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Module 3 Test Tasks Spring 2007, for Finance Department students (3rd year)

Sample Oral Task

01. David Cotton ‘Keys to Management’, Oral Task

02. Business Correspondence Oral/Writing Task

  1. Speak about a leader, either living or dead. Say, what the leader achieved, what qualities and abilities the leader has (or had). Was that person an effective leader? If yes or no, then why? Do the leaders have any common characteristics, e.g. similar qualities, abilities, skills, etc.? Are leaders born or made? Unit 12, Discussion,

  2. Describe different leadership styles and leadership theories. What are the main characteristics of the leadership styles of effective company chairmen and chief executives?; Unit 12, Reading, p. 142

  3. Describe the problems that Textafabric faces. What caused the problems? What has led to the crisis? Is there any chance of signing a contract with the Americans, which will be satisfactory for both sides? If so, what actions should be taken? And by whom? Give reasons for your decision. How can Textafabric avoid similar problems in the future? Unit 12, Role play, p. 150; Case Study, p. 151

  4. What mistakes can a company make when doing business abroad? Give at least three examples, explain what went wrong and why, suggest how the situation could be improved; Unit 13, Discussion, p. 156;

  5. What are the factors indicating that a company is truly a multinational? Why might a foreign government object if a subsidiary of a multinational in one country supplies a subsidiary in another country with below-cost products? What must a multinational do if I wishes to have a subsidiary in a developing country, e.g. Nigeria? Why do the Asian and European/American managers not always understand each other? What should the managers take into account when doing business abroad, managing / working in a multinational company?; Unit 13, Reading, p. 157

  6. Describe the cultural differences that the foreigners should take into account when working in another country. What advice would you give to an executive going for an overseas posting? What culture is associated with Russia/Great Britain/America/Japan? Describe some of the national stereotypes; Unit 13, Dialogue, p. 164; Role play, p. 165;

  7. Describe some of the problems that a person working in a multinational company may face. What can be the culture differences? What problems may overseas postings bring to the employee and the management of a company? How can such problems be resolved? Give examples (Nancy’s posting), provide grounds for your decision; Unit 13, Case Study, p. 166

  8. What is social responsibility? What types of it do you know? Which is described in Discussion? If you were the executive in this situation what would you do? What do you think most companies would do if faced by the same problem? Unit 14, Discussion, p. 170

  9. Being socially responsible for a business, what does it mean? Describe at least three types. What is meant by green issues? What social projects do you find most awarding? Unit 14, Reading, p. 170

  10. What kind of social responsibility of a business is described the problem that a construction company from Unit 14 faces? What would you do if you found yourself in the same situation as Charles or Georgia? What is the way out? Consider all possible options. Give reasons for you decision. Unit 14, Dialogue, p. 175; Case Study, p. 177.

Some Useful Clues to Successful Presentation of an Article

  1. Identify the type of mass media and the part/section of newspaper/magazine/journal the text/article could be found in: news report, the editorial, feature article (e.g. about fashion or social trends), business news. If possible, mention the source of the information and the author (journalist/reporter/correspondent). Give a short characteristic of the text (narrative, scientific, informative…)

  2. Explain what the headline means: how it catches the reader’s attention, illustrates the most important point/issue of the article.

  3. What is the topic/issue of the text? What is the problem? What makes the issue urgent? How does the journalist organize the argument of the text?

  4. Summarize the article. Give a general overview of the text. Paraphrase the author’s ideas, avoid copying sentences from the article unless it is necessary to make a quotation. Retell the most important, leave out what you think is irrelevant. Try not to overload the summary with too many statistics if it is presented in the article. The vocabulary should not be academic or scientific. Use simpler style, shorter sentences, general business English.

  5. What solution does the journalist suggest? How does he/she tackle the situation?

  6. What conclusion does the author make? Do you agree or disagree with it? Explain why, develop your point of view. Give your own opinion and attitude to the problem and its solution. Provide good reasoning.

As you have finished your work, reread it carefully.

Aren’t there too many words that are not common to the vocabulary of a third-year student? If so, make necessary changes.

Is it logically structured? Are the ideas stylistically connected? If not, improve it.

Does it read naturally now? If so, print it out.

Don’t forget about the margins and double spacing for the teacher to make corrections and recommendations!

Some Useful Clues to Successful Summary of an Article

If you need to summarize information stick to some certain rules. 

First you should remember about purpose - who is going to use your summary and what it is they need to know. 

The summary should be only the information that has been presented in the original passage. No other ideas, digressions, illustrations or opinions of your own should be added. 

Therefore follow these rules:

- do not let your own opinions colour your interpretation, 

- do not add examples of your own, 

- do not discuss the opinions given, 

- do not give additional information, 

- do not alter the balance of any argument presented. 

Then you should not gratuitously change the order of ideas in a summary. The safe rule is to stick to the original order wherever possible.

Besides, consider the balance of the writer's most important ideas, aim at giving them the same weight in term of comparative length.

Remember: Summary is a condensed version of the original.

Formats of case analysis:

The Traditional One

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