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  1. Introductory course

Test N1

  1. Разнесите слова по группам в зависимости от способа образования множественного числа. Напишите форму множественного числа этих слов.

Place, library, language, dress, fly, watch, clock, country, eye, bus, tray, bush, postman, passer-by, party, hour, piano, umbrella, roof, son-in-law, fisherman, fish, thief, coin, coffee, tree, mouse, colony, text-book, businesswoman, play, shelf, factory, hero, half, ox, apple-tree.

  1. Выберите нужное местоимение из данных в скобках.

1. Who is that woman? Why are you looking at … (her, she, your)?

2. I like that camera. I’m doing to buy … (him, it, its).

3. Do you like …(his, my, your) job. Yes, I really enjoy …(them, you, it).

4. Are these shoes … (your, mine, yours)? – Yes, … (them, it, they) are mine.

5. Don’t help him. He can easily do it …(yourself, him, himself).

  1. Поставьте нужную форму неопределенного артикля a/an.

1. ____ bingo game

2. ____ idiot

3. ____ good job

4. ____ rotten plum

5. ____ used fork

6. ____ uncle

7. ____ historian

8. ____ apple

9. ____ hair

10. ____ artichoke

11. ____ horrible movie

12. ____ opera

13. ____ fine opera

14. ____ television

15. ____ earthquake

  1. Соотнесите местоимения и их названия.

  1. возвратные a) who, whose

  2. притяжательные b) mine, hers

  3. личные c) this, that

  4. неопределенные d) we, they

  5. вопросительные e) your, its

  6. указательные f) ourselves, herself

  7. притяжательные, абсолютная форма g) some, any

5. Укажите, какие из данных сочетаний возможны, объясните почему.

A table, these person, this furniture, that armchair, the poetry, a difficulty, a research, this eggs, those argument, a boy.


Test N2

  1. Разнесите слова по группам в зависимости от способа образования множественного числа. Напишите форму множественного числа этих слов.

Negro, mass, leaf, glass, key, child, editor-in-chief, fox, life, day, city, month, goose, schoolgirl, pocket-knife, journey, photo, tooth, box, sailor, sister-in-law, fir-tree, opportunity, money, ship, cow, machine, instrument, gentleman, lady, hand, class, kimono, loaf, dish, sheep, boyfriend.

  1. Выберите нужное местоимение из данных в скобках.

1.I’m not angry with you. I’m angry with … (yourself, myself, himself).

2.Thank you for … (his, its, your) letter, it was nice to hear from you again.

  1. Those apples are spoiled. Don’t eat … (they, them, it).

  2. We’re going out. You can go with … (us, him, we).

  3. Let …(he, his, him) take …(your, yours, yourself) book.

3. Поставьте нужную форму неопределенного артикля a/an.

1. ____ icicle

2. ____ plant

3. ____ eggplant

4. ____ intelligent man

5. ____ table

6. ____ paper clip

7. ____ animal

8. ____ usual feeling

9. ____ alibi

10. ____ early bird

11. ____ airplane

12. ____ grade

13. ____ pair

14. ____ idea

15. ____ energy level

4. Соотнесите местоимения и их названия.

1. указательные a) themselves, itself

2. притяжательные b) it, he

3. притяжательные, абсолютная форма c) no, any

4. возвратные d) yours, theirs

5. вопросительные e) these, those

6. личные f) whom, which

7. неопределенные g) my, her

  1. Укажите, какие из данных сочетаний возможны, объясните почему.

A new clubs, these trees, a hair, this goods, an sand, the assistance, a banknote, a event, that children, a Britain colonies.

Test N3

1. Поставьте существительные вo множественное число, если это возможно. Объясните, почему некоторые слова не изменяются.

World textbookacid smoking poetry applause thought

Banana conduct progress biology essaycrystal shopping

2. Замените подчеркнутое слово местоимением.

1. Linda cleaned the house without any help.

2. My friend is going to write a letter to his sister today.

3. Let Mary and Jane go to the cinema.

4. Tell Philip not to forget the ticket Helen and you shouldn’t forget the tickets either.

5. Are there several apples in the basket? – I don’t know. Let I and you look into the basket.

6. No people are in the house the garden is also empty.

3.Измените предложения, используя абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений. Поставьте все виды вопросов к 4 и 7, используйте вопросительные местоимения.

a. It is your coat.

b. They are his boots.

c. Is that my watch?

d. It is her umbrella.

e. They are Mrs. Green’s cups.

f. Is it your dog’s mat?

g. These are children’s toys.

h. Is it our new car?

4. Вставьте артикли, где они необходимы.

1. My daughter is learning to play ____ violin at her school.

2. Please give me ____ cake that is on the counter.

3. I lived on ____ Main Street when I first came to town.

4. Albany is the capital of ____ New York State.

5. My husband's family speaks ____ Polish.

6. ____ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

7. ____ ink in my pen is red.

8. Our neighbors have ____ cat and ____ dog.

Test N4

1. Поставьте существительные во множественное число, если это возможно. Объясните, почему некоторые слова не изменяются.















2. Замените подчеркнутое слово местоимением.

1. The teacher is helping to the students to translate the article.

2. These books are not suitable for children.

3. Mary and I are going to the country.

4. I forgot the dictionary and Bella gave me her dictionary.

5. Mr. Brown cut the finger while Mr. Brown was working in Jessica’s garden.

6. An unknown person sent this letter to your friend.

3. Измените предложения, используя абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений. Поставьте все виды вопросов к 3 и 5, используйте вопросительные местоимения.

1. This is my hat.

2. These are her shoes.

3. These are your pictures.

4. Is that our room?

5. That’s Peter’s office.

6. Are those their bikes?

7. It’s John’s magazine

8. This is our cat’s bowl.

4. Вставьте артикли, где они необходимы.

1. I want ____ apple from that basket.

2. ____ church on the corner is progressive.

3. Miss Lin speaks ____ Chinese.

4. I borrowed ____ pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.

5. One of the students said, "____ professor is late today."

6. Eli likes to play ____ volleyball.

7. I bought ____ umbrella to go out in the rain.

8. _____ watchmaker repairs _____ watches and _____ clocks.

Test N5

  1. Какое слово Вам нужно для завершения предложения?

1. I've got ______ more questions to ask you, if you don't mind

2. My cousin is married to ______ actor.

3. What ______ wonderful presentation! You were excellent.

4. I've got ______ idea.

5. ______ people would like to talk to you, if you have the time.

6. I love ______ Coke.

7. I lived in Tahiti when I was ______ child.

8. I've seen ______ good films recently. "The Insider" was great.

9. It's the last question. What ______ relief!

10. I need to buy ______ new trousers. I'm getting fat!

  1. Выберите нужную форму глагола.

11. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.

12. A dog or a cat (is, are) outside.

13. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.

14. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.

15. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.

16. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.

17. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.

18. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.

19. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.

20. Any answer (is, are) acceptable.

21. Every of those books (is, are) fiction.