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4. Match the two parts of word combinations:


to be determined


the doctor‘s diagnosis


to be damaged


to survive




to live


in addition


for watching comedies


to question


to his problems


not to lose the will


by stress


to schedule time


of positive thinking

5.Add more details to these statements:

1.Norman felt terrible when he went to the doctor.

2.Negative emotions damage health.

3.Norman decided to experience more positive emotions.

4.Soon after he started his therapy he felt better.

5.The doctors were amazed.

6.Formulate N. Cousins‟s Laugh therapy in one detailed sentence.

7.Tell N. Cousins‟s story in 5-6 sentences.

8.Translate the joke: - Ты хоть по мне скучаешь? – Конечно, каждый вечер

выделяю по часу на скучание.

Vocabulary: Medicine

1.Translate these sentences using the vocabulary in the right-top corner of the first page of this unit:

1.На что вы жалуетесь? - У меня постоянно болит спина / голова / сердце / шея / пятка.

2.Какие у вас наследственные заболевания?

3.У него была неизлечимая болезнь, но он не унывал и вел активный образ жизни.

4.Боксер получил серьезные повреждения во время поединка.

5.Я лечился у обычного врача и у гомеопата. Представитель традиционной медицины не одобрял альтернативную медицину, но именно гомеопат вылечил меня.

6.Я знаю хорошее средство от кашля.

7.Эти таблетки нельзя купить без рецепта.

8.Я тогда болел гриппом и не мог даже с кровати встать, а они обвиняют меня, что я не захотел с ними встретиться, когда они были проездом в моем городе.

9.Его выздоровление (излечение) врачи объяснить не смогли.

10.Когда Карлсон убедился, что ни варенья, ни конфет не осталось, он объявил, что он исцелен.

11.Доктор, мне нужно средство от бессонницы, которое не вызывало бы привыкания.

12.Доктор лечил меня от гриппа антибиотиками, но это неправильно –


грипп – это вирус, а вирусы нечувствительны к антибиотикам.

Listening: Brain Facts – Are you Rightor Left-Brained?

3. Listen to the analysis of the results. Which characteristics in the box are typical of left-brained people? right-brained?



the ability to visualize

logical thinking

interest in the ‗big picture‘

learning by explanation

verbal skills

artistic creativity

learning by doing


4. Listen again, if necessary, and answer the following questions.


1.What is a typical score?

2.Is there any difference between men and women in this respect?

3.Can you do anything to change the kind of brain you have?

5. Discuss the following questions in small groups.

1.Were you surprised by your results or not?

2.What were the main differences between you and your partner?

3.Is this kind of test useful?

4.Which questions did you find most revealing?

5.Did your education/upbringing encourage one side more than the other?

6.Would you like to develop either area more?

Grammar Revision: Articles


Grammar Revision: the Passive

1b. What is the difference between the verbs “to remark” and “to notice” both of which are translated as “заметить”?

1c. How do you translate “clear goals”? What are your current goals?

Discuss that question in pairs.


Grammar: Have Something Done

Read about how to keep your brain healthy. Can you think of any other ideas?

Five ways to keep your brain healthy

1. Eat well

We all know the saying ―healthy body, healthy mind‖. Oily fish like salmon and tuna, along with fruit and vegetables, provide essential vitamins to keep your brain young and fit.

2. Exercise

Regular exercise increases the circulation of blood to your brain, making it more efficient. If you haven't exercised regularly before, get your blood pressure checked to make sure your heart is healthy.

3. Exercise your brain too

Just like your body your brain needs to keep fit. Do crosswords, read books. Test and develop your memory with special exercises.

4. Avoid stress

We all know that when we have too much to do we start to forget things. Take breaks and make time to relax.

5. Get your hearing checked Hearing loss can seriously interfere with memory, so if you think you might have a problem, have your ears tested right now.

3. Think up more things that you can “have done for you”. Make up sentences in Russian for your partner to translate.


6. Compose 5 sentences (1 question, 1 negative, 1 statement, 1 command and 1 negative question) with the structure “to appear + adjective” – “казаться каким-то”.



So you Think You Know What‟s Good for You?

1. Read the article. Find equivalents for the following:

преимущества, интенсивный, вознаградить себя, враждебность, согласно последним исследованиям, уменьшить (сократить, снизить), благотворный эффект, компьютерный фанат, недооценивать.

2. Match the two columns and

let it

help you understand the text:


to keep fit


достигнуть чего-либо


a work out






чувство единения с кем-то


to achieve sth


многообразие чего-либо


to vegetate


держать себя в спортивной форме


to report






остряк, остроумный


a variety of sth


поднятие тяжестей


a wit, witty


набирание веса

10.to be far more likely


быть гораздо более вероятным

11.heavy lifting


жить растительной жизнью

12.a sense of belonging



3. Choose the correct alternative:



1.After strenuous exercise, people are often more / less active for the rest of the day.

2.Doing nothing for a couple of hours every day is the best way to keep fit / increase your immunity.

3.A low-fat diet will make you slimmer but more aggressive / fatter and less aggressive.

4.The chemicals in coffee / tea / chocolate reduce the risk of heart disease.

5.The chemicals in coffee / chocolate / tea protect you from coughs and colds.

6.Children who play a lot of computer games have better social skills / behaviour than children who don't.

7.Single / Married men are happier than single / married men.

8.Married women with children and a job have more / fewer mental health problems than other groups.

9.The biggest cause of backache is depression / heavy lifting.

10.People who watch soap operas have / do not have a sense of belonging to a community.

4.Make up five sentences with the construction “to find it + adj + to do something”.

Examples: 'Computer nerds' find it easy to form friendships.

Mike found it more horrible to watch the news than he had expected.

5.Discuss your impressions of the article in small groups:

Has the article made you feel that you should change your lifestyle? How? Has it justified some of your habits for which you were blaming yourself?


Part A Exercise

Everyone nowadays knows the benefits of physical exercise - but scientists at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands say the key to staying slim and keeping fit is to eat less and take gentle exercise such as walking or cycling. 'People who take intensive exercise often reward themselves by spending the rest of the day in front of the TV, ' says Professor Klaas Westertep. 'At the same time they have to eat more to give them energy for the next work-out. To avoid weight gain, it's better to take gentle exercise over a longer period.' And health researcher Peter Axt believes that spending a couple of hours a day doing absolutely nothing is more effective than exercise in building immunity and prolonging life. 'We always think that we have to be achieving something but just vegetating for half of your free time could be more healthy,' he claims.

A low-fat diet

A low-fat diet may be good for your waistline, but the latest research suggests that it is less beneficial psychologically. A team of volunteers at Sheffield University asked to follow a diet consisting of just twenty-five percent fat (the level recommended by the World Health Organisation) reported increased feelings of depression and hostility towards others. One reason perhaps that people on low-fat diets are apparently more likely to meet a violent death!

Drinking tea and coffee

Many of us already know that drinking coffee raises your blood pressure but according to the latest research, it can also make you bad-tempered. Mice who were given regular doses of caffeine by researchers were found to be unusually aggressive! On the other hand, the chemicals found in tea can reduce the risk of heart attacks, and have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. And tea doesn't keep you awake at night either!

Eating chocolate

Ever heard of the old saying "A little of what you fancy does you good"? Well, if you‘re a chocolate fan there's good news! Recent studies have revealed that chemicals found in chocolate can protect you from a variety of minor illnesses including colds, coughs, depression and even help reduce the risk of heart disease!

Part B Playing computer games


Parents worried about their children spending hours on their PlayStation may have it all wrong - it could actually be time well spent. Researchers at Manchester University found that gamers who play up to eighteen hours a week seem able to focus on what they are doing better than other people, have better co-ordination; and, far from being anti-social, 'computer nerds' find it easier to form friendships than children who prefer activities such as reading and watching TV. But scientists in Japan have found that gaming develops only vision and movement, but not the parts of the brain associated with learning, emotion or behaviour. 'This might be a problem in our increasingly violent society,' says Professor Ryuta Kawashima of theTohoku University.

Being married

'Every woman should marry - and no man' commented one wit almost 150 years ago. But scientific evidence has tended to suggest that it's men who find happiness through marriage more than women. It has been shown that single men are the least happy social group, while married men are the happiest. But a new study from LaTrobe University in Melbourne reveals that women do benefit as well: twenty-five percent of single people were miserable, compared with only thirteen percent of married people. Among the women surveyed, those who were married with children and a job had the fewest mental health problems.

Low self-esteem

The feeling of being undervalued can damage your health. Research by the National Arthritis Council shows that employees who suffer constant criticism, or feel out of control at work, are much more likely to suffer from back problems. Depression, says one researcher, is actually far more likely to cause backache than heavy lifting!

Watching soap operas on TV

Finally, a surprising piece of research that shows people who regularly watch soap operas are significantly happier than those who don't. Psychologists believe that this is because such programmes provide viewers with an imaginary set of friends, and a sense of belonging to a community. 'It works in rather the same way as membership of a club, or a church,' says Professor Michael Argyle of Oxford Brookes University.

Listening: Giving Opinions

1.Six people were asked their opinion about the following issues:

• Should smoking in the workplace be banned?

• Should it be illegal to use surrogate mothers?

• Should experiments on animals be banned?

Listen and make a note of which issue they were asked about and what they said. Discuss the opinions in pairs, do your opinions coincide?

2.Match A and B to make phrases.


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