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Unit 1

“Becoming Brian’s secretary at the theatre?” suggested Kay.

“Oh, no. That would reverse our relationship in an entirely unacceptable way. That wouldn’t do at all.” Jill finished her doughnut and licked the sugar from her cheeks with long, pleasurable swipes of her tongue.

“Going into business on your own? A book shop? A coffee shop? Both?”

“I’ve often thought of that,” Jill mused. “But then I’d need someone who knew about coffee and about coffee machines and someone who understood financial things and what books sell and how to sell them and ...”


“Me? Oh, no, I know nothing about anything except how to glide onto the stage as Lady Macbeth, sleepwalking and washing the blood from my hands, or sighing fare­ well to my cherry orchard as Madame Ranevskaya.”

Kay frowned and sank into silence.

“Please, Kay,” said Jill, earnestly. “I really need your help.”

“Well, can I suggest to you some totally unfeminist option quite unacceptable to young women in the nineties?”

“Oh, do!” begged Jill.

“Well, you could always have three more babies, buy lottery tickets twice a week, encourage your husband’s career by inviting fascinating actors and writers to dinner, going to the gym three times a week to improve very beautifully the tone of your muscles and coming to see me and have coffee and letting me buy you not only doughnuts but caramel squares and scones and tea cakes and ...”

“... and butterfly cakes and chocolate eclairs?”

“Of course! And then we could set up a women’s group where we could discuss contemporary issues such as the shocking lack of women in high positions and how this regrettable situation should be put right.”

“Wonderful idea! Our daughters would thank us for it, I’m sure. When shall we start?”


Unit 1

Section I, Exercise 6

Aural Comprehension Text 2:


Yuriy Shevchuk is fifty-nine and lives in Lviv. He is of average height and wellbuilt, with greyish hair. He is a doctor and works full-time at the hospital. Sometimes he has to work at night, too. His patients like him and so do the staff.

He is married, with two grown-up children. His wife Olha is two years older than him but she looks younger. She is not very tall, with brown eyes and short dark hair. She is retired now and besides looking after the house, she enjoys knitting and em­ broidery.

Their son Andriy is thirty-four. He is a tall, broad-shouldered man with dark hair. He is married and lives in Donetsk with his wife Nina and their daughter Iryna, who is five years old. As Donetsk is quite far from Lviv, Olha only sees her granddaugh­ ter two or three times a year. But they are sure to come and visit on the first of Janu­ ary, because it is Yuriy’s sixtieth birthday. -

Yury and Olha also have a daughter called Natalia, who is 25 and still lives at home. She graduated from Lviv State Polytechnic University last year, where she was a student in the Chemical Engineering Department. She now works for a private company in Lviv. She is very attractive, with big brown eyes and dark wavy hair. She is engaged to Roman and they are going to get m arried next summer. The whole family is looking forward to this special event.

Section I, Exercises 7-11

Aural Comprehension Text 3:


Maria Dolenko is nineteen. She would like to be a professional manager. She is studying management at Lviv State Polytechnic University. She is now in her second year and hopes to become a manager in a building company. Maria is an excellent stu­ dent. She is always well prepared for her practicals and seminars. She spends a lot of time in the library reading specialised literature and preparing materials for her coursework. Maria is good at English and attends advanced classes in this subject. She pro­ mises to be a good professional manager.

Maria doesn’t live with her family at the moment; she lives in a student hostel. Her relatives live not far from Lviv, in the town of Sambir. They have a flat of their own in a block of flats. Maria’s mother Svitlana is a maths teacher in a secondary school. She is forty-two. Maria’s father died three years ago, so her mother is now a widow. The


Family Life

family is a bit short of money at present, so Maria’s mother has to teach extra classes at the local technical college to make ends meet.

Maria has a small sister Nadia, who is only ten. The two girls are very much alike. They look like their father. They have his wavy fair hair and blue eyes and they are both slim. They like music, especially Ukrainian folk songs. When Maria comes home to see her family, they all like to sing together.

There are a lot of books by both Ukrainian and foreign writers in their home. Maria’s father, who was a Ukrainian language teacher, used to collect them for his daughters. Maria and Nadya do a lot of reading. They like to discuss what they have read.

Maria and her family are very close. Maria is looking forward to getting a well-paid job, so she can help her sister to get a good education. One of her dreams is to travel around the world.

Exercise 10.

1.Maria is studying management at Lviv State Polytechnic University.

2.She would like to be a manager.

3.Maria is an excellent student.

4.She is always well prepared for her practicals.

5.She spends a lot of time in the library.

6.Maria attends advanced classes in English.

7.She doesn’t live with her family at the moment.

8.Her relatives have a flat of their own.

9.Maria’s father died three years ago, so her mother is now a widow.

10.The family is a bit short of money at present.

11.Maria’s mother has to teach at the local technical college to make ends meet.

12.Maria and Nadia are very much alike.

13.There are a lot of books by both Ukrainian and foreign writers in their home.

14.Maria is looking forward to becoming a manager.

15.One of Maria’s dreams is to travel around the world.

Section I, Exercise 12

Aural Comprehension Text 4:


Mrs. Lambert lived in a small town in the south-west of England. She didn’t work, as she was sixty years old. Her husband had just died, so now she was alone, but she was a kindly woman who had many friends.

She also had three children, two daughters and a son. Her elder daughter Kate, who was twenty-five, lived not far away, Kate was very like her mother, petite and


Unit 1

lively. She had married young and already had two children aged three and five. She didn’t work, as the children took up all her time. Her husband Matthew was a doctor who worked at the local hospital, Although they were very busy, Kate and Matthew enjoyed their life together as a family and often took the children to their grand­ mother’s,

Mrs. Lambert’s younger daughter Sonya was studying dance in Australia. She was the adventurous type and at eighteen had left home to go and live in Sydney with her boyfriend. She wrote home regularly and her parents were pleased to hear that she was doing well and planning to become a dance teacher.

The eldest of Mrs Lambert’s children was Robin, aged thirty-two, who lived in Canada. He and his wife Jenny had moved there five years ago and now had two children. Robin and Jenny were both university lecturers. They loved the vast open spaces of the Canadian prairie and in their spare time often went hiking in the moun­ tains. They were lucky, as they were often able to come back to England for confer­ ences, which meant that the children were able to visit their grandmother.

Section IV, Exercise 6

We live in a very small flat on the fourth floor of a modern block. We had a lot of problems moving in. For instance it was impossible to get the double wardrobe into it. We had to be satisfied with the strict minimum of furniture. Fortunately enough the hall was already fitted with a number of cupboards in which we manage to store quite a lot of things.

In the living-room, if you can call it that, there is scarcely enough room for a table, four chairs and a single armchair. No chance of having a settee in front of the TV either. The bedroom is almost entirely taken up by the twin beds. We have put a few curios on the shelf above the radiator and on the top of the chest of drawers. In the kitchen, everything is easily accessible. If you are slim enough, you can edge your way from the sink to the refrigerator and from the fridge to the cooker.

Of course, this is a temporary arrangement. But we were lucky to find this flat at a time when the housing shortage is so acute. Of course we don’t own it: we rent it for £105 a week, heating and all other expenses included, which after all is fair enough.




Unit 2


to the Topic Everyday Life

Read the following proverbs. Comment on their meaning and try tofind corresponding proverbs in Ukrainian:

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

The early bird catches the worm.

What can you say about the working day of:


a school teacher;


a coal miner;


a businessman;


a shop assistant;


an airline pilot;


a scientist;


an actor;


an office worker;


a bus driver;


a doctor.

Who has to get up early?

Who has to travel a lot?

Whose occupation or trade may be dangerous?

Who is responsible for other people’s lives?


Unit 2

Exercise 3. Multiple Choice Comprehension Test

Listen to the recording, then complete the following sentences by selecting the most appropriate statement in each case:

1. Every day Brian goes out for ...

a)a three-mile run or a cycle ride.

b)a four-mile run or a bit of jogging.

c)a four-mile run or a bit of cycling.

2.Brian usually gets to work just before ...

a)8 a.m.

b)8.30 a.m.

c)9.30 a.m.

3.When Brian starts work he usually ...

a)likes to have a cup of coffee to begin with.

b)checks through his diary first.

c)looks through the morning newspapers.

4.For Catherine...

a)looking after her family is enjoyable.

b)staying at home is boring.

c)every day of the week is the same.

5.In the morning Catherine tells her children ...

a)to go to the bathroom straight away.

b)to hurry up so they won’t be late.

c)to sleep a bit longer.

6.It usually takes Cath ...

a)a long time to cook the dinner.

b)nearly an hour to get the breakfast ready.

c)only a short time to do the cooking.

Exercise 4. Comprehension Test

Answer the following questions:

A.1. When does Brian usually wake up on weekdays?

2.What does he do in the morning before he goes to work?

3.What does he do at work?

4.Where does he have his dinner?

5.What does Brian like to do in the evening?

B.1. What does Cath say about her life in general?

2.How does her day usually begin?

3.How long does she take off for lunch?

4.Does Cath like cooking?

5.Catherine enjoys spending evenings with her family, doesn’t she?


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