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5. A) Give the synonyms for the following words:

Pagan, to adhere, to refine, chant, to solicit, to blend, prank.

b) Give the antonyms for the following words:

Build-up, fertility, to wane, armistice.

6. Complete the table to make word families. Use a dictionary to help you.







build up





7. Think of the words that fit the definitions below:

1) the state of being able to produce babies (about people, animals, plants);

2) a formal agreement during a war to stop fighting and discuss making peace;

3) to become gradually weaker or less important;

4) words or phrases that a group of people shout or sing again and again;

5) a tube of coloured paper that makes a loud explosive sound when it is pulled open by two people. It usually contains a paper hat, a small present and a joke, and used in Britain at Christmas parties and meals;

6) to make a substance pure by taking other substances out of it; to improve smth by making small changes to it;

7) to express very strong disapproval of smb/smth, usually for moral reasons;

8) a person who holds religious beliefs that are not part of any of the world’s main religions;

9) noisy fun, usually involving a lot of eating and drinking;

10) a trick that is played on smb as a joke;

11) to stick firmly to smth;

12) a type of play with music, dancing and jokes, that is based on a fairy tale and is usually performed at Christmas.

8. Paraphrase the following sentences using the topical vocabulary so that they mean the same.

      1. The day was in its prime, then the day faded, and still she slept on. (to wane)

      2. She never liked him to play childish tricks. (prank)

      3. The whole town blamed the girl for her wild behaviour. (to condemn)

      4. We could hear sounds of binge from next door. (revelry)

      5. A group of Buddhists, singing and carrying placards, waited outside.(to chant)

      6. These houses seem to harmonize with the trees and the surrounding land. (to blend)

      7. Take care not to entangle your long clothes in the wheels. (to mesh)

      8. These labels do not stick well. (to adhere)

9. Grammar Focus

Define the types of attributive clauses.

  1. Christmas is Britain's most popular holiday and is characterized by traditions which date back hundreds of years.

  2. The Christmas tree was popularized by Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, who introduced one to the Royal Household in 1840.

  3. Since 1947, the country of Norway has presented Britain annually with a large Christmas tree which stands in Trafalgar Square in commemoration of Anglo-Norwegian cooperation during the Second World War.

  4. Popular among children at Christmas time are pantomimes: song and dance dramatisations of well-known fairy tales which encourage audience participation.

  5. This is followed by mince pies and Christmas pudding flaming with brandy, which might contain coins or lucky charms for children.

  6. It celebrates the failure of the Gunpowder Plot in which a group of Catholic conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster on the evening of 5 November 1605

  7. The celebrations, which in the United Kingdom take place in towns and villages across the country, involve fireworks displays and the building of bonfires, on which "guys", or dummies, representing Guy Fawkes, the most infamous of the conspirators, are traditionally burnt.

  8. The observance is specifically dedicated to members of the armed forces who were killed during war, and was created by King George V of the United Kingdom on 7 November 1919.

10. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Перший робочий день після Різдва вважається загальнонаціональним святом у Великобританії. У цей день – День Подарунків - існує традиція дарувати подарунки друзям, родичам та колегам.

  2. Існує багато традицій пов’язаних з Різдвом, найважливіша з них – дарування подарунків. Члени кожної родини залишають свої подарунки під різдвяною ялинкою.

  3. Напередодні Різдва діти вішають панчохи таким чином, щоб Санта-Клаус міг покласти у них подарунки. Якщо дитина погано поводилася протягом року, Санта-Клаус на покарання може покласти у панчоху шматочок вугілля.

  4. Традиція Святкування Хеллоуїна з’явилася у 5 сторіччі до нашої ери в ірландських кельтів. 31 жовтня вони відзначали кінець одного року і початок нового.

  5. Існувало повір’я, ніби на Хеллоуїн у земний світ поверталися духи, і люди боялися, що вони можуть їх зустріти. Тому коли люди виходили з будинків, то вдягали маски, щоб духи вважали їх такими ж безтілесними істотами як і вони самі.

  6. Щороку 5 листопада у Великобританії святкується річниця Порохової змови, або Ніч Гая Фокса. По всій країні, у всіх містах і селах запалюються величезні багаття, запускаються чудові феєрверки, спалюються зображення Гая Фокса.

  7. Як і більшість Християнських свят, історія Великодня бере свій початок з дохристиянських часів. Наші предки святкували у ці дні відродження сонця, ми ж святкуємо відродження Христа.

11. Project

Find some additional interesting information about holidays and customs given below and report next time (origin, interesting traditions, symbols, cards, pictures, etc.

1. State Opening of Parliament

2. Trooping the Colour

3. Changing the Guards

4. Lord Mayor's Show

5. Ceremony of the Keys

6. Christmas

7. Boxing Day

8. New Year's Eve and / or New Year's Day

9. Remembrance Day (Poppy Day)

10. Spring Bank Holiday

11. Summer Bank Holiday (August Bank Holiday)

12. Easter Sunday (Easter Day) and Easter Monday

13. Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday)

14. Mothering Sunday

15. Mother's Day

16. Father's Day

17. St. Valentine's Day

18. Halloween

19. Guy Fawkes Night

20. Eisteddfod

21. May Day

22. St. George's Day

23. St. Patrick's Day

24. St. Andrew's Day

25. St. David's Day

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