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Terms 5-7

The overall list of Examination Speaking Points

  1. English as a world language.

  2. English or Esperanto as a world language.

  3. Variants of English.

  4. How to be a good language learner.

  5. The importance and characteristics of the British press.

  6. Radio and TV in Great Britain.

  7. The Open University.

  8. Musical traditions in Great Britain. Music festivals.

  9. Musical traditions in Great Britain. Folk music.

  10. Personality studies (Appearance and character).

  11. Modern family values.

  12. The British versus the Americans.

  13. British stereotypes.

  14. Customs and traditions in GB.

  15. Monarchy or republic in GB?

  16. Air pollution (global warming).

  17. Energy crisis.

  18. The major environmental problems confronting Britain today.

  19. The Green Movement.

  20. Environmental problems in Belarus (Chernobyl).

The overall list of Examination Stories

  1. R. Bradbury. All Summer in a Day

  2. J. Archer. Just Good Friends

  3. P. Lively. Next Term, We’ll Mash You

  4. F. Hardy. The Returned Soldier

  5. Saki. The Open Window

  6. A. Maley. Gossip

  7. B. Brown. The Star Ducks

  8. M. Spark. You Should Have Seen the Mess

  9. M. Binchey. The Garden Party

  10. T. Pears. Blue

  11. J. Collier. The Chaser

  12. J. Archer. Cheap at Half the Price

  13. R. Goldberg. Art for Heart’s Sake

  14. Saki. The Lumber-Room

  15. Ph. Dick. Human Is

  16. J. Mark. Teeth

  17. E. Hemingway. Cat in the Rain

  18. J. Winterson. O’Brien’s First Christmas

  19. M. Whitaker. Hannah

  20. A. Cassidy. Shopping for One