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Basics of the law / practical traning 1 / КОНСТИТУЦИИ / конституция англ.doc
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Article 54

1. Parliament at separate sessions of the Chambers through consecutive consideration of issues first in the Majilis and then in the Senate shall adopt constitutional laws and law, including: 1) confirm the republican budget and make changes and additions in the budget;  2) establish and cancel the state taxes and tax collections; 3) establish the procedure for resolving the issues of the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 4) establish state awards, honorary, military and other titles, ranked positions, diplomatic ranks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and define state symbols of the Republic; 5) decide issues of state loans and rendering of economic and other assistance by the Republic; 6) decide issues of amnesty to citizens; 7) ratify and denounce international treaties of the Republic.

2. Parliament in separate session of Chambers by consecutive consideration of questions in the beginning in Majilis, and then in the Senate: 1) discuss the reports on execution of the republican budget; 2) spend second discussion and voting by laws or articles of the law which has caused objections of the President of the Republic, in a month from the day of a direction of objections. Non-observance of this term denotes the acceptance of objections of the President. If the Majilis and the Senate by the majority of two-thirds of votes of total number of deputies from each Chamber confirms the decision adopted earlier, the President shall sign the law within one month. If the President’s objections are not overruled, at least by one of Chambers, the law shall be deemed not adopted or adopted in the version proposed by the President. Objections of the Head of the state on the constitutional laws passed by the Parliament are considered in the order provided by the present subparagraph. Thus objections of the President on the constitutional laws shall be overcome by the Parliament not less than three quarters of votes from total number of deputies of each of Chambers; 3) display the initiative about appointment of a republican referendum18.

Article 55

The following shall belong to exclusive jurisdiction of the Senate:  1) election and discharge from office, the Chairperson of the Supreme Court and judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic at the proposal of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and swearing them into office;  2) approval of the appointment of the Chairperson of National Bank, the Procurator General and the Chairperson of the Committee of National Security by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 3) deprivation of inviolability of the Procurator General, the Chairperson and judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic; 4) It was excluded according to Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 21.05.07 № 254-III; 5) performance of functions of the Parliament of the Republic on acceptance of the constitutional laws and laws in time absence of the Majilis caused by the prescheduled termination of its powers; 6) realization of other powers assigned by the Constitution on the Senate of the Parliament19.

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