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4. Найдите в тексте и объясните, что значат цифры, приведенные ниже.

5. Переведите устно или письменно текст о международном праве, используя лексику предыдущих упражнений.

6. Работа в парах. Обсудите текст с коллегой по группе, используя следующие вопросы в качестве ключевых.

1. Is International law a comparatively new legal system?

2. What are disciplines of international law?

3. What do public, private and supranational law deal with?

4. What are the main factors which influenced the development of international law?

5. Why the European Union Law is called unique and complex?

6. What are fundamental principles of European Union law?

7. Работа в парах или небольших группах. Прочитайте текст и выскажите свое мнение по следующим вопросам.


  1. What do you think about the necessity of comparative law existence?

  2. Do you agree that the law needs to be uniformed?

  3. Сan you imagine the possibility of creation of the unique world law system?


This law is newly made one and studies differences and similarities between different jurisdictions, including civil-law systems, common-law systems and religious (or theological) legal systems.

Comparative law has become of increasing practical importance for two reasons. First, the globalization of world trade means that commercial lawyers are often required to work with colleagues and clients from unfamiliar jurisdictions. The second reason is the increasing harmonization (or unification) of laws between previously separate jurisdictions, as with the European Union and the Union of South American Nations.

This kind of law is closely related to private international law and the harmonization of law. Private international law concerns the applicability of laws in situations involving other jurisdictions. Harmonization of law developed out of a need to simplify these rules, both at a national level and between sovereign states.

One more aspect of comparative law is the idea of uniform law. There are two main sources of international uniform law: The Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCC) and the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT). The Hague Conference, a global intergovernmental organization with over 60 member states, is the leading organization in the area of private international law. An increasing number of non-member states are also becoming parties to the Hague conventions. The statutory mission of the HCC is to work for the progressive unification of private international law in a wide range of areas, from commercial law to international civil procedure and from child protection to matters of marriage and personal status.

8. Прочитайте следующие рекомендации о том, как нужно делать заметки.

1. It is not a good idea to write your notes in complete sentences. Keep notes short.

2. Use abbreviations. But not so many that you can't understand your own notes later!

3.Use words like because, therefore, but, or, and to show how ideas are related.

4.Use the dash - . It's a very useful punctuation mark in note-making.

5.Use a lot of space - then you can expand your notes later.

6. Put each separate idea on a new line.

7.Use the layout to help make the meaning clear. Use new paragraphs, headings, capital letters and underlining.