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2. Explain the meaning of 'direct marketing'. Why is it considered targeted means of advertising?

Direct marketing is one of the type of marketing. There are two main characteristics which differs it from other types of marketing or advertising. The first is that it attempts to send its messages directly to consumers, without the use of other media. This involves unsolicited commercial communication (spam, junk mail, etc.) with consumers or businesses. The second characteristic is that it is focused on driving

purchases that can be attributed to a specific "call-to-action." If the advert asks the prospect to take a specific action, for example call a free phone number or visit a website, then the effort is considered to be direct response advertising.

Direct marketing is attractive to many marketers, because in many cases its positive effect (but not negative results) can be measured directly. For example, if a marketer sends out one million solicitations by mail, and ten thousand customers can be tracked as having responded to the promotion, the marketer can say with some confidence that the campaign led directly to the responses. The number of recipients who are offended by the junk mail/spam, however, is not easily measured. By contrast, measurement of other media must often be indirect, as there is no direct response from a consumer.

3. What is the difference between 'product placement' and 'product endorsement'?

Product placement advertisements are promotional ads placed by marketers using real commercial products and services in media, where the presence of a particular brand is the result of an economic exchange. When featuring a product is not part of an economic exchange, it is called a product plug.

Product placement appears in plays, film, television series, music videos, video games and books.

Product placement is linked with the inclusion of a brand's logo in shot, or just appearance of a product in shot. This is done without any special mention, it is done so that it looks like a natural part of work. Most movies today contain product placements. So the most common form is movie and television placements and more recently computer and video games.

In promotion and of advertising, a recomendation or endorsement consists of a written or spoken

statement, sometimes from a public figure, sometimes from a private citizen. So product endorsement it is when a well-known person says how good a product is in advertisements. And people will buy the product because they like or trust the person.

Today endorsements appear mostly in television advertising. For example, a smiling star may

demonstrate and describe the benefits that she receives from using this or that product. In the case of celebrity endorsements advertisers aim to use the recognition-factor to draw on the halo effect. In theory, this source transfers from the celebrity to the advertised product, brand, and manufacturer. A problem with using celebrity endorsements involves any negative publicity that the celebrity might get: it will also transfer back to the product, thereby reducing brand equity.