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1 Words to know

1 assembly language, n

язык ассемблера

2 machine code, n

машинный код, программа на машинном языке

3 high-level language, n

язык высокого уровня, ЯВУ

4 low-level language, n

язык низкого уровня, ЯНУ

5 HyperText Markup Language, n

язык гипертекстовой маркировки

6 tag, n

тег, метка, признак; управляющий код

( в языке HTM- специальный символ,начинается знаком "<" и завершается знаком ">"

7 embed, v

внедрять, встраивать, вкладывать

8 portable language, n

переносимый язык программирования

9 scrıpt, n

сценарий, создавать сценарий, программа на макроязыке

10 scrıptıng language, n

язык сценариев, скриптовый язык

11 spacebar, n

клавиша пробела

12 systems programmıng, n

системное программирование

13 vırus check, n

проверка на вирусы

14 programmer, n


15 programmıng, n


16 programmıng language, n

язык программирования

17 compiler program, n


18 interpreter program, n

интерпретатор, интерпретирующая программа

19 general purpose applıcatıon, n

приложение общего назначения, унифицированное приложение

20 general purpose program, n

универсальная программа; общая программа

21 programmıng envıronment, n

среда программирования, среда разработки

2 Read the text


Computer programs can be written in a wide variety of computer languages. The two main types of computer languages are low-level languages and high-level languages. Low-level languages operate faster, but are more difficult to write. They include: machine code - which consists entirely of 1s and 0s, assembly language - which uses mnemonics and numbers.

High-level languages are closer to human languages and are therefore easier to use. They include: C++ (C plus plus), Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic, and Delphi.

One of the easiest programming languages to use is called BASIC. Some of the expressions used in the BASIC language are shown in the table below.




remark(a note for the programmer)


shows the value of a variable on the display screen


waits for the user to input a value into a variable

DO WHILE condition



repeats the instructions while the given condition is true


marks the end of a program

All computer programs, however, have to be converted into low-level machine code to be understood by a computer. Some languages can be compiled by a compiler program, which converts the whole program into machine code at one time.

Other languages are interpreted by an interpreter program which converts the program into machine code one line at a time, as each line is required by the processor. A compiled program only needs to be compiled once, but an interpreted program needs to be interpreted every time it is used. Compiled programs are, therefore, faster than interpreted programs. Note that Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is not really a programming language, but it used for creating web pages.

BASIC uses the following mathematical symbols:

/ - devided by **- raised to the power of

*- multiply by (times)