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At the Airport 1 .doc
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2) At the Airport

ANNOUNCER: Welcome to John F. Kennedy International Airport.

ATTENDANT: Where will you be flying today?


ATTENDANT: May I see your ticket, passport, and visa, please?

TRAVELLER: Here you go. My visa’s on page six of my pass­port.

АТТENDANT: Could you like a window or an aisle seat?

TRAVELLER: Aisle, please

ATTENDANT: Do you prefer smoking or nonsmoking?

TRAVELLER: Nonsmoking.

ATTENDANT: I have 13 E available. How many pieces of luggage do you have?


ATTENDANT: Here's your boarding pass. The plane will board half an hour prior to departure. You'll be leaving from gale three, on your left.

TRAVELLER: Thank you.

At a travel agency


AGENT : May I help you? 

NANCY: Yes, I need a ticket to Paris.

AGENT: One way or round trip? 

NANCY: Round trip. 

AGENT: When would you like to go? 

NANCY: Next month, 2nd April 2011. I prefer a morning flight. 

AGENT: Do you prefer any airline or it doesn’t matter?

NANCY: I don’t mind but I do want to go business class and have a direct flight. 

AGENT: When would you like to return? 

NANCY :I want to return on 15th April. 

AGENT: Let me check the computer. Yes, there is a flight available on Blue Skies. The tickets will cost $1645.

NANCY: All right, I’d like to book this flight. 

AGENT: Thank you. You can collect your tickets at this office on 28thMarch.

NANCY: Thanks.


At the airport check-in


NANCY: Hello

AGENT: Hello. May I have your ticket and passport?


NANCY: Yes, here they are. 

AGENT: How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in? 

NANCY: Just one, I also have one small bag. 

AGENT: Your luggage is two kilos over the limit. You will have to pay an extra charge of $100. 

NANCY: No problem. Can I pay by cash? 

AGENT: Of course. 

NANCY: Here you are. 

AGENT: Thank you, have a nice flight.

NANCY: Thanks.


At Customs


AGENT: Welcome to Paris. Do you have anything to declare?


AGENT: Could you open your bag please?

NANCY: Sure, is everything OK? 

AGENT: Yes ma’am, enjoy your stay in Paris. 

NANCY: Thanks.

Arrival to the Destination Airport

AGENT: Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport please?

NANCY: Sure. Here it is.

AGENT: Where are you coming from?

NANCY: I'm coming from Seoul, Korea.

AGENT: What is the purpose of your visit?

NANCY: I'm here on business.

AGENT: How long are you planning to stay?

NANCY: I'll be staying for three weeks.

AGENT: Where will you be staying?

NANCY: I'll be staying at a hotel.

AGENT: Have you ever been to Canada before?

NANCY: No, this is my first time.

AGENT: Do you have anything to declare?

NANCY: No, nothing.

AGENT: Enjoy your stay.

NANCY: Thank you.

Lost Baggage


WOMAN: I hate waiting for baggage, don’t you?

WILBUR: Oh, yes. Mine always seems to be the last.

WOMAN: I’m always so nervous. Last year they lost my suitcase. Have they ever lost yours?

WILBUR: Mine? No.

WOMAN: Ah! There’s my bag now. Right, I’ve got it. Bye.


WILBUR: Ah, excuse me. My bag hasn’t arrived yet.

AIRLINE AGENT: Which Flight?

WILBUR: Urn, Redwood Airlines from Seattle.


WILBUR: Pardon me?

AIRLINE AGENT: The flight number. RRA 438?

WILBUR: Yes. Everyone else’s bags came off the baggage claim, and now it’s stopped. But mine never ar­rived.

AIRLINE AGENT: Uh huh. Did it have your name and ad­dress on it?

WILBUR: It had my name, address, zip code and telephone number.

AIRLINE AGENT: We’ll try to find it for you, sir. Can you fill out this form? Description of bag, flight number, value of contents etc.

WILBUR: Oh. Yes.

AIRLINE AGENT: Do you have an itemized list of the con­tents?

WILBUR: No. Why?

AIRLINE AGENT: Your insurance company might ask for an itemized list. You’d better write one.


AIRLINE AGENT: And don’t worry. Ninety percent of lost bags turn up someplace.

WILBUR: I hope so.

AIRLINE AGENT: If it doesn’t turn up within twelve hours your insurance will pay for the things you need right now — a clean shirt, socks, underwear, that kind of thing.

Fill in the blanks with a vocabulary word in the box below:

check-in security check present

confirmation number domestic agent international

counter boarding passes

1. The airline agent will give you your _____ when you check in.

2. This is an ____ flight, so you will need to bring your passport.

3. When I went through ____, they told me I couldn’t take my pocket knife on the plane.

4. Please wait in line for the next available ___.

5. After I paid for my plane ticket, the travel agent gave me a ____.

6. Many ____ airlines do not have international flights.

7. You can buy a ticket at the ____ if you don’t have one.

8. My suitcase was too big, so I had to ____ it.

9. When you go through security, they might ask you to ____ your passport and boarding pass.

10. We need to ____ before we can go through security.

. Яшина ТА. , Жаткин ДН.

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