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применяют в гидротехническом строительстве при постройке плотин, шлюзов, доков, набережных. Он является незаменимым материалом при строительстве железнодорожных тоннелей и других сооружений, а также при горных разработках при креплении шахт. Железобетон используют при строительстве тепловых и атомных электростанций, аэродромов, шоссейных дорог, мостов и т.д.

На железобетонные конструкции расходуют примерно в два раза меньше стали, чем на металлические. В то же время железобетонные конструкции более огнестойкие и долговечны.

Применение железобетона в строительстве дает возможность экономить сотни тысяч тонн стали, поэтому замена металла железобетоном (там, где это экономически целесообразно) имеет большое народнохозяйственное значение.

III. Read and translate the text:

The world has suddenly become aware of the great resources of oceans and their potential for providing many of man's most pressing needs: energy, food, transport, minerals and waste-disposal. However the seas present an extremely hostile environment requiring cooperative efforts by many engineering disciplines in order to achieve the necessary structures.

These structures must be strong, safe, durable and economical. Reinforced prestressed concrete meets these criteria extremely well for many of the proposed structures, both fixed and floating. These include drilling, breakwaters, ocean pipelines, offshore nuclear power plants; ocean bridges and tunnels; offshore airports and terminals; Arctic Ocean structures; barges, ships and floating stable platforms; offshore expositions and even cities; sea floor chambers etc.

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The first houses in different countries of the world were made of wood. At that time the greater part of our planet was covered with thick forests. Even in those days men found ways of using wood as a building material. In some places they tied together the tops of several trees and covered them with the hides (skins) of animals. In other places they covered them with leaves or grass.

The primitive people's first houses were tents or huts. Primitive building required no tools. The invention of tools permitted the cutting of stones and timber. Stone was the most convenient building material in countries where there was not much wood but plenty of stone.

People began to use stone widely to build their houses many centuries ago. With the development of stone cutting finer tools appeared.

The column has played an important part in the history of building. Most of the building of old times was based upon the column and beam method of construction.

About 4,000 years before our era the Egyptians possessed great constructional know-how (ability). They built simple houses by present standards. They used bricks which in their most primitive form were not burned, but were hardened by being dried in the sun. Since the middle ages, brickwork has been in constant use everywhere, in every sort of construction and in every architectural style. They made flat roofs because there was very little rain in Egypt. Their buildings were simple in construction but very beautiful. We still admire their monuments, sphinxes and palaces.

Greek builders learned much from Egyptian builders. They built their houses with slanting roofs because the climate of these two countries differs greatly. Soon Greek builders became second to none in column making. But they added the arch, thus adding much strength and beauty to their buildings.

The use of precast concrete, a very advanced construction technique, has many advantages over other building materials. Precast building units can be assembled at the site all the year round in any weather. The precast concrete technique which is constantly being improved in our country, plays a great role in our extensive building program. - 1 -


1. thick forest - густой лес

2. primitive - 1) первобытный; 2) примитивный, простой

3. convenient building material - подходящий стройматериал

4. the column and beam method - колонно-балочный метод

5. know-how (ability) - умение

6. to burn - обжигать

7. to harden - придавать твердость, прочность

8. since the middle ages - начиная со средних веков

9. slanting roof- покатая крыша

10. to be second to none - не иметь себе равных

11. precast - сборный


I. Make up as many questions as you can connected with the text.

II. Give a written translation of the following sentences:

1. Cutting stones and timbers became possible with the invention of tools. 2. The building of skyscrapers was started in the 19th century.

3. By using industrial methods of construction the speed of construction may be considerably increased.

4. The technology of construction provides for transporting precast reinforced concrete elements by rail or by lorry.

5. Erecting tall buildings without using building mechanisms is now unthinkable.

6. Prestressed concrete is widely used in building modern structures.

7. The use of fine tools resulted in developing building methods.

8. Methods of designing structures are changing.

9. Up to-date building is based upon using industrial methods of work.

10. Due to our introducing mechanical aids labour productivity increased greatly.

11. Timber, stone and brick being the oldest building materials is common knowledge.

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A.: Do light-weight bricks differ from ordinary clay bricks?

В.: Of course, they do! They have a lower volume weight and lower thermal conductivity.

A.: So that means that they are more economical than ordinary bricks.

В.: Yes, they are far more economical than ordinary bricks!

Dialogue 2

A.: What two kinds of reinforced concrete do you know?

В.: Concrete with ordinary reinforcement and with prestressed reinforcement.

A.: How are ordinary concrete structures reinforced?

В.: They are reinforced by introducing steel rods in stretched zones of concrete elements.

A.: What are reinforced concrete structures and elements widely used for?

В.: They are widely used for residential houses and industrial buildings.


I.Write a summary of the following in English:

Одним из наиболее древних строительных материалов является камень. Каменные конструкции просты в изготовлении, обладают долговечностью и огнестойкостью. Для сооружения каменных конструкций применяются искусственные и природные камни.

Природные камни тяжелых пород - известняки, песчаники (limestone, sandstones), граниты - используют для облицовки стен, возведения фундаментов. Природные камни легких пород -известняк-ракушечник, туф (tufa) в южных районах страны используют для возведения стен.

К искусственным камням относят кирпич различных видов, камни из бетона.

II. Render the following in English and discuss the main points:

В настоящее время железобетон нашел широкое применение во всех областях строительства и стал основным строительным материалом. Из железобетона возводят промышленные сооружения, различные гражданские здания и жилые дома. Железобетон широко

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Сейчас в строительстве широко применяют ячеистые бетоны (пено и газобетон), которые изготовляются только из вяжущего и песка и содержат множество мелких замкнутых воздушных пор (ячеек). В ячеистых бетонах зерна заполнителей заменены воздушными ячейками, это достигается или смешиванием бетонной массы (пенобетон), или применением газообразующих веществ, которые вспучивают бетонную смесь (газобетон). Наличие этих пор уменьшает массу бетона и повышает его способность удерживать тепло.

Дерево, металл, пластмасса боятся воды, а бетон, набирая прочность, способен твердеть под водой. Это свойство позволяет возводить из бетона на большой глубине такие сооружения, как фундаменты для маяков, молы, доки, каналы, нефтяные вышки, бассейны, морские причалы. В железобетонные коллекторы и трубы больших диаметров при необходимости заключают целые реки. Многие годы уложенный бетон продолжает набирать прочность.

VI. Change the following into the past tense:

Ready mixed concrete has added significantly to the resources of the concrete industry in Britain. It has helped architects, engineers, contractors and the ordinary citizen.

Close cooperation among the architect, engineer and contractor during the design is essential to achieve greatest economy. Materials, methods and budgets can be worked out for acceptable treatment of the facade.

7C. Dialogues

Repeat the dialogues after the speakers. Memorize them and then perform the conversation in pairs:

Dialogue 1

A.: Why isn't ordinary brick always satisfactory in building practice?

В.: Because of its high volume weight and high thermal conductivity.

A.: What other kinds of bricks are there?

В.: Don't you know? They are light-weight bricks, hollow or porous bricks.

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III. Study the dialogue and write down the sentences containing interesting information for you:

The Early Houses in Great Britain

A.: What did the early houses in Great Britain look like?

В.: Most of them were round and built of wood.

A.: Do you know whether those houses were plastered?

В.: Sure, they were. A plastered house is warmer and looks nicer.

A.: How did the light come into those early houses?

В.: Well, as you know, there were no windows in such houses.

A.: No windows? What do you mean "no windows"?

Bi: That's exactly what I mean: those early houses had no windows.

A.: Then how did the light come in? Through the roof?

В.: Yes, through the roof. There was a special hole in the roof for

that purpose.

A.: What did they do when it rained? Cover up the hole?

В.: Right! They covered that hole and opened the door.

A.: The Romans built their houses of brick, didn't they?

В.: They did. They built their houses of brick because that was their

only available (доступный) building material.

A.: Do you mean to say there was a lack of timber?

В.: Yes, there was a lack of timber in ancient Rome.


Read the text and retell it in Russian:

A building is a construction which is raised on a foundation and is generally made of stone, concrete blocks, bricks and mortar or cement. Bricks and concrete blocks are held together by mortar. Walls made of bricks and those built of concrete blocks are suitable both for small buildings and multistory structures. Nowadays houses are often built of complete concrete structural units which are factory-made and assembled on the spot.

Every detail of a house must be carefully planned. The working plan itself is called a blueprint. Without a blueprint the workmen would make all sorts of mistakes and waste a lot of time.

Plans for building a house are drawn by an architect. The architect

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draws a separate plan for each individual floor. He shows all the parts of the house exactly as if the house were already built. It is from the blueprint of the architect that the workman sees where to place the walls, the windows, the doors, the staircases, etc. The size of the rooms, the width of the doors, and windows, the height of the ceilings are also marked on the plan by the architect.

Different workmen are employed in building a house. The stonemason builds the foundation. The bricklayer builds the walls and other parts made of bricks. He lays the bricks one on the top of another and puts mortar between them with a trowel. The slates or tiles is employed for putting slates or tiles on the roof.. The plumber fixes all the baths, water pipes and the sanitary fittings of drains and lavatories in the places marked for them in the plan drawn by the architect. The electrician runs electric wires and makes connections all through the house from the cellars under ground to the attics under the roof. All the doors and window-frames are made by the carpenter and put into their places by the joiner. The latter also lays down the floor. Then the plasterer puts plaster or cement over all the walls and ceilings and makes them smooth. The walls are then painted, papered or whitewashed as the case may be.


I. Say in one or two sentences what the following people do:

1. a miner

15. a bricklayer

29. a blacksmith

2. a doctor

16. a locksmith

30. a watchmaker

3. a teacher

17. a mechanic

31. a fisherman

4. a builder

18. a weaver

32. a musician

5. a tailor

19. an engraver

33. a dentist

6. a farmer

20. a barber

34. a student

7. a pilot

21. a writer

35. a printer

8. a shoemaker

22. an actor

36. a composer

9. an architect

23. a singer

37. a docker

10. a turner

24. a professor

38. a cook

11. a driver

25. a welder

39. a seaman

12. a painter

26 a baker

40. a fireman ,

13. a carpenter

27. a plasterer

41. a moulder

14. a photographer

28. a house painter

42. a building engineer

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43. a designer

1. The resulting material gains great strength when (он затвердевает). 2. At the turn of the 19th century new structural concrete (стал применяться). 3. Steel has great tensional, compressive and elastic properties but (со временем она теряет прочность). 4. Steel does not undergo shrinkage and therefore it acts (как сдерживающая среда.).5. Shrinkage causes tensile stresses in concrete which are balanced (сжимающими усилиями встали).

V. a) Write a summary of the text in English.

Бетон - это искусственный материал. Его получают в результате формирования и затвердевания правильно подобранной смеси (вяжущего, заполнителей, воды и, в необходимых случаях, специальных добавок). Вяжущее в бетоне используют вместе с мелкими и крупными заполнителями. В качестве заполнителей применяют различные сыпучие материалы (песок, шлак, щебень, гравий, керамзит). Чаще всего для получения бетона употребляют различный по величине заполнитель: от крупных кусков щебня до песчинок. В этом случае пустоты между крупными кусками щебня заполняются частицами меньших размеров. Кроме того, мелкие частицы обеспечивают относительную подвижность крупных частиц, необходимую для лучшей укладываем ости бетонной смеси.

От плотности и объемной массы зерен заполнителя зависит объемная масса бетона. В зависимости от этих показателей бетоны подразделяются на особо тяжелые, тяжелые (обычные), легкие, особолегкие, теплоизоляционные.

В особо тяжелых (предназначенных для биологической защиты от радиоактивных излучений на предприятиях атомной промышленности) бетонах применяют специальные виды заполнителей, которые имеют повышенную объемную массу. Особо тяжелые и тяжелые бетоны применяют как конструктивные материалы, например, при сооружении покрытий дорог и аэродромных полей. Конструктивные бетоны предназначены для восприятия нагрузки, возникающей в конструкциях в процессе эксплуатации сооружения.

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reinforced concrete the following consideration should be kept in mind:

I. For general use the most suitable proportions of cement and agregate are: 1 part cement, 2 parts sand and 4 parts of gravel.

2. Only fresh water free from organic matter should be used for reinforced work. Sea water is not allowed.

3 Homogeneity of the concrete is a very important requirement.

Steel constructions with reinforced concrete have become the most important building materials invented in centuries and they have given modern architecture its peculiar features.


I. Answer the following questions:

I. Is reinforced concrete a combination of two of the strongest structural materials? 2: What is the process of making reinforced I concrete? 3. When did this new structural concrete come into practical application? 4 Since when has the development of reinforced concrete work made good progress? 5. Can you name the properties of concrete? 6. Will you say a few words about the properties of steel? 7. Does concrete increase its strength with age? 8. What about steel? 9. Is it true that steel does not undergo shrinkage or drying but concrete does? lO. Shrinkage causes tensile stresses in the concrete, doesn't it?

II. Makeup sentences using the following words:

to combine - combination; strong - strength - to strengthen; hard ' to harden - hardness; tension - tensional; compression -impressive; durable - durability; to apply - application; to shrink -shrinkage.

III. What is the English for:

I. применять термин; 2. заливать бетон; 3. набирать проч­ность; 4. быть опубликованным. 5. увеличивать, уменьшать точность; 6. подвергаться укладке; 7.вызывать растягивающие усилия; 8. использовать железобетон.

IV. Complete the sentences using the English equivalents for the Russian words in brackets.

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