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Fetter Economics vol 2 Modern Economic Problems.pdf
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Online Library of Liberty: Economics, vol. 2: Modern Economic Problems

forced sometimes to take for unpaid debts things that have been held as security. Profits on bank-notes have at times been the main, almost the sole, motive for starting banks; but that is not the case to-day, when the right of issue is so strictly limited.


Agger, E. E., Organized banking. P. 385. New York. Holt. 1918. Cleveland, F. A., Funds and their uses. N. Y. Appleton. 1902.

Conant, C. A., History of modern banks of issue. 5th ed. N. Y. Putnam. 1915. Dunbar, C. F., Theory and history of banking. New ed. N. Y. Putnam. 1917. Fiske, A. K., The modern bank. N. Y. Appleton. 1903.

Holdsworth, J. T., Money and banking. N. Y. Appleton. 1914.

Phillips, C. A., ed., Readings in money and banking. N. Y. Macmillan, 1916. Chs. IX, X.

Same, A study of the principles and factors underlying advances made by banks to borrowers. P. 374. New York. Macmillan. 1920.

Pratt, S. S., The work of Wall Street. P. 447. An account of the functions, methods, and history of the New York money and stock markets. New York. Appleton. 1921.

Scott, W. A., Money and banking. N. Y. Holt. 1916.

White, Horace, Money and banking illustrated by American History Bost. Ginn. 1914. Bk. III. Chs. I-III.

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