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Content Module # 3.3. Negotiations

In this unit you will know about types of negotiations, what makes a good negotiator and learn some

common collocations concerned with negotiations.

Exercise #1. Read the short article about negotiating and then put the italized words to complete the text. Translate the article into Ukrainian (philosophy, lessons, negotiate, way, customer, price, success, thought, solution^ partner, meeting, children, bank manager, negotiation, term).


There is a widely-spread ......... which says that many aspects of life involve negotiation.

Teachers should negotiate ........with their students. Parents should negotiate with their.........

about their allowances or holidays. Managers should ......... new procedures with their staff. In

the most general sense.............is about achieving a result which both sides can benefit from, or

at least put up with.

In the business context, negotiation has come a long „_„„ from its image of competitive

haggling. The interdependence of ............. and supplier, ^^^^ and client, even one

competitor and another means that no individual can afford just to take the money and run away.

The negotiation may be about ......... or delivery in the short term but it also may be about

establishing a relationship for a long..........

This has all led to the ............of the win-win negotiation. Neither side should lose, or

certainly be seen to lose. Critical to the..........of this philosophy is an understanding of the hopes

and fears of your.........in negotiation. Only if you can get into his or her shoes you are likely to

come up with a...........that is a genuine meeting of minds. So, any negotiation is a special type

of a.........in which the parties (usually two) need each other's agreement in order to achieve an

effective result.

Exercise #2. Read the text. Choose the right words to fill in the gaps. Translate the text.

Business negotiation......(shut, should, shout) be based around a problem......(which, witch,

with) can be easily understood and quickly......(prepare, repaired, prepared). Although......

(much, many, match) may not be involved in high-powered international negotiations, most

businessmen will......(had, has, have) to negotiate with......(her, his, their) colleagues, bosses,

...... (customers, costumers, cast-offs} or supplies at some stage in their...... (carriers, careers,

couriers). There are such main......(tapes, types, tyres) of business negotiations as:

Buyer-seller - negotiation over......(price, prise, praise) discount, delivery and payment terms;

Employer-employee - negotiation over terms of employment, ...... (intruding, excluding,

including) matters of working conditions, salary, ...... (additional, additional, educational)

payments, holidays, additional......(briefings, breedings, benefits);

Licensor-licensee - negotiation ...... (under, over, behind) terms of license, including

questions of financial ...... (amendments, adornments, arrangements), geographical ...... (ear,

era, area), exclusivity and term of license;

Budget allocation - negotiation over allocation of...... (neither, either, other) company or

departmental budget, including ...... (such, search, torch) spheres as marketing (needs ......

(mare, mere, more) money for advertising and promotion), research and development (needs more money for product development), training (needs more money to train up .. (campaign's, company's, colony's) personnel), production (need:; i,;orc money for investment in new equipment) and administration (needs more money for new office equipment).

Exercise #3. Decide if the following statements are true or false. Give your reasons.

1. Parents should negotiate with their children about school curriculum. £"&£&";;

2. Negotiation is about achieving a result which both sides can benefit

3. A negotiation is a meeting in which the parties do not need each other's agreement in order to

achieve an effective result. Iff"^^

4. The negotiation process means setting the climate, presenting your case, getting useful information, controlling movement, using adjournments. |:;^%'i

5. Negotiating is a key communication skill for all learners of Business English, fe'^yy^j

"*f * ^W! 1* S^ ™

6. All the businessmen are involved in high-powered international negotiations. ^'=%l4fe|

7. Buyer-seller negotiation mostly deals with exclusivity and term of licenses. PiPJ

8. Budget allocation negotiation particularity deals with training company's personnel, fe^

9. Licensor-licensee negotiation has nothing to do with financial arrangements.

10. During Employer-employee negotiation one can discuss the size of annual wage, ^lli

Exercise #4. Read the following text and answer the questions.


Trade unions are organizations that attempt to represent workers' interests. They negotiate with employers about the wages, working hours and working conditions of their members. They can defend members who have individual grievances. If dissatisfied, they can take «industrial action» such as going on strike or operating a «go-slow» or a «work-to-rule». During a strike they can picket their place of work and try to prevent other workers or delivery drivers entering the premises.

1. What are trade unions?

2. What do they do?

3. What can they do when dissatisfied?

Exercise #5. Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right.



1) collective bargaining

a) a general term for strikes, «go-slows», «work-to-rules» and so on

2) a strike

b) a deliberate reduction in the rate of production as a protest

3) go-slow or slow-down

c) a stoppage of work, as a protest against working conditions, low pay, and so on

4) working-to-rule

d) to protest outside a factory or other workplace, and try to persuade workers and delivery drivers not to enter

5) industrial action»

e) negotiations between unions and employers about their members' wages and working conditions

6) to picket

f) deliberately obeying every regulation in an organization, which severely disrupts normal operations



The phone is a very useful tool for immediate communication. With a telephone, we can find out information, make appointments, and talk with our friends and families. It is being used more and more in business, because it is cheaper than face-to-face meetings, more convenient and saves time. But making a phone call is not always easy - especially if you don't know the person on the other end of the line very well or if you don't have experience of making phone calls in English.

If you have to call someone you already know, you may actually enjoy making the call -but remember that long-distance calls are expensive. Making a phone call to a stranger can be quite stressful, especially if they speak English better than you.

Most business people, unless they feel very confident, prepare for an important phone call in a foreign language by making notes in advance. And during the call they make notes while they're talking to help them to remember what was said.

Although it's quick and convenient to phone someone to give them information or to ask questions, the disadvantage is that there is nothing in writing to help you to remember what was said. It's essential to make notes and often when an agreement is reached on the phone, one of the speakers will send a fax to confirm the main points that were made. As it's so easy to be misunderstood when talking on the phone it's a good idea to repeat any important information (especially numbers and names) back to the other person to make sure you've got it right.

Always make sure you know the name of the person you're talking to. If necessary, ask them to spell it out to you, so that you can make sure you've got it right - and try to use their name during the call. And make sure they know your name too. It's important to sound interested, helpful and alert when answering the phone. You may have to make or receive calls to or from regular customers and prospective customers, so a good telephone manner not only makes an impression in business, but it also helps to make money.

Business communications

Whenever you speak to somebody, or somebody speaks to you, you are; communicating orally. Oral means spoken, and speech is the most common method of communication. Most oral communications take place either face to face or over the telephone.

Although we talk to people every day, being able to communicate orally is a skill that must be learned and practiced. Using the telephone is more difficult than speaking face to face, and many people are uncomfortable about making telephone calls, although this is becoming less so through the widespread use of mobile telephones.

One of the main problems with telephone communications is that when you talk to someone on the telephone, you cannot see their response or facial expressions. It is especially important, therefore, to listen carefully to what the other person is saying and the way they say it - their tone of voice and the words they use. However, technological developments such as videophones are overcoming this problem.

Oral communications are quick and direct between the person communicating the message and the person receiving it. They also offer an opportunity for discussion and for instant feedback to check that the content of the communication has been understood. The main problem with oral communications is that there is no permanent record.

The most common types of written communications are letters, written for external communications, and memos (short for memoranda), used for internal communications. Business letters and memos are more formal than the letters you write to your friends, although they serve the same basic purpose - to communicate a message.

An advantage of written communications is that they are permanent records of the communication. They can be referred to later if required, and read at leisure, which means that they can contain information that may take longer to digest and understand, such as figures and technical data. Pictures, tables, graphs and diagrams can also be included in written communications.

Other forms of written communications are used in business for various purposes. These include: reports, financial documents, advertisements, notices, customer and product information. Written communications should be:

accurate - everything should be checked, including all facts, spelling and grammar

• clear - the person writing the message must know what they want to say.before they begin to write it down, and the person reading the document should be able to understand its content immediately

simple - short words and sentences are more effective and have more impact than long ones

complete - a document which leaves a message unfinished or leaves out a vital piece of information will fail in its purpose.

Business etiquette

Etiquette is a set of unwritten rules that apply to social situations, professional workplaces and relationships. In the business world, good business etiquette means that you act professionally and exercise proper manners when engaging with others in your profession. Good business etiquette is a valuable skill-set that will make you stand out from others, enhance your chances at success and help you land that dream job.

In business, the relationships you build are important. The way to build positive relationships in the business world is by exercising good etiquette. If others are speaking, give them your full attention and make eye contact to let them know you are engaged in the conversation. This is known as active listening. When it is your turn to speak, be clear and concise,, and avoid jargon that your audience would not understand. Add a smile and a handshake so others find you pleasant to work with.

Good business etiquette is the recipe for advancing your career. In the business world, people with good etiquette are rewarded for their professional and polite skills. Those who exemplify good business etiquette are proving that they respect their position, job, coworkers and take their performance seriously.

Netiquette is etiquette that takes place over virtual mediums, such as email. Virtual communication is popular in the business world, so it is critical that businessmen and women have the right netiquette to maintain professionalism. Compose emails the way you would write a letter. Use complete sentences and proper grammar, and check your email for correct punctuation usage and other technical errors. Avoid using jargon, abbreviations and emoticons.

As a businessman or woman it is important that you make a good impression. The way you dress, for instance, impacts the way you are perceived by others. Other peoples' impressions of you should be positive so that they continue doing business with you. To accomplish this, start with your attire. Ask yourself if you look professional, or if your outfit needs some fine-tuning. Looking sloppy, messy and dirty will put off your coworkers and turn away potential clients.

Business etiquette extends beyond the office. When you are required to attend a business luncheon or dinner, it is important that you adhere to tableside etiquette standards as well as business etiquette. People with good dining manners can win over their colleagues and counterparts, whereas people with poor conduct may miss out on business deals.

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