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Fairy Tales.docx
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Past Simple

One day a man named Jack came to a doctor known as Mr. Robinson with a complaint of feeling dizziness.

Mr. Robinson: To find out the reason of that you should say what happened tо you in the past.

Jack: But, Mr. Robinson, I didn’t remember anything!

Mr. Robinson: Oh, Jack, I see. It’s obvious that you’ve lost your memory.

So take these pills and have a sleep.

An hour later

Mr. Robinson: Can you tell me some of past actions which happened to you one

after another?

Jack: Well, I went somewhere, then I glanced at someone, slipped over

something and immediately fell down.

Mr. Robinson: Do you remember whether you had any past habit or state?

Jack: Let me think a bit…Oh, I used to go to the supermarket after


Mr. Robinson: And can you tell me a complete action or event which happened

to you at a stated past time?

Jack: Yes, I can. I know for sure that my friend’s Birthday party started

at 7 o’clock yesterday.

Mr. Robinson: And do you when it finished?

Jack: Unfortunately, no, I don’t.

Mr. Robinson: Jack, can you remember an action which happened to you at a

definite past time although the time is not mentionеd?

Jack: Ok, I’ll try…Well, I didn’t go to work as I was at the Birthday


Mr. Robinson: Is this action somehow connected with the present?

Jack: No, it isn’t connected with the present as I’m sitting here in your

doctor’s room!

Mr. Robinson: Good. I see you are making progress with regaining your

memory. And now I have a great news for you!

Jack: Oh, what is that, Mr. Robinson?

Mr. Robinson: Now listen to me! The reason of your slipping over a banana skin was a beautiful young lady, whom you glanced at. She noticed you and came to you. So here she is.Jack thanked t doctor much. And it was the beginning of a love story between Jack and a young lady.

Past Continuous

The story is about a cat-mum, a kitten-daughter and her teacher – a cat named Mrs. Pussy.

A kitten-daughter: Mum, our new teacher Mrs. Pussy told us to write a

composition about the most interesting day during the summer.

And we should write it using only Past Continuous actions.

Can you help me, please?

A cat-mum: Let’s see, my dear! We know that Past Continuous express

duration in the past. So, have you got any idea about an action

in the middle of happening at a stated past time, which you

find rather interesting?

A kitten-daughter: Yes, I have. It was the day when I was eating a delicious meat

dish at 5 o’clock at the beginning of our landlord’s party.

A cat-mum: That’s great, but was it the only episode you remember from

the whole day? Tell about the past action in progress

interrupted by another past action. Remember that the longer

action must be in the Past Continuous and the shorter action –

in the Past Simple.

A kitten-daughter: Oh, yeah, I understood. While I was enjoying the tasty meal,

a puppy dog Bob suddenly jumped at me. He began to eat my


A cat-mum: Oh, that’s much more interesting now! Then find the example

of two or more simultaneous past actions.

A kitten-daughter: Ok, it will be something like that. While Bob was eating my

dish, I was taking a bath. Then I was playing with a ball when

my sister-kitten Sally was watching TV.

A cat-mum: Everything is good, but to attract the listeners you should find

the background description to those events in your story.

A kitten-daughter: Oh, yes, of course! Well, the beginning of my composition can

be followed in this way:

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