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Заочное отделение 3 семестр II курс



Часть I. Choosing a Career.

1. Самостоятельно изучите тексты и выполните упражнения из учебника

Achievement на стр. 5-69. Обязательно выполните следующие

упражнения: стр. 6-7; упр.11 стр.11; упр.13 стр.12; упр.4 стр.15; упр.2-3

стр.17-19; упр.8 стр.22; упр.4 стр. 37-40; стр. 41-42; упр.9 стр.45; упр.11

стр.46; стр.53-54; стр.58-59; стр.63.

2. Переведите и выучите наизусть слова и выражения из “Active Vocabulary”

по теме Choosing a Career (стр.4-8 данного документа).

3. Выполните Revision and Consolidation exercises на стр. 27-32, 49-52, 60, 68-

69 и выполните переводы из данных упражнений в письменном виде в


4. Сделайте тест Choosing a Career и проверьте правильность по ключу

(Бендецкая М.Е. «Практика письменной английской речи / Practice of

Written English» стр.75,115 или стр. 21-30 данного документа).

5. Напишите 5 эссе по темам, перечисленным в Essay Topics, тема Choosing a

Career (стр.3). Размер эссе должен составлять 1,5 - 2 страницы. В эссе

должны быть подчеркнуты слова и выражения из «Active Vocabulary». Все

эссе должны быть предоставлены в письменном виде в тетради.

Часть II. Healthy and Happy.

1. Самостоятельно изучите тексты и выполните упражнения из учебника

Achievement на стр. 86-171. Обязательно выполните следующие

упражнения: стр.87-90; упр.93 стр. 15; упр.3-4 стр. 104-107; упр.12-16

стр. 109; упр.1 стр.119; упр.8 стр.122-123; упр.4,5 стр. 130; упр.9-11

стр.132; упр.1 стр.142; стр.145-146.

2. Переведите и выучите наизусть слова и выражения из “Active Vocabulary”

по теме Healthy and Happy (стр.9-16).

3. Выполните Revision and Consolidation exercises на стр. 99-102, 114-118,

125-127, 137-140, 155-156 - переводы в письменном виде.

4. Сделайте тест Healthy and Happy и проверьте правильность по ключу

(стр.31-44 данного документа).

5. Напишите 4 эссе по темам, перечисленным в Essay Topics (стр.3), тема

Healthy and Happy. Размер эссе должен составлять 1,5 - 2 страницы. В эссе

должны быть подчеркнуты слова и выражения из «Active Vocabulary». Все

эссе должны быть предоставлены в письменном виде в тетради. Материалы по ПУПР, 3 семестр 2 курс з.о.


Часть III. Fit and Well.

1. Самостоятельно изучите тексты и выполните упражнения из учебника

Achievement на стр. 172-203. Обязательно выполните следующие

упражнения: стр.174-175, 179-181; упр.11 стр.184; стр.194-195.

2. Переведите и выучите наизусть слова и выражения из “Active Vocabulary”

по теме Fit and Well (стр.17-20).

3. Выполните Revision and Consolidation exercises на стр. 190-192, 197-198 –

переводы в письменном виде.

4. Сделайте тест Fit and Well и проверьте правильность по ключу (стр.45-51).

5. Напишите 6 эссе по темам, перечисленным в Essay Topics (стр.3), тема Fit

and Well. Размер эссе должен составлять 1,5 - 2 страницы. В эссе должны

быть подчеркнуты слова и выражения из «Active Vocabulary». Все эссе

должны быть предоставлены в письменном виде в тетради.

6. Сделайте письменно общий тест по всем темам (стр.52-53).

В аудиториях В-207 или Д-401 выполните компьютерные тесты Self-check

tests “Choosing a Career”, “Healthy and Happy”, “Fit and Well”. При выполнении

компьютерных тестов в течение семестра не забывайте при регистрации

вписывать свою фамилию, имя и номер группы.

!!! На первом занятии по практике устной и письменной речи вам необходимо

предоставить преподавателю:

1) 15 эссе с подчеркнутым вокабуляром

2) 11 “Revision and Consolidation exercises”(translation)

Требования к недифференцированному зачету по практике устной и

письменной речи английского языка.

Зачет складывается из вашего посещения занятий и нескольких заданий:

1) перевод из Revision and Consolidation exercises

2) 15 эссе

3) Revision Vocabulary Test

4) компьютерные тесты по трем темам

5) оценка за монолог (на занятии)

6) оценка за экзаменационный лексический тест (на занятии)

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


Essay Topics

Choosing a Career

1. What is important in a job to you? What kind of job would (not) suit


2. How to shine at a job interview?

3. Speak on the whole procedure of getting a job.

4. Speak about the teacher who had a lot of influence on you.

5. Choosing a career was not easy for me.

Healthy and Happy

1. Speak about your visit to a doctor.

2. Speak about the most serious illness you had. What treatment did

you get?

3. Describe your last visit to the dentist’s.

4. Persuade your friend to kick the bad habit of smoking / drinking /


Fit and Well

1. Why do we do sport?

2. A sport or a game you enjoy most.

3. Speak about the competition you watched or took part in.

4. How sporting are the British?

5. Sport in Belarus.

6. Describe your keep-fit programme.

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.



Active Vocabulary

Job / work / task / labour / toil

Business / profession / employment

Occupation / career / line / trade

What do you do for a living? /What are you? /What are you by profession? /

What do you do? / What line of business are you in?

Choosing isn’t easy

To take up / to follow a career / to take up smth as a career

To consider something as a career

To be still in two minds

To appeal to smb / to attract smb

To be cut out for

To have a vocation for smth

To be in one’s line

To follow in smb’s footsteps

To make / to arrive at / to come to / to reach a decision / to decide on (against)

something /

to make up one’s mind

To make a choice / to take a choice

To go in for something

To regret one’s choice

To find one’s vocation Ant: to miss one’s vocation

To commit oneself to one’s family

Climbing up the ladder of success

The world is one’s oyster

To make one’s way in the world

To get on in life / in the world

To work one’s way up from the bottom

To make one’s way up to the top

To achieve / accomplish / complete / finish

To achieve success / to succeed / to be a success

To land one’s dream job

Skills and Qualities

To have a background

What is your professional, educational background?

To have the right qualifications for the job

Skills: administrative, communication, language, listening, organisational

Leadership qualities

Bossy / domineering / lordly / overbearing

To be computer literate, to work with / on a computer

To pick smth up Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


Competence for / as / in smth

To be competent as / at / in smth

To have experience for / of doing smth

To be experienced in (doing) smth

To be skilled in / at smth

To be skilful with smth; Ant: unskilful

To be an expert at / in / on smth

To be good at

Hunting for a job

Job hunter / job seeker

Job centre / employment agency

Unemployed / jobless / out of a job / between jobs

To be on unemployment benefit / on the dole

To look for a job / to hunt for a job

To look through the advertisement page

To advertise for smth / smb, to advertise smth on TV, in a paper

To apply for a post

To fill in an application form

To send in an application, to accept an application; Ant: to turn down / reject an


A Job Interview

To attend an interview/ to sit an interview

Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Resume

To write a letter of application


Recommendation letters

Interviewee, interviewer

Applicants for a job

To be shortlisted for smth, to shortlist smb

To schedule an interview with smb

To have an appointment for an interview

Appearance counts

Not to sell oneself short

To stand out from the other applicants

To notify about the decision

To hire / employ / engage / recruit

To take smb on a job

To refuse point-blank

To take up a job / to take up a new appointment

To be accepted onto a course

To take a (training) course

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


What are your working hours?

Full-time job

Part-time job

Temporary, seasonal job

Permanent / steady job

To be freelance

To moonlight / to do moonlighting

To do odd jobs

To work nine-to-five

To work shift-work

To be on flexi-time / to have flexible working hours

To work overtime

To take maternity leave (sick leave), to be on maternity leave (sick leave)

To be on the job / to be at work

How much do you earn?

Salary / wages / fee / income / earnings / pay

High salary; Ant: low salary

Well-paid; Ant: badly-paid job

To make a living / to earn a living, to get by on a salary/ to survive on a salary

To live within one’s income, Ant: to live beyond one’s income

Bread-winner / wage-earner

To get a twenty-dollar salary rise

The salary is raised by 20 per cent

To make a profit

Where do you work?

To occupy a post / position

To get / have / hold a position in / with a company

To apply for the position of

To appoint to the post of

To get promotion / to be promoted to

To recommend highly for promotion

Who are the people?

Employer, employee; head / chief / leader / boss / master

Chancellor / president

Headmaster, Headmistress, principal, the Director of Studies

Personnel director






Staff, executive, subordinate Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


What does the job involve?

Job responsibilities

Job description

To involve the use of languages

To involve opportunities to meet people

To deal / cope with problems

To be in charge of / to be responsible for

To boss smb about / around

To do smth on one’s own responsibility

To manage / to run / to direct / to handle

Manual job, unskilled jobs

Your attitude to work

Competent /efficient / skilled / trained / capable / experienced / qualified;

Ant: incompetent, inefficient, unskilled, incapable, inexperienced, unqualified

To be capable of doing smth

Fair to (on) smb / just to smb; Ant: unfair, unjust

Industrious / hard-working / diligent; Ant: lazy, idle

To be responsible for; Ant: irresponsible, negligent

Confident, self-confident; Ant: uncertain, timid, shy

To be committed to smth, smb

Motivation to work hard

To pull one’s socks up

To be up to one’s eyes in work

To keep one’s nose to the grindstone


To be an asset to the company

To learn by experience

To rest on one’s laurels

The Best job

Demanding, Challenging

Rewarding, Satisfying

Varied; Ant: unvaried

Job satisfaction

Chances of promotion

Good working conditions

To be under competent management

Fringe benefits / perks: sick pay, paid holiday, excellent pension plan / scheme

Career prospects / opportunities

The main attraction of a job

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


The Worst Job



Tough / difficult / painstaking


Slave labour

Boring / monotonous / dull / tedious / uninteresting / flat

To get bored by smth; to bore smb to death / tears

To get smb down


To make a good teacher

To be skillful with the subject

To be update in a subject

A well-behaved class

Manageable, Ant: unmanageable

To promote self-study

To have a bag full of tricks up one’s sleeve

To set up a high standard of / in achievement

To encourage good disciplinary habits, Ant: discourage

To keep a cool head

Attractive / charming / pleasing / enchanting, Ant: unattractive

Atmosphere: businesslike, instructive, creative, encouraging, relaxed,

tense, unpleasant, frustrating

To put scorn on children

To squash student’s motivation to study

To demand beyond one’s abilities

To have favourites and outcasts

To disrupt class

Breaches of discipline

Problem students

Overloaded curriculum

To get disillusioned


To quit / to leave / to vacate / to resign / to give up

To hand in notice / to give in notice

To resign from a post, to resign one’s post

To send in one’s resignation / hand in one’s resignation

To give up a career / to abandon a career

To retire, to take early retirement

To be made / become / find oneself redundant / to be laid off

To fire / to throw out of work / to dismiss / to sack / to give the sack

To cut back on the staff / to make cutbacks

To close down Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


HEALTHY AND HAPPY – Active Vocabulary


Disease, ailment, illness, sickness, malady

An allergy






A chill

A cold





A fever

(the) flu / influenza

Food poisoning

A heart attack



of the lungs /







A nervous



Scarlet fever,

hay fever

Stomach ulcer

A stroke



Travel-, motion-, air-,

car-, seasickness

A headache,

(a) toothache,

earache, backache,



To be ill with a disease (Compare: to be sick), to be down with a disease, to be laid up with

To be taken ill with, to fall ill with a disease, to come /go down with the disease

An acute, chronic, incurable / untreatable, fatal / terminal disease

To be prone to minor ailments

contagious / infectious / catching

To spread / to pass on / to give / to carry; To catch / to pick up a disease

Isolated cases of smallpox, an outbreak of cholera, to reach epidemic proportions

Feeling unwell

To feel out of sorts / to feel a bit funny /to feel off colour / to feel under the weather;

Ant: to be as fit as a fiddle

To feel run down, Compare: to be worn out

To look faint / to feel faint / to be faint

Not to feel up to doing something


To ache – To hurt – To be painful – To be sore

To feel a dull ache in smth

To have an acute / severe / sharp, dull, shooting pain

To be aching all over / to be all aches and pains

To suffer from smth,

To hurt / to injure badly / seriously / severely

To feel pain in smth

A bad / heavy / nasty cold; Ant: a slight cold

To develop / run / get / have a temperature / to feel feverish

To have a slight, high fever

To shiver all over with cold

A bout of (the shivers) / a fit of (coughing) / an attack of asthma / a touch of (rheumatism)

To be inflamed by / with an infection

To be allergic to smth

To lose consciousness / pass out / faint (from hunger) Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


HEAD to have a (splitting) headache, to be / feel giddy / dizzy

EYES eyes are running, sore, swollen, itchy, inflamed

NOSE to sneeze, the nose is running, the nose is stuffed up

THROAT to have a sore throat, it hurts to swallow

CHEST to cough; to have a bad / heavy, dry, persistent cough; to suffer from chest pains,

heartache; to be short of breath, Compare: to be out of breath

STOMACH stomach-ache, to lose appetite, a pain in my side, indigestion, diarrhoea,

constipation, to feel nauseous, to vomit / to throw up

SKIN to come out in a rash, tomatoes bring me out in a rash; spots, rash, bruises, blisters,

cuts, wounds

JOINTS painful, stiff, to swell up

ANKLE sprained, twisted, broken / fractured

MUSCLES aching, pulled

Asking about health

What’s wrong with N.?

What seems to be the matter?

Where does it hurt?


Doctor / physician/ medical man

General Practitioner (GP)

Surgeon, Dentist

Paediatrician / children’s doctor

Gynaecologist / women’s doctor





Making an appointment with a doctor

To call for a doctor

To have an appointment with smb, to make / fix an appointment with smb

To break / cancel an appointment

To be by appointment only (Consultation is by appointment only)

Surgery hours are from 9 to 5.

To check one’s schedule

To be fully booked

To fit smb in

To consult / to see a doctor

To go for a check-up / to have a check-up

Annual check-up

To come at the appointed time

Consulting-room / surgery

What do we do at the doctor’s?

To complain to smb about / of smth

To consult a doctor about smth

To breathe in, to breathe out (deeply)

To have one’s eyes examined

To have a blood test done

To have one’s eyesight tested

To have one’s chest X-rayed

To have one’s cardiogram taken

To have one’s height and weight measured

To malinger / to feign a sickness

To be diagnosed with Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


What do the doctors do?

To examine (carefully / thoroughly) / To give smb (a careful, thorough) examination

To feel the pulse, to take the pulse

To sound the heart and lungs

To take the temperature, to take smb’s blood pressure

To test one’s eyesight

To diagnose an illness as smth, to make a (skilful, accurate) diagnosis

Medications and their effects

A medicine for

To take medicines (pills, tablets)

A painkiller



Half an aspirin

Eye drops, nose drops

Cough mixture, lozenges

To rub ointment in / To rub ointment into the skin

To apply mustard plaster

To use herbal remedies /medicinal herbs

Vaccination, To vaccinate against smth

To ease / soothe / relieve / reduce / lessen a pain

To kill / deaden a pain

To reduce fever / to bring down the temperature

To reduce the swelling

To reduce the blood pressure

To relieve symptoms

To fight off infection

To prevent complications

To build up strength

To speed up the recovery

Procedures of curing

To grant two-weeks’ sick-leave

To go on sick-leave, to be on sick-leave / on the sick-list

To stay away from school, to be off work sick

To keep to bed, to stay in bed / to have total bed rest Compare: To take to bed

To treat smb for smth with smth

To cure a person of a disease, to cure an illness

A cure for a disease / a remedy for a disease

To put smb on treatment, antibiotics

To follow the doctor’s instructions


To prescribe some medicine (for smb) for an illness

To write out a prescription for smth

To prescribe a course of treatment, a course of injections

To follow the directions

Take a teaspoonful 3 times a day after meals

To gargle with salt water

Be careful not to exceed the prescribed dose

To avoid side-effects of the pill

At the chemist’s / a drugstore

To have the prescription filled / made up at the chemist’s

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.



The cut healed up / over

The swelling goes down

To be well on the road to recovery /on the way to recovery

To be on the mend

To recover from an illness

To recover after an operation

To get over / to overcome a disease

To make a quick recovery, slow recovery, good recovery, total recovery

To burst with health

Dental problems

The tooth needs seeing to, stopping, pulling

The tooth is bothering me

The tooth keeps me awake

The pain skips around

To have a loose filling which is about to drop out

To have a sore gum

The tooth is sore to the touch; the tooth is sensitive to heat and cold

To have a cavity in the tooth and a great deal of decay around it

The jaw swelled with toothache

To dread coming to see a dentist

To put off going to the dentist

To pluck up one’s courage

Dental procedures

To open one’s mouth wide

To look over / to examine one’s teeth Compare: to see to the teeth

To give an injection of Novocaine

To drill a tooth

To put in a filling / to fill in a cavity

To save a tooth

To have one’s teeth cleaned

To have one’s tooth filled / stopped, to have one’s tooth X-rayed

To have one’s tooth pulled / extracted / taken out

Painful, Ant: painless extraction

Dentist’s advice

To take better care of one’s teeth

Not to put off going to the dentist

To have one’s teeth examined twice a year

To clean, to brush one’s teeth regularly

To use dental floss

To keep an eye on a diet

Be true to your teeth or your teeth will be false to you

To have sound teeth Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


Hospital terminology

A sick man

To call the ambulance

To take to hospital, to check in hospital

Ant: to discharge from hospital

A case history

A (surgical) ward

Intensive care unit

To make / to go one’s rounds

Procedures in hospital

To cure / handle / treat a patient

To give smb first aid

To clean the wound with antiseptic / to put a little antiseptic on the wound

To apply a dressing to a wound, To put a bandage on

To remove a dressing, to replace a dressing

To have one’s leg put in plaster, To go round on crutches

To inject / to give an injection

To inject smth into the arm, to inject the arm with smth

To give blood transfusion

To undergo medical treatment (for a disease)

To try out a new course of treatment on smb / to test smth on smb

Patients’ condition

To be in good condition, Ant: to be in poor condition

To be in (out of) condition / to be fit (unfit) for smth

Condition is deteriorating

To feel like death warmed up, To be in critical condition, To be slipping away, To be fading fast

To fight for life

To bring on complications, Complications set in

The life is hanging by a thread, It’s just a matter of time

To pass away, To die of an illness, To die from a wound, To die through neglect

To have a relapse

To be in a coma, Ant: to come out of the coma

To regain consciousness / to come to / to come round

To respond to treatment, to turn the corner, the worst is over, to be on the mend, to come along

nicely, stable / satisfactory condition

To make a miraculous recovery

To be out of /off the danger list, to be out (up) and about

To be as good as new, to be as right as rain, to be on one’s feet again

To live to be a hundred


To go ahead with an operation

To operate on smb for smth, To perform an operation/ surgery for smth

To undergo / to have an operation

Operating –theatre

To avoid post-operative complications

To have appendix removed / to have appendix out

To have one’s tonsils removed

To come through an operation

The effect of the anaesthetic wears off

To build up one’s strength Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.



To be in the habit of doing smth

To fall into / to get into the habit of doing smth

To cure smb of the habit

To get out of the habit / to break the habit / to kick the habit

A hard habit to break

Old habits die hard.

To do harm to smb

To be harmful (Ant: harmless) to one’s health

To abuse smth, an abuse of smth

An addict, to be addicted to smth,

To overcome one’s addiction to smth

Heart Disease


A risk factor for a disease

A major cause of a disease

To contribute to (the development of) the disease

To put oneself at risk

To store up trouble

To eat fatty food (diets)

To be overweight

Weight fluctuation

Drinking and smoking

Prevention or cure

Prevention is better than cure

To examine one’s eating and drinking habits

To cut down on smth

To cut out fatty foods

To eat more fibre

To go on a diet, to be on a diet

Vitamin-rich diet, Ant: a diet deficient in (of) vitamins / to lack vitamins, Vitamin


To lower blood pressure

To take more exercise (Compare: to do more exercises)

To reduce strain on heart

To have a positive effect

The harm may outweigh the benefit

Smoking/ Drinking / Drugs

Why do they start?

To be introduced to smoking / drinking / drugs by smb

Under friends’ pressure, To pressure smb into doing smth

To share alcohol in a family setting

To look grown-up Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


To copy parents

To join the crowd

Not to lose face

To feel more relaxed and sociable

To escape from a life that may seem too hard to bear


A non-smoker

A habitual smoker, a chain smoker, to chain smoke

Passive smoking

To get through 20 cigarettes a day

A craving for a cigarette

The harmful effects of smoking

The smell of smoke puts people off

To burn a great deal of money

To develop a bad dry persistent cough

Mouth sores, damage to teeth

To increase blood pressure and pulse rate

To be constantly short of breath

Skin wrinkles faster and deeper

To run a risk of damage to the unborn babies

To cause lung cancer, heart disease, chronic bronchitis


To put a cigarette out, to extinguish a cigarette

To put an end to smoking

To give up / quit / stop / cut out smoking

To stay smoke-free

That’s easier said than done.


A teetotaler, to stay sober, to be tipsy, to get drunk, to turn into an alcoholic

To be legally under age

Symptoms and Consequences

To be drunk/ to be intoxicated

To weaken the senses

To cloud the judgement

Clumsy actions

Slurred speech

To suffer from double vision and loss of balance

To fall unconscious

To suffer from hangover

To cause heart disease and brain damage

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.



Symptoms and Consequences

Hard drugs, soft drugs, legal drugs

To take drugs / use drugs / be on drugs

To develop side-effects

To cause unbalanced emotions

To bring on confusion and frightening hallucinations

To experience drowsiness, moodiness, loss of appetite, a high level of deceit

Drug-taking leads to crime

Withdrawal effects wear off slowly

Mental disorders

To cause sudden death

To die from continued drug abuse


To fight against drugs

To resist drug experimentation

To dissuade friends from experimenting

Parental guidance

To suggest other ways of spending time together

To arrange anti-drugs campaign

To have a drug-education programme for children

To hold drug education lessons

To arrange visits with ex-addicts

To avoid glamourising bad habits


The stresses and strains of modern life

Tensions of everyday life

A stressful job

To be under stress

Causes and symptoms

To burn the candle at both ends / to overwork

To be overtired, to have a feeling of exhaustion

To suffer from constant irritability, tiredness, insomnia, lack of appetite

To have difficulty in making decisions, concentrating

To be worn out, to feel run down

To bring on severe depression

To head for a nervous breakdown

Stress-based illnesses

How to cope with it

Positive stress

To fight off stress, to handle stress, to control stress, to avoid stress

To take it easy

To confront, to avoid the situation

To have a change of scene

To eat regular meals

To wind down after a tiring day

To have a few early nights Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.



Active Vocabulary

Why do we do sport?

To be for enjoyment and fitness

To develop character and team spirit

To provide an opportunity for people to express themselves

To break down economic and social barriers

To provide a challenge

To get rid of tension

To provide an outlet for surplus energy

To be attractive to watch on TV

A way of making money (professional sport)

A sport, sports

To do (a) sport / to play (a) sport

To take up a sport

An amateur, professional sport

A spectacular sport

A team sport

Outdoor games, Ant: indoor games

Sports ground, sports field

To hold a championship, competition, contest, cup, game, match, tournament, event

To enter for a (track-and-field) event (Eventful, Ant: uneventful)

To take part in / to participate in

To compete with (against) smb in smth for (the trophy)

To be in competition for smth with smb

To have a rival for (in) the Olympiad


Crew / team

National team, Olympic team, college team

Compare: umpire / referee / judge

Coach / trainer, Ant: trainee

Opponent / rival for (in) smth, opposing team

Sportsman / athlete, sportswoman

Sports people (yachtsman, chess-player Compare: chessman)

Contestant / competitor / participant

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.



A (regular, committed, faithful) supporter / a (dedicated / devoted / loyal) fan /


A spectator

Sports enthusiast

To support (a sports club)/ to shout for (a sports club)

Sporting Success

Well-trained Ant: badly-trained

To be in training for a match

To coach smb (a team) for the competition (in gymnastics)

To tie for the first place

To lead from start to finish

To excel oneself

To be in a class of one’s own

To score /to kick a (winning) goal (in the finals)

To score a point

To keep the score

To make a score of 50 points

To win (Ant: to lose) the game with the score 4 to 2

To draw a match / to end in a draw/ the two teams drew

To beat an opposing side

To be a walk-over, completely one-sided

To keep the trophy

To retain a title

A victory

To win in a battle / contest / race

To win (smth) hands down

To win by 3 points

To win smth from smb

Best time, record time, fastest time

To set (up) a record in a sport

To beat a record / to break a record;

A record-breaker

To hold the world record in / for smth

A record-holder

An all-time record, Olympic record

To be a reigning champion and a hot favourite to win the cup

To be the star, to be the champion

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


Sporting Failure

To lose / to be (well) beaten / to be defeated / to fail

To be a complete failure

To lose to a stronger side by points

A loss (2 wins and 4 losses)

To come second, to be a runner-up

To be an also-ran

A good loser, a bad loser

Own-goals by smb

To kick the ball above the goal

To be relegated to the substitutes’ bench for smth

Not to stand a chance

To be outclassed in smth

To be knocked out

To be stopped (in the first round)

To be overtaken on the line

To be in a photo finish for last place

To lag behind/ fall behind/ remain behind, Ant: to keep up with

To fail to finish the course

To get a consolation prize for smth

To cheat at sports, Ant: to act honestly (A fair play, Ant: an unfair play)

To be disqualified in smth

To be banned from entering the competition for several years

Favourite Sports

All-year round sport

To appeal to smb / to interest smb

Appealing, Ant: unattractive

To be good for letting off steam

A good way of getting away from it all

To get rid of tension

To provide good exercise for most parts of the body

To be excellent for arms, legs, posture and general fitness

To exercise arms and legs

To benefit thigh muscles

To develop a sense of grace and poise

Maximum exercise in minimum time

Single-minded, resourceful, wiry, agile

To have great power of concentration

To have a good eye Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


To have the stamina to do smth

It requires great stamina

To have a good sense of balance

To have a definite air of glamour about it

To be fairly proficient before joining a club

How Sporting are the British?

To be a sporting nation / sporting people

To be a national obsession

To knight their most famous sportsmen

To play for the love of the game

To grow fast in popularity

To double its popularity

To draw fewer / more spectators

To fill the grounds

To become a major spectator sport

To find regular places in TV programmes

To win over British TV fans

To run Britain from a nation of spectators to a nation of doers

How to Keep Fit?

The vital thing about getting fit is getting started

To set aside a little time each day for exercise

To devote 10 minutes a day to exercising

To work up (at one’s own pace) to a suitable exercise programme

To try going for a walk

Sustained walks of 30 minutes and more

To feel the benefits

To build up one’s stamina

To get back into shape

To feel less tired, more able to cope with the demands of a busy life

To be able to fit more activities into each day

My Keep-Fit Programme

Good eating habits, wise drinking habits, regular sleeping habits

To lead a sedentary way of life

To take regular exercise

To run short-distance, Ant: long-distance

To indulge in long walks

To eat good quality food

To have regular check-ups

Not to smoke, not to drink alcohol Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.



I. Paraphrase the following using synonyms or synonymous expressions.

1. Living on unemployment benefit was a disagreeable experience.

2. John found me arrogant and domineering.

3. Before selling a new product a producer should make it known to the consumer.

4. Hers is a most charming personality.

5. Some TV programmes can be rather tedious and flat.

6. It is by no means easy to choose an occupation.

7. He hoped to have accomplished more.

8. Isn’t it difficult work for a person your age?

9. Tom was unemployed for a while.

10. They were fired together.

11. Laura is a competent programmer.

12. Are you always just to people?

13. There are a lot of hard-working students in our group.

14. He trades in cars.

15. This business is not easy to run.

16. Our boss is vacating his position.

17. This job carries a lot of duties.

18. It is a responsibility to be a breadwinner, isn’t it?

19. When at school Kennet took part in different activities.

20. Marge handed in notice after lunch.

II. Give the opposite of the following by using word-building prefixes.

1. attractive

2. capable

3. competent

4. decision

5. earned (adj)

6. efficient

7. employment

8. experienced

9. encourage

10. fair

11. manageable

12. responsible

13. skilful

14. profitable

15. varied

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


III. Give the opposite of the following.

1. lazy, idle

2. within one’s income

3. interesting, exciting

4. uncertain, timid, shy

5. full-time

6. subordinate (n)

7. be out of work / a job

8. negligent

IV. Match the words from columns A and B to form compound words.


1. wage

2. point

3. back

4. full

5. job

6. nine

7. self

8. self

9. chair

10. bread











V. Match the words from columns A and B so as to make verbal collocations.

Supply the missing articles.


1. turn in / consider / turn down

2. manage / run / direct / handle

3. follow / take up diplomacy as

4. make / take

5. arrive at / come / make / reach

6. earn / make

7. leave / quit / vacate / give up one’s

8. get / have / hold

9. apply for / appoint to

10. deal / cope with

11. be made / become / find oneself

12. hand in / submit / tender / give in one's

13. assume / accept / take

14. develop / improve / refine one’s

15. free / fill
















Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


VI. Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. His dream to become the chief / head / chef in this restaurant came true.

2. Their principle / central / principal goal was to improve their computer skills.

3. He is hunting for a job / an occupation / a career.

4. I would like to follow in my father's career / steps / footsteps.

5. His weekly wages are / salary is not enough to make both ends meet.

6. Our total family income / wages / profit is growing.

7. Is it a very excessive / demanding / requiring job?

8. Make sure he has the right background / experiences / qualifications for the job.

9. A lawyer is a member of a much respected profession / trade / work.

10. Why not think about choosing a business / career / work while at school?

11. You have to apply / ask / request for this job in person.

12. If you hear of any closings / vacancies / places in the company, I would certainly

appreciate knowing about them.

13. If you’re a(n) director / employee /employer you have to do what your boss tells you.

14. The purpose of running a business is to make benefit / profit / service.

15. Great news! I’ve just been promoted / raised / advanced.

16. He is looking for a new appointment / duty / employment at the moment.

17. Workers who arrive late will be given three warnings and then refused / dismissed /


18. The job involves / concerns / encloses dealing with little kids and their parents.

19. The job supervisor was in charge/ leadership / management of nearly fifty men.

20. She was promoted to the job / profession / position of vice-president.

21. I am afraid there is very little justification / advantage / motivation to work hard.

22. The applicants are expected to have strong verbal and written communication gifts /

manners / skills

VII. Complete the sentences below with prepositions or adverbs where


1. No wonder he was never promoted: he would just lie … … the job.

2. The books varied … size, so she took the thickest volume.

3. What standards … achievement did the students show?

4. Nowadays they advertise a lot of new goods … television.

5. If you want this job you should send … your application immediately.

6. He was appointed … the post some time ago.

7. Why did you turn his application …? Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


8. He is definitely fond of bossing people ….

9. Why don’t you take … journalism … a career.

10. He is hardly capable … cheating.

11. He was placed … charge … recruitment.

12. He is committed … his students.

13. It generally takes some time to become competent … your profession.

14. Isn’t she cut … … this career?

15. I would hate to deal … machines – I definitely prefer people.

16. What does he do? – He deals … cars.

17. It is time we decided … that.

18. I am still undecided as … my future career.

19. It took them long to arrive … the decision.

20. Why was he dismissed … work?

21. He is not ambitious. He can even live … the dole.

22. He has been … …. regular employment for quite a time already.

23. Some graduates of our University seek … employment … advertising agencies.

24. You will learn … experience.

25. He is a real expert … rock music.

26. Teachers should be fair … their students.

27. Why follow … your father’s footsteps? Try something else.

28. This salary is not enough to get ….

29. Joseph is frustrated with the results. – What actually gets him …?

30. To get ... in life you must acquire some good professional skills.

31. Isn’t it a great picture? Why don’t you go … … Art?

32. Why did you hand … your notice?

33. While hunting … a job, stay optimistic.

34. I won’t be able to do it … such short a notice.

35. You will pick … typing as you practise.

36. He was hoping for a good position … a company.

37. He did it … profit.

38. She promised to pull her socks … and do her best.

39. Did Bertrand resign … his post?

40. Our graduates are skilled … computers.

41. One has to have a vocation … medicine to make a good doctor.

42. Why did not they take me … ? I thought I did well at the job interview.

43. I am so much … traveling!

44. Jack is still … two minds as to what university to apply … .

45. The company advertised … a new accountant in the local paper.

46. What made him resign … your company?

47. I used to get bored … his endless stories. Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


48. The office is … competent management.

49. You have to study a lot to develop competence … teaching.

50. My Grandpa is learning to work … computer.

51. It’s time you earned … your living.

52. To get this position an applicant needs some experience … marketing.

53. What does you cousin do … a living?

54. The clerk did not manage … the job.

55. The investment was profitable … all of us.

56. Who is responsible … the deal?

57. Do you have vacancies … teachers this year?

58. The danger of a heart attack varies … body weight.

59. He did it … his own responsibility.

VIII. Give as many English equivalents of the following as you know.

1. достичь успеха

2. выбрать профессию

3. перспективы, возможности карьеры

4. принять, взять ответственность

5. решить, придти к решению

6. засучить рукава

7. квалифицированный учитель

8. дать работу, нанять на работу

9. заполнить вакансию

10. зарплата

11. кандидат на пост

12. семейный доход

13. отказать наотрез

14. почивать на лаврах

15. работать, не покладая рук (без отдыха)

IX. Translate into English.

1. Просмотри, пожалуйста, страницу объявлений.

2. Поскольку зарплата была низкой, было мало желающих получить эту


3. Нам всем очень нравится деловая обстановка на ее занятиях.

4. Ты умеешь обращаться с компьютером?

5. Джеку не хватает уверенности в себе.

6. Этот разговор с управляющим привел к ее моментальному увольнению. Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


7. Во время кризиса он потерял все заработанные им деньги.

8. Тебе не следует поощрять его плохие привычки.

9. Он работает в банке.

10. Он не смог справиться с работой.

11. Хочу купить машину, поэтому придется поработать дополнительно.

12. Общий доход фирмы составил 200 000 долларов.

13. Вас привлекает преподавание?

14. Он отверг мое предложение помочь ему искать работу.

15. Сейчас я получаю пособие по безработице.

16. Честно говоря, мы бы охотнее взяли на работу специалиста по управлению


17. Жаль, что он сделал этот выбор. Он об этом пожалеет.

18. Какие профессии предполагают использование языков?

19. Когда закроется фабрика, многих рабочих сократят.

20. Эта фирма подчинена мне (я возглавляю эту фирму).

21. Если бы его рекомендовали на повышение год тому назад, он бы согласился.

22. Она пошла по стопам матери.

23. Это совершенно другая мотивация!

24. Результаты эксперимента казались обнадеживающими.

25. Проработав в этой компании еще пять лет, Джек больше не надеялся на

прибавку зарплаты.

26. Это последняя капля!

27. Ты заполнишь анкету для приема на работу за пять минут.

28. Я не вижу в этой работе никаких привлекательных сторон.

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.




I. Paraphrase the following using synonyms or synonymous expressions.

1. on the dole

2. bossy

3. advertise it

4. attractive

5. boring

6. career,,line, trade

7. to have achieved

8. tough, painstaking

9. out of work / a job; between jobs

10. dismissed, discharged

11. efficient, skilled

12. fair to / on

13. industrious

14. deals

15. manage

16. resigning his post

17. responsibilities

18. wage-earner

19. was engaged

20. gave notice

II. Give the opposite of the following. Use word-building prefixes.

1. unattractive

2. incapable

3. incompetent

4. indecision

5. unearned

6. inefficient

7. unemployment

8. inexperienced

9. discourage, dispirit

10. unfair, unjust

11. unmanageable

12. irresponsible

13. unskilful

14. unprofitable

15. unvaried

III. Give the opposite of the following.

IV. Match the words from columns A and B to form compound words.

1. wage-earner

2. point-blank

6. nine-to-five

7. self-confidence

1. industrious, hardworking, diligent

2. beyond one’s income

3. boring

4. confident

5. part-time

6. boss (n)

7. be employed

8. responsible, diligent Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


3. background

4. full-time

5. job-hopper

8. self-reliant

9. chairperson

10. breadwinner

V. Match the words from columns A and B so as to make verbal collocations.

Supply the missing articles.

1. turn in / consider / turn down an application

2. manage / run / direct / handle a business

3. follow / take up diplomacy as a career

4. make / take a choice

5. arrive at / come to / make / reach a decision

6. earn / make a living

7. leave/ quit / vacate / give up one’s post

8. get / have / hold a position

9. apply for/ appoint to a post

10. deal / cope with problems

11. be made / become / find oneself redundant

12. hand in / submit / tender / give in one's resignation

13. assume / accept / take responsibility

14. develop / improve / refine one’s skills;

15. free / fill a vacancy

VI. Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. chef

2. principal

3. job

4. footsteps

5. wages are

6. income

7. demanding

8. qualifications

9. profession

10. career

11. apply

12. vacancies

13. employee

14. profit

15. promoted

16. employment

17. dismissed

18. involves

19. charge

20. position

21. motivation

22. skills Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


VII. Complete the sentences below with prepositions.


2. IN

3. IN

4. ON

5. IN

6. TO



9. UP; AS

10. OF

11. IN; OF

12. TO

13. AT / I N


15. WITH

16. IN


18. TO

19. AT

20. FROM

21. ON

22. OUT OF

23. – ; WITH / IN / AT

24. WITH

25. AT / IN / ON

26. TO / ON

27. IN

28. BY

29. DOWN

30. ON

31. IN FOR

32. IN

33. FOR

34. AT

35. UP

36. IN / WITH

37. FOR

38. UP

39. –

40. IN / AT

41. FOR

42. ON

43. INTO

44. IN; TO

45. FOR

46. FROM

47. BY


49. FOR / IN

50. WITH / ON

51. –

52. FOR / OF

53. FOR

54. –

55. TO

56. FOR

57. FOR

58. WITH

59. ON

VIII. Give the English equivalents.

1. succeed; achieve success; be a success

2. choose / follow / take up a career; go in for smth

3. career prospects / opportunities

4. take / accept / assume responsibility

5. make up one's mind; decide on/against; arrive at/ come to/ make/ reach a decision

6. skilled / trained / efficient / qualified teacher

7. pull one's socks up Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


8. employ / accept / hire smb; give smb a job; take smb on

9. fill a vacancy / position; find a person for the job

10. salary, wage(s), pay

11. applicant for the post / position

12. family income(s)

13. refuse point-blank

14. rest on one’s laurels

15. keep one’s nose in the grindstone

IX. Translate into English.

1. Look through the advert page, please.

2. As the wages were / salary was low, there were few applicants for the job.

3. We all really enjoy the businesslike atmosphere in her class.

4. Do you know the computer? Are you computer literate? Can you use / operate a /

the computer?

5. Jack lacks confidence in himself.

6. This talk to the manager led to her instant dismissal.

7. He lost all his earnings in the crisis.

8. You should not encourage his bad habits.

9. He is employed in / works for a / the bank. He is with a / the bank.

10. He couldn’t manage / cope with / handle / carry out the work.

11. I want a car, so I’ll have to do a bit of moonlighting.

12. The firm made a total profit / revenue of $ 200. 000.

13. Does teaching attract you / appeal to you?

14. He turned down my offer to help him (to) hunt for a job.

15. I am on unemployment benefit / the dole at the moment.

16. To be fair, we would rather employ an expert in / on / personnel management.

17. I wish he hadn't made / taken this choice. He will regret it.

18. Which / What professions involve the use of languages?

19. When the factory closes down, many workers will become / be made / find

themselves redundant.

20. I am in charge / the head of this firm.

21. If he had been recommended for promotion a year ago, he would have agreed.

22. She followed in her mother's footsteps.

23. That's a totally different motivation!

24. After another five years with this company Jack stopped hoping for a rise.

25. The results of the experiment seemed encouraging.

26. That’s the last straw!

27. It will take you five minutes to fill in / out the application form.

28. I don’t see any attractions of this job. Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.



I. Paraphrase the following using synonyms or synonymous expressions.

1. Why don’t you make an appointment with the surgeon?

2. I could not stand his insulting remarks.

3. There were some sleeping tablets left on the table.

4. It is extremely important.

5. He has medical examinations regularly.

6. The death rate in this country exceeds the birth rate.

7. At first it seemed a slight illness.

8. The water here lacks fluorine.

9. Regrettably, his first patient died.

10. I won’t have any new medicine tested on my doggie.

11. The dentist checks my teeth regularly.

12. We shall remove your tooth in no time!

13. He lost consciousness.

14. The doctor says it is a nasty cold.

15. Nell has been overworking this term.

16. It is an infectious disease.

17. Is there a remedy for asthma?

18. In no circumstances we should agree to go on our own.

19. It will take you quite a while to get over the cold.

20. This should relieve the pain.

21. It is not easy to kick the habit.

22. Ann felt an acute pain in the shoulder.

23. Everybody was relieved when the boy regained consciousness.

24. Both his parents died in the accidents and it makes me sad.

25. He was breathing heavily.

26. You can take my car only if you keep it in your garage.

27. The child fell ill with mumps.

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


II. Give the opposite of the following. Use word-building elements.

1. curable

2. harmful

3. mortal

4. painful

5. fit (adj)

6. inhale

7. comfort (n)

8. complicated

9. conscious

10. patient (adj)

III. Give the opposite of the following. Use a different word.

1. come round / around / to

2. take up

3. sharp / acute pain

4. be / feel worn out

5. do smb good

6. apply a dressing to a wound

7. severe injury

8. come/ go down with

9. feel well

10. keep an appointment

11. have a high fever

12. reduce

13. be in condition

14. get out of the habit of doing smth, break the


IV. Match the word from columns A and B to make compound words.


1. X

2. operating

3. pain

4. in

5. drug

6. consulting

7. check

8. breath

9. sick

10. tooth











Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


V. Combine the words in columns A and B so as to make collocations. Supply

the missing articles.


1. to sound

2. medicinal

3. mortal

4. surgery

5. surgical

6. risk

7. to avoid

8. critical

9. to fix

10. to fill

12. persistent

13. cough

14. to dress

15. X-ray

16. to break

17. to be granted

18. open-heart

19. medical

20. bout of




















VI. Choose the best word to complete the sentences.

1. She is dying / dyeing / dieing her new sweater black.

2. He avoided complications after a serious illness / problem / malady.

3. He has launched several complains / appeals / complaints to the boss.

4. I think I have just heard him cough / cuff / calf.

5. He was suddenly taken sick / ill / hurt with measles.

6. Is this disease / illness / ailment catching?

7. The medicine was given to the sick / ill / patient man on time.

8. I would definitely prefer medical / remedial / medicinal herbs to pills.

9. I ached / hurt / swelled all over for nearly two weeks after this exercise. Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


10. The rats were injected / infected / vaccinated with the disease for research


11. It will take you some time to heal / cure / recover from the stroke.

12. I wish we could prescribe / proscribe criminals.

13. I am afraid I have got a sore / soar throat.

14. I hope the wound cures / recovers / heals in no time.

15. Jane’s cheek swallowed /swelled up / was injured after the bite.

16. He is now recovering / recuperating / healing at a nursing home.

17. He suffered a mild attack / case / disease of rheumatism.

18. We take this cough mixture to treat / cure / do away with / relieve the


VII. Supply the missing articles.

1. She is on sick-leave.

2. She caught cold.

3. Margot was laid up with flu.

4. I have got toothache.

5. I could see bruise on her leg.

6. He had ulcer in his mouth.

7. His grandpa had heart attack.

8. Bronchitis is treated with antibiotics today.

9. After diphtheria Jane fell very weak.

10. The child had boil on his hand.

11. He died of stroke last Monday

12. He is heading for nervous breakdown

13. He was diagnosed with appendicitis

14. Martha was cured of gastric ulcer.

15. Asthma is common disease nowadays.

16. His eyes inflamed by infection were red.

17. He suffered from headache since early morning.

18. Janet took breath and dived into sea.

19. She lay motionless in dead faint.

20. The patient lay with bout of shivers.

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


VIII. Supply the missing prepositions.

1. In his sixties Uncle James looked as fit as a fiddle and died … his boots.

2. No wonder he can’t keep a cool head: he has been … stress for months.

3. The water in Belarus is deficient … iodine.

4. The deficiency … fluorine can cause tooth decay.

5. You can borrow my bike … condition that you change the tires.

6. Where does he go … his regular check-up?

7. What she did was an abuse … her position as manager.

8. He is much addicted … drink.

9. What can she be allergic … ?

10. Interviews are … appointments only

11. Humans take in oxygen and breathe … carbon dioxide.

12. We stood breathless … terror.

13. What did he complain …?

14. He complained … his boss.

15. Why don't you consult … your GP.

16. Everybody was worried as the patient started coughing … blood.

17. Vitamins will help to build … your strength.

18. I can’t get … … the habit of reading myself to sleep.

19. George was diagnosed … whooping cough.

20. I am trying to cut … … the amount of salty foods my family consume.

21. She was cured … a cold.

22. Is there a cure / remedy … laziness?

23. This syrup will cure … your cold.

24. No wonder he feels run ….

25. Don’t you see your doggie is … … breath?

26. No matter how hard the doctors tried he would not come ….

27. You can go … … flu. There is a lot of it about.

28. Isn’t Jane a bit … colour today?

29. What did he die …?

30. He died … neglect.

31. He applied a dressing … the wound himself.

32. He is recovering, but still …drugs.

33. They examined him … tooth decay.

34. He fainted … pain. Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


35. Take an aspirin whenever you feel … the weather.

36. After the accident she didn’t feel … … driving.

37. This herbal tea is sure to fight the infection … .

38. They work … fits and starts.

39. Is John fit …work after his long illness?

40. I am sure he will get … his mumps in a week or so.

41. He gets … at least two bottles of mineral water every day.

42. Eventually the kid got … the habit of brushing his teeth regularly.

43. His life is hanging …a thread.

44. This diet won’t cause any harm … your stomach.

45. The wound healed … .

46. All of a sudden the child was taken ill … pneumonia.

47. His ear inflamed … infection was sore … the touch.

48. This herb can’t be used … medicinal purposes.

49. He is … the mend.

50. They operated … her … arthritis

51. Where did you have this prescription made …?

52. The suffered a slight injury … his leg.

53. He suffered … dizziness.

54. The wounded animal screamed … pain.

55. At seeing a syringe Ron passed … .

56. You could have picked … this germ … Sarah.

57. He was prescribed aspirin … his headache.

58. I will have the prescription filled … at a nearest drugstore.

59. It took him some time to recover … surprise.

60. It is time he recovered … his strength.

61. The audience shivered …horror.

62. His jaw swelled … toothache.

63. The medicine failed to bring the temperature … .

64. What is he treated …?

65. My GP put me … a different treatment.

66. This method of treatment was not tried … … animals.

67. When the effect of anesthetic wore … the pain seemed to be unbearable.

68. Being overweight is a risk factor … heart disease.

69. After taking so much exercise I am aching all … .

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


IX. Give the English equivalents of the following.

1 записаться на прием к врачу

2 сильный кашель

3 задыхаться

4 делать рентген стопы

5 заняться бегом трусцой

6 быть наркоманом

7 быть склонным к простудам

8 здоров как огурчик

9 выписать рецепт

10 измерять давление

11 сдавать анализ крови

12 совершенно безболезненное удаление

13 в глубоком обмороке

14 выздороветь чудом

X. Translate into English.

1. Я заразился малярией от моего товарища.

2. Зуб реагировал на холодное и горячее.

3. Ты должен дважды в год проверять состояние своих зубов.

4. У меня рука омертвела.

5. Поздравляю, у вас здоровые зубы.

6. Тома бросало в жар / лихорадило.

7. Случаи заболевания оспой становятся редкими.

8. Врачи изучили его историю болезни и обнаружили, что у него аллергия ко

всем антибиотикам.

9. Я страдаю от головокружения.

10. В приступе истерии она выбросила таблетки в окно.

11. Она взяла шприц и ввела ему болеутоляющее в руку.

12. В результате аварии они серьезно пострадали.

13. Злоупотребление алкоголем – одна из болезней нашего общества

14. Ни мазь, ни горчичники не помогли облегчить его сильный кашель.

15. Его глаза все еще воспалены.

16. Прием больных с 9.00 до 10.00. Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


17. Операция длилась три часа.

18. Я восхищаюсь его жизнеспособностью.

19. Больной не поддается лечению.

20. Неужели она так плохо переносит полет?

21. Его жизнь весит на волоске.

22. На что жалуетесь?

23. Те, кто злоупотребляет наркотиками, вряд ли доживут до 100 лет.

24. У меня все болит.

25. У ребенка аллергическая сыпь после того, как он съел вторую плитку


26. Он в полном сознании, но не в состоянии говорить.

27. Вам необходимо много терпения для того, чтобы излечиться от этого


28. В нашей жизни все больше и больше не хватает эмоций.

29. Недавно ему поставили диагноз ветрянка.

30. Время лечит.

31. Ой, больно!

32. Ее репутации был нанесен смертельный удар в результате скандала.

33. Студенты проследовали за профессором в операционную.

34. Почему бы тебе не принять это замечательное домашнее средство от боли в


35. Было очевидно, что он болен: он постоянно кашлял и чихал.



I. Paraphrase the following using synonyms or synonymous expressions.

1. fix, arrange, book an appointment

2. abusive

3. pills

4. vitally Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


5. goes for check-ups

6. mortality rate

7. minor / trivial ailment

8. is deficient in

9. passed away

10. tried out

11. examines, looks over

12. pull out, extract

13. passed out, fainted

14. bad, heavy

15. burning the candle at both ends

16. It is a contagious disease. / This disease is catching.

17. cure, medication, treatment

18. in no case

19. recover, fight (off)

20. reduce / soothe / deaden / kill / ease / help / stop / dull the pain

21. get out of / give up / break (yourself of) the habit

22. agonizing / awful / extreme / great / intense/ severe / sharp / terrible / unbearable


23. came round / around / to

24. It makes my heart ache.

25. breathing hard

26. on condition that, provided that

27. got / was take ill with, caught, came / went down with

II. Give the opposite of the following. Use word-building elements.

1. incurable

2. harmless

3. immortal

4. painless

5. unfit (adj)

6. exhale

7. discomfort

8. uncomplicated

9. unconscious

10. impatient

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


III. Give the opposite. Use a different word.

1. pass out, faint, lose


2. give up, quit

3. dull pain

4. be fit

5. do smb harm

6. remove a dressing

7. slight / minor / superficial


8. get over, come through, recover from

9. feel off colour, out of sorts, under the weather

10. break / miss / cancel an appointment

11. have a slight fever

12. increase, rise

13. be out of condition, be unfit for smth

14. fall / get into the habit of doing smth

IV. Match the word from columns A and B to make compound words.

1. X-ray

2. operating-theatre

3. painkiller

4. in-patient

5. drugstore

6. consulting-room

7. check-up

8. breathtaking

9. sick-leave

10. toothache

V. Combine the words from columns A and B so as to make collocations.

1. sound the chest

2. medicinal herbs

3. mortal injuries

4. surgery hours

5. surgical ward

6. drug addict

7. risk factor

8. to avoid complications

9. critical condition

10. to fix an appointment

11. to fill a prescription

12. cough mixture

13. to dress a wound

14. X -ray therapy

15. to break the habit

16. to be granted a sick-leave

17. to regain consciousness

18. open-heart surgery

19. medical examination

20. bout of the shivers Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


VI. Choose the best word to complete the sentences.

1. dyeing

2. illness

3. complaints

4. cough

5. ill

6. disease

7. sick

8. medicinal

9. ached

10. infected

11. recover from

12. proscribe

13. sore

14. heals

15. swelled up

16. recuperating

17. attack

18. relieve

VII. Supply the missing articles.

1. She is on sick-leave.

2. She caught (a) cold.

3. Margot was laid up with (the) flu.

4. I have got (a) toothache.

5. I could see a bruise on her leg.

6. He had an ulcer in his mouth.

7. His grandpa had a heart attack.

8. Bronchitis is treated with antibiotics today.

9. After (the) diphtheria Jane fell very weak.

10. The child had a boil on his hand.

11. He died of a stroke last Monday

12. He is heading for a nervous breakdown

13. He was diagnosed with appendicitis

14. Martha was cured of gastric ulcer.

15. Asthma is a common disease nowadays

16. His eyes inflamed by an / the infection were red.

17. He suffered from a headache since early morning.

18. Janet took a breath and dived into the sea.

19. She lay motionless in a dead faint.

20. The patient lay with a bout of the shivers.

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


VIII. Supply the missing preposition.

1. WITH / IN


3. IN / OF

4. IN

5. ON

6. FOR

7. OF

8. TO

9. TO

10. BY

11. OUT

12. WITH

13. ABOUT / OF

14. TO

15. –

16. AWAY

17. UP

18. OUT OF

19. WITH

20. DOWN ON / –

21. OF

22. FOR

23. –

24. DOWN

25. OUT OF

26. ROUND / TO


28. OFF

29. OF / FROM


31. TO

32. ON

33. FOR

34. FROM


36. UP TO

37. OFF

38. BY / IN

39. FOR

40. OVER


42. INTO

43. BY

44. TO

45. OVER

46. WITH

47. BY / WITH; TO

48. FOR

49. ON

50. ON; FOR

51. UP

52. TO

53. FROM

54. WITH / IN

55. OUT

56. UP; FROM

57. FOR

58. –

59. FROM

60. –

61. WITH

62. WITH

63. DOWN

64. FOR

65. ON

66. OUT ON

67. OFF

68. FOR

69. OVER Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


VIII. Give the English equivalents.

1. make / fix an appointment with the doctor / physician / medical man

2. a bad / nasty / persistent / violent cough

3. feel breathless / short of breath / out of breath

4. take an X-ray picture of your foot; have your foot X-rayed

5. take up jogging

6. be a drug addict, abuse drugs

7. be prone to colds / chills

8. as fit as a fiddle

9. write / make out a prescription

10. test smb’s blood-pressure, have smb’s blood-pressure taken

11. have smb’s blood test taken

12. an absolutely painless extraction

13. in a dead faint

14. maкe a miraculous recovery.

IX. Translate into English.

1. I caught / picked up malaria from my friend. / My friend gave malaria to me.

2. The tooth was sensitive to heat and cold.

3. You should have your teeth examined twice a year.

4. My hand feels dead.

5. My congratulations! You have sound teeth!

6. Tom was feverish / had a fever.

7. Cases of smallpox / small pox are becoming rare.

8. The doctors examined his case history and found that he was allergic to all the


9. I suffer from dizziness.

10. In a fit of hysterics she threw the pills out of the window.

11. She took a syringe and injected his arm with a painkiller.

12. They suffered severe injuries / were badly injured in the accident.

13. Alcohol abuse is one of the maladies of our society. Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


14. Neither the ointment nor mustard plaster helped relieve his bad cough.

15. His eyes were still sore.

16. (The) surgery lasts from 9 to 10 am. / Surgery hours are from 9 till 10.

17. The surgery lasted three hours.

18. I admire his vitality.

19. The patient is not responding to treatment

20. Can she be so airsick?

21. His life is hanging by a thread

22. What are your complaints? / What seems to be the matter / problem / trouble? /

What are you complaining of?

23. People who abuse drugs are not likely to live to be a hundred.

24. I am all aches and pains / aching all over. / My whole body aches.

25. The child had an allergic rash after eating a second bar of chocolate.

26. He is fully conscious, but in no condition to speak.

27. You will need a lot of patience to cure yourself of / overcome this disease.

28. Our life is becoming increasingly deficient in emotions.

29. He has recently been diagnosed with small pox / smallpox.

30. Time heals.

31. Ouch! That hurt! / It hurts.

32. Her reputation suffered a mortal blow as a result of the scandal.

33. The students followed the professor to the operating theatre.

34. Why don't you take this excellent home remedy for sore throats.

35. You could tell he was sick – he was constantly coughing and sneezing

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.



I. Paraphrase the following using synonyms or synonymous expressions.

1. Who scored the goal?

2. Does this sport interest you?

3. He is a keen fan of Arsenal.

4. Has there ever been a more gifted athlete?

5. His ambition is to break a world record.

6. I am looking for a new trainer for our club.

7. Have many contestants entered for the competition?

8. You are welcome to take part in the discussion.

9. The fans were there to support their team.

10. Unfortunately, our team was defeated.

11. Referees outnumbered spectators.

12. Their competition is not always sporting.

II. Give the opposite of the following.

1. eventful

2. fair (adj)

3. win (v)

4. indoor games

5. lag / fall / remain behind

6. well -trained

7. long-distance

8. appealing (adj)

9. act honestly

10. bad loser

III. Match the words from columns A and B to form compound words.


1. record

2. chess

3. record

4. yachts

5. chess






Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


IV. Match the words from columns A and B to form collocations. Supply the

articles where necessary.


1. to treat

2. athletics

3. tennis

4. to beat

5. to beat

6. competitive

7. to draw

8. to score

9. to hold

10. sporting

11. sports

12. to support

13. team

14. all-time

15. athletic

16. to win









opposing side








V. Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. The spectators / audience cheered the team.

2. They arrived at the sports / sport ground on time.

3. Tennis players seldom argue with the referee / umpire / judge.

4. The crowd went wild when he beat / scored the winning goal.

5. You should exercise more to keep fine / fit.

6. The championships are conducted / held every year.

7. The team / crew were rowing hard.

VI. Supply the missing articles.

1. He has stamina to become outstanding athlete.

2. They are in competition for prestigious trophy. Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


3. The match ended in draw.

4. My dream is to score winning point in finals.

5. He held record from Moscow Olympics.

6. Our team need win to become champions again.

7. Fans / fans were eager to do it in support of their team.

8. Why did you go into training under new coach this season?

VII. Complete the sentences below with a preposition where necessary.

1. We are not …competition …anybody.

2. The team won … three points.

3. Does he have a rival … the Olympiad?

4. Winter sports do not appeal … me.

5. The attack was beaten … .

6. Several teams are competing … the trophy.

7. He never cheats … sports.

8. I am afraid he cheated … the little kid.

9. He is coaching an amateur team … the coming competition.

10. The boxer is hoping to win his title … .

11. It won’t be easy to win the Cup … them.

12. Who holds the record … the 100 metres?

13. He used to coach champions… gymnastics.

14. I am not ready to compete …him.

15. On Saturdays he indulges … long walks to the nearest park.

16. They lost … a stronger side.

17. He could not keep … …. other athletes in the race.

18. We won the game … 12 points …3.

19. I will never set … a record in any sport.

20. Our team are … strict training … the match.

VIII. Write English equivalents of.

1. выиграть

2. выиграть с легкостью

3. соперники

4. команда соперников Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


5. спортивный клуб

6. забить гол

7. постоянный, преданный болельщик

8. соревноваться

9. соревнования по легкой атлетике

10. участники соревнований

IX. Translate into English.

1. Мы хотели поиграть в шахматы, но не хватало нескольких шахматных


2. Сколько на сегодняшний день у вашей команды побед и поражений?

3. Ни одной из команд не удалось открыть счет / забить гол.

4. Матч закончился вничью.

5. В каких соревнованиях вы будете участвовать (подали заявку на


6. Они забыли о диете и сделали себе поблажку.

7. Он послал мяч выше ворот.

8. Он умеет / не умеет проигрывать.

9. Этот судья оценил выступление наших фигуристов на 5.8.

10. Занятия биатлоном требуют значительной выносливости.

11. За какую команду вы болеете?

12. У нее самый высокий результат теста.

13. У нас в офисе новый практикант.

14. Программа Олимпиады включала соревнования по различным

легкоатлетическим дисциплинам.

15. Ее балуют родители.

16. Мы проиграли по очкам.

17. Победим ли, проиграем ли, а команда будет делать все, что от нее


18. Парусный спорт нравится сильным и спортивным.

Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.




I. Paraphrase the following using synonyms or synonymous


1. kicked

2. appeal to

3. follower / supporter

4. sportsman

5. beat

6. coach

7. competitors; contest / event

8. participate / go into

9. follow / shout for

10. was beaten / lost / failed

11. judges / umpires

12. rivalry

II. Give the opposite of the following.

1. uneventful

2. unfair

3. lose, be beaten, fail

4. outdoor games

5. keep up with

6. badly –trained

7. short-distance

8. unattractive

9. cheat

10. good loser

III. Match the words from columns A and B to form compound words.

1. record-breaker

2. chess-player

3. record-holder

4. yachtsman

5. chessman Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


IV. Match the words from columns A and B to form collocations.

Supply the articles where necessary.

1. to treat fairly

2. athletics meeting

3. tennis coach

4. to beat a record

5. to beat an opposing side

6. competitive spirit

7. to draw a match

8. to score a point

9. to hold the record

10. sporting spirit

11. sports field

12. to support a club

13. team events

14. all-time record

15. athletic sports

16. to win the toss

V. Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. spectators

2. sports ground

3. umpire

4. scored

5. fit

6. held

7. crew

VI. Supply the missing articles.

1. He has the stamina to become an outstanding athlete.

2. They are in competition for the prestigious trophy.

3. The match ended in a draw.

4. My dream is to score the winning point in the finals.

5. He held the record from the Moscow Olympics.

6. We need a / the win to become champions again.

7. The fans were eager to do it in support of their team.

8. Why did you go into training under a new coach this season?

VII. Complete the sentences below with a preposition where necessary.


2. BY

3. IN / FOR

4. TO

5. OFF

6. FOR

11. FROM

12. IN / FOR

13. IN


15. IN

16. TO Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


VIII. Write the English equivalents.

1. win, defeat, beat

2. win hands down

3. opponents, contestants, rivals, competitors

4. rival / opposing team

5. athletic / sports club

6. score / kick a goal; score a point

7. regular / committed / faithful / loyal supporter; dedicated / devoted / loyal fan

8. contest, fight, compete

9. athletics meeting; track-and-field events

10. participants, contestants, competitors

IX. Translate into English.

1. We were eager to play (a game of) chess, but a few chessmen were missing.

2. How many wins and losses has your team had so far?

3. Neither team scored in the game.

4. The match ended in a draw. / The match was drawn. / The two teams drew.

5. Which events have you entered for?

6. They forgot about dieting and indulged (themselves).

7. He kicked the ball above the goal.

8. He is a good / bad loser.

9. This judge scored our skaters 5.8.

10. Doing / playing biathlon requires plenty of / great stamina.

11. Which side / team do you support?

12. She scored the highest mark in the test.

13. We’ve got a new trainee in the office.

14. The Olympic programme included several track-and-field events.

15. She is indulged by her parents. / Her parents indulge her a lot.

16. We lost by points.

17. Win or lose, the team will do their best / utmost.

18. Yachting appeals to the strong and sporting.

7. AT

8. ON

9. FOR

10. BACK


18. WITH; TO

19. – / UP

20. IN; FOR Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


Revision Vocabulary Test

Topics: Choosing a Career, Healthy and Happy, Fit and Well

I. Paraphrase the following using synonyms:

1. He hoped to have accomplished more.

2. Before selling a new product a producer should make it known to the consumer.

3. John tries to be domineering.

4. It is not easy to choose an occupation.

5. They were fired together.

6. There are a lot of hard-working students in our group.

7. A teacher should stimulate good disciplinary habits.

8. Our boss is vacating his position.

9. Does the sport interest you?

10. He entered into the competition.

11. His ambition is to break a world record.

12. Their competition is not always sporting.

13. Who scored the goal?

14. It was an exciting match.

15. This tooth has been giving me trouble for a couple of days already.

16. She’s been overworking this term.

17. The dentist found a big hole in my tooth.

18. The dentist checks my teeth regularly.

19. The death rate in this country exceeds the birth rate.

20. He lost consciousness.

21. He is likely to vomit.

II. Complete the sentences below with a preposition or adverb where necessary:

1. He is much addicted … drink.

2. The child is prone … ailments.

3. What can she be allergic …?

4. What brought … these complications?

5. She’s been burning the candle … both ends.

6. The bandage was red … blood.

7. Where does he go … his regular check-up?

8. Is there a cure … laziness?

9. This syrup will cure … your cold.

10. The water is deficient … iodine.

11. Tom was diagnosed … diphtheria.

12. He died … neglect.

13. He never cheats … sports.

14. I am not ready to compete … him.

15. They lost … a stronger side.

16. We won the game … 12 points … 3.

17. Can you run … one kilometer?

18. The team won … three points. Материалы по ПУПР 2 курс 3 семестр з.о.


19. Who holds the world record … 100 meters?

20. He was accepted … the course of typing.

21. I wish he had better access … the Internet.

22. What standards … achievement did the students show?

23. Our schools aim … the development of the child.

24. Does teaching appeal … you?

25. You can apply … the local careers officer … guidance.

26. Would you fill … the application form, please?

27. Why did you turn his application …?

III. Give as many English equivalents as you can think of:

1. Перспективы, возможности карьеры (3)

2. Принять, взять ответственность (2)

3. Опытный, искусный, натренированный (3)

4. Занять место, заполнить вакансию (2)

5. Зарплата, оплата, доход (5)

6. Увольнять (5)

7. Доверие, вера (3)

8. Искать работу (3)

9. Легкая победа

10. Команда соперника

11. Забить гол (2)

12. Постоянный болельщик

13. Действующий чемпион

14. Забег

15. Сидячий образ жизни

16. Плохая осанка

17. Соревноваться

18. Придерживаться диеты

19. Болезнь (5)

20. Заболеть (4)

21. Плохо себя чувствовать (4)

22. Сильная боль (3)

23. Постоянная боль

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