter and summer alike, but as he was taking it off, a woman said, 'You've dropped something.'

He looked down. It was a receipt. He picked it up, and continued to struggle out of his coat. His name was repeated over the intercom. Hurried­ly he stuffed the crumpled receipt into a pocket and left the waiting room.

'Third door on the right,' the receptionist told him.

Joseph knocked and entered.

'Morning, doctor.'

'Good morning.'

The doctor got up behind his desk and they shook hands.

'Well, what's the trouble?'

The doctor flicked through the cards in the index cabinet and pulled one out.

'I've got a pain.' Sometimes he would complain of backache, some­times of headaches, at other times of pains in the chest. Today he chose a pain in the stomach, just above the navel.

'Right, take your shirt off and let's have a look at you.'

Joseph stripped and lay stretched out on the couch.

'How's your appetite?’

'I never refuse a good meal.'

'Any discomfort afterwards? Nausea, indigestion, dizziness?'


'Are you ever troubled by constipation?'

'I'm as regular as clockwork.'

'I see,' the doctor said.

'Perhaps I'd better give you a general check-up.'

He got out his stethoscope and sounded Joseph's chest.

'Do you sleep well?'

'Like a dog.'

The doctor pressed his hands over Joseph's fat stomach.

'Are you a worrier?'

'What's the use of worrying, doctor? It may never happen.'

They were silent for a minute while Joseph had his pulse taken.

'How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?' the doctor asked, as he prepared to take his blood pressure.

'A packet of twenty'

'Are you a heavy drinker?'

'Wish I could afford to be. Do you know the price of a bottle of whisky these days?'

The doctor nodded.

'Do you ever get pains in the chest after exercise?'

'Never take exercise.'

'You should, you're overweight. You ought to go on a diet, keep off fried food and cut out sugar altogether.'

'Which reminds me, doctor. I reckon I need a good tonic'

Next Joseph was tapped below the knee to test his reflexes.

'The best tonic for you is to go for a walk after supper and do some exercises when you get up in the morning. A prescription isn't needed for that. Let's have a look at your throat. Say 'Ah.' He nodded. 'There is nothing wrong with you. All the same, I'll take a blood sample and I'd better have a specimen of your urine.'

The thought that he was giving things rather than receiving them upset Joseph. He hastily began inventing other symptoms of illness.

'But, doctor, I get this tired feeling...'

'No wonder.' The doctor patted Joseph's belly. 'You're carrying about with you the equivalent of a sack of potatoes.'

'Well, that's enough exercise, isn't it?'

'The wrong sort. Now you take my advice, and you'll be in excellent condition in no time.'

'Thank you, doctor.'

The waiting room was empty. His overcoat pocket was empty too. Joseph peered suspiciously round. On the chair opposite was the green coat belonging to that sharp-eyed female who'd first spotted the receipt on the floor. Had it been picked by her? He felt in the pockets. The

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green coat revealed nothing, but the handbag had been hidden under it. He opened it and swiftly searched among its contents. The owner of the handbag appeared quite suddenly and screamed.

'Help. Thief! Murder!'

Joseph, in panic, dropped the bag and fled.

Some time later he found the missing receipt in his jacket pocket. Even later he was visited by two policemen in plain clothes.

A. Questions.

1. What was Joseph doing at the surgery? 2. What did he complain of on this occasion? 3. What did the doctor tell Joseph to do? 4. What was the result of the doctor's examination? 5. What was the last piece of advice he gave Joseph? 6. Why, according to the doctor, did Joseph feel tired? 7. What happened after Joseph had left the surgery?

B. Study and practise the text.

C. Practice.

1. Make up short dialogues. Use the present or the past continuous with always.

(a)A: Mike doesn't interrupt much, does he?

B: Oh yes, he does. He's always interrupting!

(b)A: He didn't interrupt much, did he?

B: Oh yes, he did. He was always interrupting!

(a) He doesn If... does he? (b) He didn 't... did he?


smoke much


ask for help often


talk about her


argue much


often forget your telephone number (Use my in the answer.)


use the phone often


change his job often


have accidents often


get into trouble often


boast often


break things often


let you down (Use me in

the answer.)


grumble much

  1. tell lies often

  2. get into debt often

  3. catch cold often

  4. write to the newspapers

2. Which of these sentences can be completed with either used to or would? Which of them can only be completed with used to?

1. When Andrew was a small baby he ... cry a lot. 2. When I was little, I ... be afraid of the dark. 3. When we were children, we ... visit my grandmother every Sunday afternoon. 4. When Mrs Woods was young­er, she... play tennis eveiy weekend. 5. Years ago I... have a motorbike.

6. There ... be quite a lot of cinemas in the town, but now there aren't any. 7. We ... live in a village in the North of England. 8. When Robert was younger, he ... go running every morning. 9. Whenever Arthur was angry, he ... walk out of the room.

3. From each pair of sentences make one sentence with as (time).

> She opened the letter. I watched her. I watched her as she opened the letter.

1. We posed for the photograph. We smiled. We smiled... 2. He ex­ plained what I had to do. I listened carefully. I... 3. The two teams ran onto the pitch. The crowd cheered. The crowd... 4. She passed me in the street. She didn't look at me. 5. The man slipped. He was getting off the train. 6. She was taking the cakes out of the oven. She burnt herself.

7. The thief was seen. He was climbing over the wall.

4. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. What are you doing? I... the car. (clean) I'm cleaning the car.

2. Where's your car? — It... at the moment. I'll collect it in an hour, (clean) 3.1 never find time to clean the car myself, so I... (clean). 4. Did you decorate the room yourselves? — No, we... (decorate). 5. We can't use the living room. It.... at the moment, (decorate) 6. You... They look quite worn, (must/repair your shoes) 7. My shoes... It was an expensive job! (just repair) 8. The heel came off my shoe and I... it myself, (re­ pair) 9. 'I'd like this film...,' I said. 'Certainly,' the assistant said, (de­ velop and print) 10. 'Can I use the photocopier... this document?' I asked, (photocopy) 11. Who... the children's clothes in this house? — Who do'

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you think? I do! (mend) 12. What's happened to my report? — It... at the moment, (photocopy)

5. Make up statements according to the models.

  1. I can't type the article now. There is something wrong with my typewriter.

  2. —I'm tired.

— No wonder. You've been working hard.

Vocabulary of injury.

The following words are often confused.




to hurt

to ache

an ache

a pain


to injure

an injury


to wound

a wound


People are wounded in wars or in a fight, and injured in an acci­dent. Both are more serious than hurt.

Ache as a noun is mainly found in the following compounds: back­ache, earache, headache, stomachache, toothache. For other parts of the body, we say a pain in my elbow, etc.

An ache is dull and continuous; a pain can be more extreme and more sudden.

When ache and hurt are used as verbs, it is more common to find them in the Present simple than the Present Continuous to describe pain now: My leg hurts.

6. Fill each gap with one of the words from the chart in the correct form.

1. The England football captain has... his ankle, and won't be playing in next week's international against Belgium. 2. The soldier had a bullet... in his thigh. 3.1 have a terrible ... in my chest. 4. When I cough, it really ... 5. Two people died and ten were ... in a train crash yesterday. 6. I played tennis for the first time this year yesterday. Today my whole body ... 7. Two football fans were seriously ... in a knife attack by rival fans earlier today. Three men are helping police with their enquiries.

8. Please don't touch my ankle. It's too ... to move. 9. Doctor: I want to feel your bones. If it..., tell me and I'll stop.

7. Fill in the blanks as in the example.

New Cross Memorial is the busiest (busy) hospital in New York. It has ... (new) medical equipment and ... (fast) ambulances ... the city. Its waiting lists are ... (short)... other hospitals' and many people say that medical staff are ... (caring) ... America. Jane works in the children's ward. Her work is ... (hard)... some of her colleagues' because she is ... (qualify) nurse on the ward. Despite this, she thinks she has... (good) job ... the hospital. Her hours are ... (bad) ... her friends' but the re­wards are ... (great)... .theirs.

Health Service in Great Britain

There is a state medical service in Britain called the National Health Service (NHS). Anyone can go and see a GP and this costs nothing. (The service is free for foreigners too in an emergency.) If the doctor thinks you need some medicine, he writes you a prescription, which you take to the chemist's. Most people have to pay a small charge for a prescription. Although medical treatment, including hospital treatment, costs NHS patients almost nothing, there are some problems: you often have to sit in crowded waiting rooms with a lot of ill people; doctors and nurses are overworked; people may have to wait for months for a minor operation because there aren't enough hospital beds. People who have serious illnesses, however, get immediate medical treatment.

Some people go to private doctors to get private treatment, though this is expensive.

Health service isn't paid for in the United States. There is no gov­ernment health service. People buy insurance, but it doesn't pay for everything. Hospital rooms can cost as much as two hundred dollars a day, and very often the patients have to buy their own necessities. Some­times they pay for their treatment for the rest of their lives.

A. Speak about health service in Great Britain.

B. 1. Do you pay to see a doctor in your country? 2. Would you like to be a doctor? Why? Why not? 3. Talk about interesting personal experi­ ences with doctors and hospitals.

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In Britain, young people (under 21) and people on Social Security don't have to pay for dental treatment. Other people have to pay. But there is a maximum charge for treatment (in 1980 it was £8.00). This means if the dentist gives you one, two or three fillings, an injection, an X-ray and pulls out a tooth, you pay a little for each piece of treatment, but you don't have to pay more than the maximum charge. The government pays most of the cost of your treatment. There are also private dentists. People go to them if they want special treatment, like gold fillings or better quality false teeth. It is almost impossible for foreigners in Britain to find a den­tist who is willing to do work on their teeth on the National Health.

A. Speak about dental service in Great Britain.

B. 1. Why do people hate going to the dentist? 2. Do you pay a lot for dental treatment in your country?

C. Discussion.

Advantages and disadvantages of government and private health services.

What Should I Do?

Ten years ago I used to be very fit. I cycled to work and I got a lot of exercise at the weekends. I used to play tennis a lot and go for long walks. In those days I didn't earn very much. I had a job in an office. It wasn't a very good job but I had a lot of time to do the things I enjoyed doing.

Then, about eight years ago, I got a much better job. The pay was better. But the hours were a lot longer, too. I bought a car and drove to work every day. I began to take people out to lunch. 'Expensive account' lunches. And I began to put on weight, too. I stopped playing tennis and going for long walks at the weekend because I just didn't have any time for things like that any more. There's a lot of stress in a job like mine. Perhaps that's why I started drinking more than I used to. For example, I used to have only a half a glass of whisky when I got home, then I started filling the glass to the top. Then I had another glass, and then another. I started smoking a lot, too. I never used to smoke at all.

Two months ago I had a heart attack. At first I just couldn't believe it. 'I'm too young,' I said. Luckily it wasn't very serious. I was in hospi­tal a few days and they did a lot of tests. The doctor advised me to stop smoking and to eat less. He told me to do a lot of other things, too. But

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I don't see how I can do some of them and keep my job. For example, he advised me to work less, and get more exercise. But I just haven't any time! My job takes everything out of me! Sometimes I wonder if I should get another job. Perhaps I could do something like I used to do. But if I do that, I won't earn as much. I have a family to support. I have to think of them, too. I just don't know what I should do. What do you think?

A. Questions.

1. What are some of the things this man used to do but which he doesn't do any more? 2. What are some of the things he probably enjoyed doing at the weekend? 3. Do you think he enjoys life as much as he used to? Give reasons for your answer. 4. What are the things he does now but which he didn't use to do? 5. What has his job to do with these things? 6. Do you think he should stop doing some things and start doing oth­ers? What? Why?

Laura’s Story

Here's one person who really believes in keeping fit. Her name is Mrs Laura Taylor. She is 45 but looks at least 10 years younger. Let's listen to her story.

It all started about two years ago. In those days things were very different. I was overweight. I used to smoke a lot — about 30 cigarettes a day. I never got any exercise. I used to stay at home all day. I never went out into the fresh air, except to do the shopping. And even then I used to take the car. One day I looked at myself in the mirror. 'My God!' I thought. T look terrible!' I tried to touch my toes. I couldn't do it. I found an old dress. I couldn't put it on. It was too small. Or rather I was too fat!

The next day I tried to jog a little. At first it was terrible. I mean I just couldn't run. Not even a short distance. And at first people used to laugh at me. 'Why are you running? Are you in a hurry?' they shouted. But now I've completely changed the way I live. I've stopped eating meat and I've started eating far more fresh vegetables. My husband and daugh­ter have started that, too. At first they didn't like the new food. But they've changed. About six months ago I sold my car and bought a bike. Recently I've started doing yoga exercises.

My husband often goes cycling with me now and my daughter jogs with me in the evening. They've both lost weight and are much health­ier than they used to be, too.

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A. 1. Describe the way Laura Taylor used to live.

  1. Describe what happened one day about two years ago.

  2. Describe the things she and her family have started doing in the last two years.

B. Keeping fit.

Write down as many ways of getting and keeping fit as you can think of in five minutes, then tell them to the class. Say when, where or how often you can do these things. Your ideas can be serious or funny, as long as they keep you fit.

>- You can go to a keep-fit class once or twice a week. You can climb the Eiffel Tower once a year.

"Bad Q-lablts

Heart disease kills more than a million people in the world every year. In Britain alone 170,000 die from the disease annually. There are three main reasons for this: smoking, a bad diet, and not taking enough exer­cise. Many people travel to work by car, bus or train and then sit down at work all day! The food they eat is unhealthy and they eat too much. In a typical British dish of sausages, chips and beans there is too much salt and too much sugar — an important ingredient in tinned food — and there are not enough vegetables. And there is not enough fibre in most meals. There are too many deaths from heart disease. We can reduce that number, but we have to change our habits.

A. Are these statements true or false?

1.100,000 people in tire world die annually from heart disease.

  1. There is only one reason for heart disease.

  2. Many people do not take enough exercise.

  3. There isn't any sugar in tinned food.

  4. Smoking can cause heart disease.

B. Speak about bad habits that make our life shorter.

C. Fitness or fun?

Work in two teams. Have a class discussion. Team A argues that 'Fit­ness and good health are the most important things in life.' Team В argues that 'Fun and enjoyment are the most important things in life.'

D Sum up the specific vocabulary on the topic 'Medical Matters. 'Name a) the nouns b) the verbs c) the expressions.

'How to live to be 100 or more’

by George Burns

People keep asking me, 'George, you're 88, how do you do it? You make films, you do television, you give concerts, you record albums, smoke cigars, drink Martinis, go out with pretty girls — how do you do it?' It's simple. Today you don't have to worry about getting old; you have to worry about rusting. So I do exercises and walk a lot. Every morning I walk a mile and a half. My advice is to walk whenever you can. It's free; you feel better and look trim. If you want to live to be 100 or older, you can't just sit around waiting for it to happen. You have to get up and go after it. Here are my secrets for long life:

Think positive. Avoid worry, stress, and tension. Worry, stress, and tension are not only unpleasant but can shorten your life. My attitude is, if something is beyond your control, there's no point worrying about it. And if you can do something about it, then there's still nothing to worry about. I feel that way when the plane I'm on is bouncing around in tur­bulence. It's not my problem. The pilot gets a lot of money to fly that plane; let him worry about it.

Stay active. I know that for some people retirement works out fine. They enjoy it. I also know that for a great many others it presents lots of problems.

To me the biggest danger of retirement is what it can do to your attitude. When you have all that time on your hands, you think old, you act old. It's a mistake. I see people, who, the minute they get to be 65, start rehearsing to be old. They practise grunting when they get up, and by the time they get to be 70 they've made it — they're a hit — they are now old!

Not me. When you're around my age you've got to keep occupied. You've got to do something that will get you out of bed. I never made any money in bed. Yes, find something that will make you get out of bed like an interest, a hobby, a business, a pretty girl — there we are, back in bed again. At my age at least let me talk about it.

Challenge yourself. When my wife Gracie retired in 1958,1 could have retired too. Even today I don't have to do what I'm doing. I don't have to travel round giving concerts, making movies, doing television specials, recording country-music albums, being a sex symbol. I firmly believe that you should keep working as long as you can. And if you can't, try to find something that will interest you. Don't wait for it to

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happen; make it happen. Remember, you can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old.

There's an old saying, 'Life begins at 40.' That's silly — life begins every morning when you wake up. Open your mind to it; don't just sit there — do things. Swim the English Channel; find a cure for the com­mon cold; be the first to go over the Niagara Falls in a rocking chair. You see, the possibilities are endless. The point is, with a good positive attitude and a little bit of luck, there's no reason you can't live to be 100. Once you've done that you've really got it made, because very few peo­ple die over 100.'

A. Study and practise the text.

B. Do you take care of your health? What is your daily routine? Do you want to live to be a hundred? What do you think one ought to do to live to be a hundred?

С Work with a partner. Write a questionnaire with the title 'Have you got a healthy lifestyle?' Write at least ten questions which include some of the following phrases.

for breakfast/lunch how many... a day/week?

to/at school in the morning/afternoon

in the park to/in bed

by bicycle/bus at the weekend

watch television on foot

in summer/winter take exercise

What Should I Do?

Doctor Lennox is a radio doctor. She answers listeners' questions about their medical problems. Read their questions to her.

  1. Hello, Doctor Lennox. Well, three days ago I fell over and cut my arm. There was a little blood, but it quickly stopped bleeding and I forgot about it. Now the wound is painful and red. It hurts when I touch it. I also think I may have a fever. I feel a little hot and quite weak. Do you think I should see my doctor?

  2. Doctor Lennox, I am a 63-year-old woman. A few months ago, I was walking upstairs when I suddenly felt very faint and almost fell over. Now, whenever I do just a little exercise I get out of breath very quickly. Even when I'm sleeping, I have breathing problems. I wake up

in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. I'm really worried, because I have never had insomnia in my life before. I don't have a pain in my chest, so I don't think I have heart problems. I'm very worried. What do you think?

  1. For the last two days, Doctor Lennox, I have been feeling abso­lutely terrible. My whole body aches. I have a backache and all my muscles ache. I have a terrible headache too. But the worst thing is the vomiting. Food just won't stay in my stomach for more than a few min­utes. And the diarrhea — I'm in the bathroom every half an hour. I called my doctor and asked for a prescription for some medicine, but she said there wasn't much she could do for me. She said I should stay in bed and drink a lot of liquids. Is that right?

  2. I hope you can understand me all right, doctor, but I can't talk very well because of my sore throat. I've had it a few months now. And a cough, too, even though I don't smoke. And I seem to be tired all the time, but I'm never so sick that I can't go to work. I've been to the doctor and had some tests, but they can't find anything wrong with me. What do you think I should do now?

A. Here are Doctor Lennox's answers. Match her answers to the questions.

  1. You should see a doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will arrange for you to have a complete series of tests. It's best to take care of these things right away.

  2. You've probably got a minor infection. Sometimes they take a long time to go away. The important thing is to get plenty of rest. And maybe you should get an opinion from another doctor.

  3. It sounds as if you have an infection. You'll have to see your doctor, who will probably write you a prescription for an an­tibiotic and some medicine to put on your skin as well.

  4. You probably have the flu. It's very important that you drink a lot of liquids. You should feel better soon, but if it contin­ues much longer you should see your doctor.

B. What are the most common symptoms (signs) of flue? When were you ill last? What was wrong with you? What did you do?

C. Situation.

You are a radio doctor. At the moment you're answering listeners' ques­tions about their medical problems.

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Conversation Practice

Listen, read and practise.

Awaking an -Appointment

Nurse: Doctor Kowalski's office.

Sheila: Hi. My name's Sheila Berger. I'd like an appointment with

the doctor as soon as possible.

Nurse: Have you been in before?

Sheila: No, I haven't.

Nurse: Okay, you 're a new patient then.

Sheila: Well, yes, but I don't live here. I'm passing through the town.

Nurse: I see. And what's the matter?

Sheila: I'm dizzy and I have pretty bad diarrhea.

Nurse: Hmmm. Can you come in this afternoon at 3:00?

Sheila: Oh — huh, that'd be fine.

Nurse: And since you're not a resident of Evanston, I'll have to ask

you to pay the $ 55 for the office call today.

Sheila: That's fine. See you at three.

A. Questions.

1. When does Sheila want to see the doctor? 2. Is she a new patient? Why do you think so? 3. What is the matter with her? 4. When does the nurse want her to come in? 5. How much will the office call cost? 6. Is Sheila a resident of the town that Dr Kowalski's office is in? 7. What's the name of the town? 8. When will Sheila pay the bill? Why?

B. Roleplay the conversation.

Mrs Cheevers: Oh, well. I'll be in London tomorrow. Can he see me then?

Clinic: Yes, he's here tomorrow. And he's free at 12 p.m.

Mrs Cheevers: Oh, dear. I'm meeting a friend for lunch at 12.30. Isn't he free in the afternoon?

Clinic: I'm afraid not. Dr Fox is very busy at the moment.

He won't be able to see you unless you come at 12.

Mrs Cheevers: Well, all right. I'll change my lunch appointment. Twelve o'clock tomorrow.

Clinic: That's right, Mrs Cheevers.

Mrs Cheevers: Oh, just a minute. Did you receive my last pay­ment? I didn't get a receipt.

Clinic: Oh, hold on a minute, Mrs Cheevers. Г11 just look

in our files.

A. Questions.

1. When does Mrs Cheevers want to see Dr Fox? 2. Will she be able to see Dr Fox on Monday? Why not? 3. Why doesn't 12 o'clock suit Mrs Cheevers? 4. When can Dr Fox see Mrs Cheevers? 5. What will Mrs Cheevers have to do?

В..Report the conversation.

C. Roleplay the conversation.

D. Situation.

You seem to have caught flu. You are phoning the clinic and making an appointment with the doctor.

Can I Help you?

Mrs Cheevers is phoning her doctor.

Clinic: Hello. Parkway Health Clinic. Can I help you?

Mrs Cheevers: Yes, this is Mrs Cheevers. I'd like to make an ap­pointment to see Dr Fox.

Clinic: Certainly. When would you like to come?

Mrs Cheevers: Well, I'm free on Monday...

Clinic: I'm afraid Dr Fox won't be here next week. He's

on holiday.

What a Relief

Dr Fox is examining Mrs Cheevers.

Dr Fox: Hello, Mrs Cheevers. How can I help you?

Mrs Cheevers: Oh, Dr Fox. I think it's my heart. I've got pains in

my chest. Dr Fox: I see. Let me have a look then. Now, where does it

hurt exactly? Mrs Cheevers: Just here. And it hurts in my back, too. Dr Fox: Mm. Is it hurting now?

Mrs Cheevers: Not now. No.

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Mr Smith: Doctor: Mr Smith:

A. Questions.

Dr Fox: What about when you are doing some exercise?

Mrs Cheevers: Oh, well. I don't really do much exercise. Not now.

DrFox: Well, I don't think it's your heart. You're still working for that shoe company, aren't you? Sales manager?

Mrs Cheevers: Yes, that's right. So you don't think it's my heart?

Dr Fox: No, no... do you still smoke as much?

Mrs Cheevers: Oh, you know...

DrFox: How many?

Mrs Cheevers: A few. Forty a day. In fact I've still got a sore throat from...

Dr Fox: Well, I'll take an X-ray of your lungs, but I don't think there's anything wrong. You must cut down on your smoking. Alcohol?

Mrs Cheevers:I beg your pardon?

Dr Fox: How much do you drink?

Mrs Cheevers: Well, a bit. If I go out I'll have a few drinks. Some­times a bottle of wine with dinner, a sherry or two in the evening.

Dr Fox: Well, I think the ache is actually in your stomach, Mrs Cheevers. It's probably just indigestion.

Mrs Cheevers: Oh, what a relief!

Dr Fox: But you must relax, don't work too hard. And do watch your drinking and smoking. Now, make an appointment with the hospital for an X-ray. I'll give you a card.

A. Questions.

1. What does Mrs Cheevers complain of? 2. What questions does the doctor ask her? 3. What does Mrs Cheevers answer? 4. What does the doctor advise her to do?

B. Report the conversation.

С Roleplay the conversation.

D. Role play. Role A:

Role B:

You have a very difficult job. You smoke and drink a lot. You don't get any exercise. You are worried about your health. You go to a doctor for advice. You are a doctor. Find out how much A smokes and drinks and how much exercise he/she gets. Then give some advice.

E. When were you at the doctor's? What was wrong with you? Did the doctor give you any useful advice?