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Ex. 1. Put in the correct forms of the verbs say or tell.

1. I.....................that I wasn't ready. 2......................me what you need. 3. Have you .....................the doctor about it? 4. Did you..................something to me? 5. He doesn't.......................me anything.

6. Mary...................her mother she was going to the office. 7. Why didn't she....................goodbye?

8.....................him to be quiet. 9. Who.....................that? 10.......................that you won't forget me.

Ex. 2. Report the statements using the verbs given.

1. 'I'll miss you very much,' he said to her. He told her ……..

2. 'I'm going to Paris soon.' She said................................................

3. 'The film will be interesting.' I thought................................................

4. 'I can't help you because I have too much to do.' She said................................................

5. 'Ann has bought the tickets." I was told...............................................

6. I think it's a stupid idea, and it won't work.' She said................................................

7. 'Breakfast is served between 7.00 and 9.00.' The receptionist explained...........................

8. I went to Oxford University in the 60s.' He boasted.............................................

9. 'I've never been to America,' she said to me. She told................................................

Ex. 3. Change the sentences using the verbs given.

1. I won't tell anybody. He promised…………….

2. Leave early. He advised me...................

3. Please close the door. She asked me.........

4. I'll stop smoking. She promised..............

5. You ought to tell the police. She advised me

6. Wait outside. I laid her.........................

7. OK, I'll pay half. He agreed...................

8. Park round the corner. She lold me...........

9. How do I find the house? She asked him........

Ex. 4. Report the sentences using ask or tell.

1. 'Leave me alone!" site said to him.

2. "Please don't go!" he asked her.

3. 'I'm going to bed now’ he said to Ann.

4. "How much do you earn. Dad?' asked Jeremy.

5. 'Shut up!' said the teacher to the class.

6. 'Can you phone back later, Mr Brown?' asked the secretary.

7. 'You did very well in the lest,' said the teacher to everyone.

8. 'Don't walk on the grass!' the park keeper told the children.

9. 'Are you ready to go?" Sally asked Bill.

10. 'It's time to get up!" said John to his daughters.

Ex. 5. Change these sentences to indirect speech (reported some time later).

1. He's ill. (She thought)

2. I'll be back tomorrow. (He said)

3. I don't like this music. (She said)

4. Where's the bus station? (She asked me)

5. Have you finished? (I asked him)

6. Nobody loves me. (I felt)

7. Do you want tea or coffee? (He asked her)

8. I'll clean the flat. (She offered)

9. When is the car going to be ready? (I asked)

10. What am I doing here? (I wondered)

11. The earth is not flat. (He proved)

12. These figures can't be right. (Iknew)

13. Her cat understands everything she says. (She thought)

14. What does the boss want? (1 asked)

15. Did Mary phone back? (I wondered)

16. Did dinosaurs lay eggs? (I wondered)

I 7. You ought to see the doctor (He advised me)

18. Would you like a drink? (She asked him)

Ex. 6. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Сестра спросила, какой подарок я собираюсь сделать маме завтра.

2. Когда я пришёл домой, мама сказала, что полчаса назад звонил мой друг.

3. Она рассказала, что окончила школу в 1998 году.

4. Он обещал, что всё сделает к завтрашнему дню.

5. Он попросил меня не опаздывать на собрание.

6. Врач сказал, что ребёнок простудился.

7. Роберт спросил пас, куда мы собираемся па ункенд.

8. Алиса сказала, что неё ещё будет спать, когда мы начнём, потому что она не хочет вставать так рано.

9. Она спросила, почему я тогда ничего не сказал.

10. Он спросил её сколько времени ей понадобится, чтобы прочитать книгу в оригинале.

11. Она поинтересовалась, не смотрела ли я детектив по телевизору на прошлой неделе. 12. Она попросила Бeна не приходить.

13. Энн попросила меня никому не говорить о том. что случилось.

14. Он спросил меня, что я буду делать в воскресенье.

15. Он поинтересовался, сколько я работаю переводчиком.

16. Я не знал сколько это будет стоить.

17. Полицейский спросил, куда мы едем.

18. Лилиан спросила меня, понравилась ли мне её новая шляпа.

19. Я не была уверена, получил ли он нашу телеграмму и приедет ли он вечерним поездом.

20. Я не знал, когда она придёт, но обещал передать ей письмо, как только она придёт.

21. Кейт пообещала, что сходит к зубному врачу сразу после занятий.

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