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2) Назовите по-английски:

а) 5; 15; 3; 13; 30; 51; 18; 11; 12; 20; 74; 112; 201; 946; 698; 10,575; 576,276; 7,000,000; 1.022; 0.85; 5.3; 1/2; 1/4; 2/3; 1 1/2; 2 5/6;

b) 1,005 magazines; 506 students; 4,790 specialists; 5,400,000 books; 675 miles; 1,431 kilometres; 627 roubles; on page 733; by bus 9; by tram 27; in room 218; on the 12th day;

c) on the 1st of May; on January 18th , 1967; on November 7th, 1947; at the end of 1789; 1903; at the beginning of 1999;

d) 5,4 tons; 2/3 of a kilometer; 0,2 mile; 2.75 tins.

3) Переведите на английский язык:

а) 9 мая 1945 года; 23 февраля 1917 года; 12 февраля 1962 года; к 31 января 1971 года; в ноябре 1957 года; к 27 ноября 1947; 9 января 1905; в 1812; 1941; в 2004 году;

b) 25 км; 175 тысяч рублей; 20 миллионов людей; 3,500 студентов; 8,750 книг; 375,285 машин; 17 слов; 75 портфелей; 13 лошадей; 30 часов; 19 комнат; 90 страниц; 3,5 мили; 3/ 4 пути; 0,5 кг;

c) 4 d.; £ 1,000; $ 75; -/2;£ 108.19s. 10d.; £ 2,078: 10: 6; $ 101.05; 8s.11d.; £ 4,568/10/3; $ 1,175.36.

Времена группы Continuous

8 Проанализируйте способы образования времен группы Сon-tinuous (Active, Passive):




to be + Participle I

to be + being + Participle I

They are writing a test paper now.

A test paper is being written now.


They were writing a test paper when we came.

A test paper was being written when we came.


They will be writing a test paper tomorrow at five o’clock.

Время не потребуется.

9 Поставьте предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме.

1 I am reading a newspaper. 2 I was looking for you in the theatre all evening. 3 I was writing a letter when you phoned me yesterday. 4 We shall be waiting for you at the cinema. 5 I was working in the shop from 8 till 3 yesterday.

10 Заполните пропуски глаголами в Present Indefinite или в Present Continuous:

1 (to ring) The telephone … now.

The telephone often … during the day.

2 (to drink) My friend usually … tea with his meals.

He … tea now.

3 (to rise) Look, the sun … now.

The sun always … in the East.

4 (to rain) It often … in autumn.

It … hard now.

11 Заполните пропуски глаголами в Past Indefinite или в Past Continuous:

1 (to work) I … very hard last night.

I … last night when you phoned me.

2 (to look) I could feel now his eyes … at my boots.

I … at him and saw a lot of grey hairs.

3 (to pass) Once when I … the little street, I came to the place of the shop.

I … the square and turned to the right.

4 (to sit) This student … over his books day and night.

He came into the room and … down.

12 Заполните пропуски глаголами в Future Indefinite или в Future Continuous и переведите предложение на русский язык.

1 He … a test at 10 o’clock tomorrow (to write).

2 What … you … when the bell rings (to do)?

3 I shall not be here tomorrow because I … to the country (to go).

4 We … not … to the cinema with you because we … in the garden at this time (to go, to work).