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University life

1University life is a thing which you can hardly ever forget. This is the time when a young person become an adult. First of all, to pass entrance exams and enter the university is a real challenge for a young person. It takes a lot of time, knowledge, patience and nerves. You have to be a serious, attentive and responsible person concentrated on studying. Some new students soon understand that studying at university is hard work.

2 Students spend a lot of time at the university communicating with their group mates. In conclusion, it should be mentioned that students participate at events during their studying in university. That is why a lot of people say that their university years were the greatest and the happiest time in their life.

Task 1 Find the key words of the text . (Time for preparation- 1 min., time for answering- 1 min.).

Task 2. Translate 2nd paragraph of the text (Time for preparation- 3 min., time for answering – 1 min. ).

WRITING (14 min.)

Task 1. Write the sentences to the given situation (20 words). (Time for preparation- 13 min., time for answering- 1 min.). You are sharing with your group mate what you would like to learn.

Example: I can’t swim. I would like to learn to swim. Also I would like to learn to fly a plane. ………… ……. .

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