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Англійська для ветеринарів та БТФ

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XIII. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

1.Placentae are short-lived in marsupials.

2.The young of marsupials are born at a much earlier stage of development than other mammals.

3.All mammals but marsupials and monotremes are called placental mammals.

4.Marsupials are placental mammals, too.

5.Mammals teeth are specialized.

6.Sharks can have thousands of teeth.

7.Some mammals have four separate stomach compartments.

8.Various mammals can live on dry grasses, leaves, even bark.

9.Mammals possess the biggest brains.

10.Primates is a group that includes humans.

XIV. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ними, використовуючи вирази:Yes, that’s rihgt/No, that’s wrong.

1.Some species of mammals are aquatic.

2.Mammals are cold-blooded.

3.Birds are warm-blooded.

4.Bats can dive.

5.Some mammals live underground.

6.The sperm whale can fly.

7.Primates is a group that includes the humans.

8.Mammals possess the biggest brains.

9.Some mammals have five separate stomach compartments.

10.Crocodiles and snakes are marsupials.

11.Many dinosaurs had teeth.

12.Platypus and echidnas bear live young.

XV. Складіть речення та перекладіть їх українською мовою.


Mammals can survive in

1. placental mammals, too


The placenta is

2. cold-blooded


Primates is a group that

3. have thousands of teeth


Mammals are not

4. monotremes


All mammals except monotremes have

5. in marsupials


Sharks can

6. bear live young


The placenta nourishes the young

7. are specialized


Placentae are short-lived

8. subzero temperature


Some early mammals

9. includes humans

10.Mammals teeth

10.a specialized embryonic organ

11.Platypus and echidnas are

11. a placenta

12.Various mammals can live on

12. the biggest brains

13.All modern mammals but monotremes

13. did lay eggs

14.But marsupials are

14. before they are born

15.Mammals possess

15. dry grasses, leaves, even bark


XVI. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1.Птахи та ссавці населяють землі усіх континентів.

2.Як і птахи, ссавці – теплокровні тварини.

3.Деякі ссавці живуть під землею.

4.Теплокровні тварини можуть виживати у жаркому кліматі.

5.Кажани вміють літати.

6.Деякі ссавці можуть перебувати у зимовій сплячці.

7.Кашалот вміє пірнати набагато глибше, ніж більшість риб.

8.Із усіх хребетних тварин найбільш рухливі – ссавці.

9.Зимова сплячка – це стратегія, яка дозволяє ссавцям пережити довгі холодні зими.

10.Побачити один зуб крокодила - означає побачити усі інші.

11.Ссавці та птахи колонізували навіть далекі острови в океані.

12.Багато ссавців можуть бути переносниками інфекційних захворювань.

13.Багато ссавців можуть жити, харчуючись сухою травою, листям і, навіть, корою.

14.Ссавці мають найбільший мозок.

15.Ссавці мають спеціалізовані зуби.

XVII. Перекажіть текст.


Mammals and birds are warm-blooded. Mammals and birds can survive in subzero temperatures and in hot climates.

Australia’s platypus and echidnas lay eggs. They are monotremes. All other modern mammals bear live young.

All mammals except monotremes have a placenta. The placenta is an embryonic organ that nourishes the young before they are born.

Marsupials (e.g. kangaroos) are mammals the females of which have a pouch to carry their


Mammal teeth are specialized. Some mammals have four separate stomach compartments. Mammals possess the biggest brains. Some species of mammals are aquatic.

Mammals are the most versatile of vertebrates. Bats can fly. The sperm whale can dive far deeper than most fish.

Some mammals live underground, and some mammals are able to hibernate.

Many mammals can be carriers of infectious zoonotic diseases, such as brucellosis, tuberculosis, anthrax, glanders, rabies, toxoplasmosis and others.








Повторіть за диктором слова:



adapt (to) v




aggregate a


згрупований, складний


aggregation n


накопичення, нагромадження, маса


axon n




bundle n


вузол, пучок


cerebrospinal a




composition n




conspicuous a


видний, помітний


contractile a


той, що скорочує

10. contraction n


звуження, стиснення

11. diverse a


відмінний, різноманітний, різний

12. ectodermal a



13. embed v



14. embryonic a



15. endodermal a



16. endothelial a



17. epithelial a



18. excrete v



19. expansion n



20. external a



21. extracellular a



22. fall into v


розпадатися на

23. fiber n



24. gamete n


статевa клітина

25. ganglion (pl. ganglia) n


нервовий вузол

26. gills n



27. glands n



28. gonad n


статева залоза

29. gradually adv


поступово, послідовно

30. hemopoietic a



31. intercellular a



32. matrix n


матриця, основа, міжклітинний матеріал

33. mesodermal a



34. multicellular a



35. origin n



36. ovaries n



37. release v


відпускати, звільняти

38. respectively adv



39. secure v



40. sensory a


чуттєвий, чутливий

41. similar a


подібний, схожий

42. stoma


устячко, гирло

43. striated a



44. substance n


субстанція, речовина

45. terrestrial a



46. tissue n




47. transmit v


передавати, посилати, відправляти

48. variable a



49. via prep


через, за допомогою

50. voluntary a



Прочитайте текст та перекладіть його українською мовою.


Tissue (in physiology) is a level of organization in multicellular organism. It consists of a group of structurally and functionally similar cells and their intercellular material.

Early in the evolutionary history of animals, tissues aggregated into organs which themselves became divided into specialized parts. Early scientific classification of tissues divided them on the basis of the organ systems, of which they formed a part (nervous tissues).

Embryologists have often classified tissues on the basis of their origin in the developing embryo (ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal tissues).

Another method classifies tissues into four broad groups according to cell composition: epithelial tissues, composed of cells that make up the body’s outer covering and the membranous covering of internal organs, cavities, and canals; endothelial tissues, composed of cells that line the inside of organs; stoma tissues, composed of cells that serve as a matrix in which the other cells are embedded; and connective tissues, a rather amorphous category composed of cells and an extracellular matrix that serve as a connection from one tissue to another.

Classification of Tissues Based on the Functions Performed

Scientists divide animal tissues into four classes based on the functions they perform.

The first class includes all those tissues that serve an animal’s needs for growth, repair and energy. Tissues that secure oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide are extremely variable in the animal kingdom. In many invertebrates gas exchange takes place through the body wall or external gills, but in species adapted to a terrestrial life, an internal sac capable of expansion and contraction served this purpose, and gradually became more complex over evolutionary time as animals’ demand for oxygen increased.

The tissues of the second class fall into two groups: physical (nervous and sensory tissues), which operate via electrical impulses along nerve fibers; and the chemical (endocrine tissues), which release hormones into the bloodstream. In vertebrates the same tissues perform both physical and chemical coordination because the nervous tissues also serve as hormone sources. In vertebrates most endocrine functions are isolated in specialized glands, several of which are derived from nervous tissue. The basic unit of all nervous tissues is the neuron, aggregations of which are called ganglia. The bundles of axons along which neurons transmit and receive impulses are called nerves.

The third class of tissues serves to bind the other tissues and organs together and to support the body. They are derived mainly from certain embryonic cells that have numerous delicate protoplasmic processes. Tissues of this group later become of diverse form and usually produce much intercellular substance, so that the cells themselves are less conspicuous.

Muscle tissue is primarily responsible for movement. It consists of contractile cells. There are two general types of muscle: striated muscle, which moves the skeleton and is under voluntary control;


and smooth muscle; which surrounds the walls of many internal organs and cannot normally be controlled voluntarily.

The fourth class of tissues includes reproductive tissues, hemopoietic tissues, and tissues fluids. The most important reproductive tissues are the gonads (ovaries and testes), which produce the gametes (eggs and sperm respectively). Hemopoietic tissues produce the cellular components of the blood.

Among the important tissues fluids are lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and milk (in mammals).

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1.What is a tissue?

2.What structure does it have? 3.How are tissues divided?

4.What are the main methods of tissues classification?

5.How many classes of animal tissues do scientists usually determine? 6.What does the first class of animal tissues include?

7.Can you describe both groups into which the tissues of the second class fall? 8.What purpose does the third class of tissues serve?

9.What is the basic unit of all nervous tissues? 10.What is the primary responsibility of muscle tissues? 11.How many general types of muscle exist?

12.What kinds of tissues are in the fourth class?

13.Where one can find the most important reproductive tissues? 14.What components of the blood do hemopoietic tissues produce?




I. Згрупуйте подані нижче слова за частинами мови.

















tissue, compose, epithelial, cell, include, variable, derive, origin, transmit, composition, terrestrial, receive, bind, compose, external, support, demand, increase, fall into, fluid, endodermal, exchange, adapt, embryonic, divide, perform, growth, repair, energy, secure, excrete, glands, unit, substance, expansion, lymph.

II. Заповніть пропуски словами some або any.

1.I have _____ English journals at home.

2.We have not received ______ offers from British companies.

3.My colleagues have ______ good pictures of embryonic cells movement.

4.Do you have ______ scientific papers about tissues structure and function to look through today?

5.Ann does not have _______ books about London.


6.There are _______ exotic animals in our city zoo.

7.Our dean is going to buy _______ new equipment for biochemical labs.

8.Would you like _______ tea with milk?

9.Do you know _______ recreation zones in Kyiv?

10.I would like _______ mineral water.

III. Заповніть пропуски у реченнях, використовуючи слова у дужках.

1.Tissues (in physiology) is a level of __________ in multicellular organism.

2.An early scientific ___________ of tissues divided them on the basis of the organ system.

3.Scientists divide animal tissues into four classes based on the _________ they perform.

4.In vertebrates, the same tissues _________ both physical and chemical coordination.

5.The basic unit of all __________is the neuron, aggregations of which are called ganglia.

6.Muscle tissue is primarily responsible _________; it consists of contractile cells.

7.The most important __________ tissues are the gonads.

(1.classification; 2.organization; 3.functions; 4.nervous tissues; 5.perform; 6.for movement; 7.reproductive).

IV. Складіть речення.



produce the cellular components of the blood



is a level of organization in multicellular organism



is primarily responsible for movement



are the most important reproductive tissues

4.muscle tissue


is a group of cells that covers a body surface

5.hemopoietic tissues



V. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ними.

Зразок 1: One of the methods classifies tissues into six broad groups according to cell composition. Do you agree with me?

No, that is wrong. One of the methods classifies tissues into four broad groups according to cell composition.

Зразок 2: Tissues (in physiology) is a level of organization in multicellular organism. Do you agree with me?

Yes, you are (quite) right. Tissues (in physiology) is a level of organization in multicellular organism.

1.Embryologists have seldom classified tissues on the basis of their origin.

2.Stoma tissues are composed of cells that line the inside of organs.

3.Connective tissues are a rather amorphous category composed of cells and an extracellular matrix that serve as a connection from one tissue to another.

4.In many invertebrates, gas exchange does not take place through the body wall or external gills.

5.The tissues of the third class fall into two groups: physical (nervous and sensory tissues), and the chemical (endocrine tissues).

6.The fourth class of tissues includes reproductive tissues.

7.There are five general types of muscle.


8. The third class of tissues serves to bind the other tissues and organs together and to support the body.

VI. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1.Тканина складається з груп структурно та функціонально схожих клітин.

2.Інший метод поділяє тканини на чотири групи відповідно до структурної будови клітин.

3.Сполучні тканини – це досить аморфна категорія тканин, що складаються з клітин і служать для приєднання однієї тканини до іншої.

4.Науковці поділять тканини тварин на чотири класи, в основі яких лежать функції, які виконують ці тканини.

5.Перший клас включає всі ті тканини, які слугують потребам тварини у рості, відновленні та енергії.

6.Тканини другого класу розпадаються на дві групи: фізичні (нервові або сенсорні тканини) та хімічні (ендокринні тканини).

7.Третій клас тканин слугує для з’єднання інших тканин і органів разом та для підтримки


8.М’язова тканина відповідає за рух, вона складається з клітин, що скорочуються.

9.Четвертий клас тканин включає репродуктивні тканини, тканинну рідину та кровотворні тканини.

10.Найбільш важливі репродуктивні тканини – це статеві залози.

VII. Заповніть пропущені місця у реченнях прийменниками.

1.Any tissue consists … a group of structurally and functionally similar cells.

2.An early scientific classification of tissues divides them … the basis of the organ system. 3.One of the methods classifies tissues … four broad groups according to cell composition.

4.The tissues … the second class fall into two groups: physical (nervous and sensory tissues), and the chemical (endocrine tissues).

5.They are derived mainly … certain embryonic cells that have numerous delicate protoplasmic processes.

6.Muscle tissue is primarily responsible … movement.

7.There are two general types … muscle: striated muscle, and smooth muscle. 8.The basic unit … all nervous tissues is the neuron.

VIII. Відкрийте дужки і поставте дієслова у правильному часі.

1.Tissues (to be) a level of organization in multicellular organism. 2.It (to consist) of a group of structurally and functionally similar cells and their intercellular material. 3.Early in the evolutionary history of animals, tissues (to become) aggregated into organs. 4.An early scientific classification of tissues (to divide) them on the basis of the organ system. 5.Embryologists often (to classify) tissues on the basis of their origin in the developing embryo. 6.The first class (to include) all those tissues that serve an animal’s needs for growth, repair and energy. 7.In many invertebrates, gas exchange (to take place) through the body wall or external gills. 8.There (to be) two general types of muscle: striated


muscle, which (to move) the skeleton and smooth muscle. 9.Among the important tissues fluids (to be) lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and milk (in mammals).

IX. Замість крапок вставте many, much, little, few, a little.

1.Are there … students in your group?

2.We didn’t spend … money when we were in Moscow.

3.He speaks … English.

4.They usually drink … tea.

5.I don’t know … people in my native town. I know … of them.

6.He is very busy today. He has … work to do.

7.Did she take … photographs when you were on holidays in London?

8.You must be quick. You have … time.

9.Have you ever been to Canada? Yes, I have been there … times. 10.You should be very lucky. You have … problems.

X. Трансформуйте складнопідрядні речення у прості, використовуючи інфінітивну конструкцію “Complex subject”.

Зразок: It seems that this team will win the football match.

This team seems to win the football match. (Здається, що ця команда переможе у футбольному матчі).

1.It is known that organs and organ systems exist in all multicellular forms.

2.It is expected that the Prime Minister will visit our city tomorrow.

3.It was reported that the weather changed.

4.It is said that he lives in London.

5.It is known that Ann is working hard this week

6.It is likely that they will come soon.

7.It was said that he knows several foreign languages.

8.It seems that the weather is improving.

9.It is reported that two people were seriously injured in the accident.

10.It is supposed that many species are disappearing on our planet.

XI. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1.Кажуть, що він талановитий лікар-ветеринар.

2.Відомо, що багато видів тварин зникає на землі.

3.Очевидно, сьогодні буде дощ.

4.Вважають, що тварини спілкуються між собою.

5.Очікується, що делегація прибуде о 12 годині.

6.Повідомляється, що конференція проводитиметься 20 квітня (to be held).

7.Відомо, що ссавці та птахи є теплокровні.

8.Ця лекція про домашніх тварин виявилась дуже цікавою (proved to be interesting).


9. У давні часи вважалось, що земля трималась на трьох черепахах (to be kept). 10.Наш університет вважається провідним аграрним університетом України.

XII. Перекажіть текст.


Tissue (in physiology) is a level of organization in multicellular organism. It consists of a group of structurally and functionally similar cells and their intercellular material.

Scientists divide animal tissues into four classes based on the functions they perform.

The first class includes all those tissues that serve an animal’s needs for growth, repair and energy.

The tissues of the second class fall into two groups: physical (nervous and sensory tissues), which operate via electrical impulses along nerve fibers; and the chemical (endocrine tissues), which release hormones into the bloodstream. In vertebrates the same tissues perform both physical and chemical coordination because the nervous tissues also serve as hormone sources. In vertebrates most endocrine functions are isolated in specialized glands, several of which are derived from nervous tissue. The basic unit of all nervous tissues is the neuron. The bundles of axons along which neurons transmit and receive impulses are called nerves.

The third class of tissues serves to bind the other tissues and organs together and to support the body. Muscle tissue is primarily responsible for movement.

The fourth class of tissues includes reproductive tissues, hemopoietic tissues, and tissues fluids. Among the important tissues fluids are lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and milk (in mammals).








Повторіть за диктором слова:



adrenal a




asexual a




carbon dioxide


вуглекислий газ


digestive system


система травлення


ductless glands


залози внутрішньої секреції


enzyme n




esophagus n




excretory a




integument n


зовнішня оболонка

10. integumentary a



11. involuntary a



12. large intestine n


товста кишка

13. lungs n



14. lymphatic a,n


лімфатичний; лімфатична судина

15. nasal cavity


носова порожнина


рancreas n


підшлункова залоза


рarticle n




18. passage n


проходження, прохід

19. perpetuation n


увіковічення, збереження назавжди

20. pituitary a, n


слизовий; гіпофіз

21. reproduce v



22. respiratory a



23. respiratory system


система дихання, респіраторна система

24. response v



25. small intestine


тонка кишка

26. spinal a



27. spinal cord


спинний мозок

28. stem n


стебло, стовбур

29. sсales n



30. testes n



31. thyroid n


щитовидна залоза

32. trachea n



33. twofold a


подвійний, подвоєний

34. vessels n (pl.)



Прочитайте текст та перекладіть його українською мовою.


As the various tissues in the plant and animal body differentiate, they become associated with each other to form organs that carry out particular functions. Organs, which are related by function, are grouped into organ systems. The coordinated functioning of all organ systems enables an individual organism to live in its environment and to reproduce.

Ten such systems are commonly recognized in animals.

The digestive system is composed of such organs as the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas and liver. All these organs function together to break down food particles into molecules that are small enough to be absorbed into the blood stream.

The circulatory system is composed of the heart, the blood vessels, blood, the lymphatic vessels, and lymph. This system transports materials from one part of the body to another. The circulatory system also transports hormones and has a role in the regulation of body temperature and in protecting the body against disease.

The respiratory system is composed of the lungs and the related air passages (the nasal cavity, the pharynx, the trachea, and the bronchial tubes). The function of this system is twofold: to supply all the cells within the body with the oxygen they need to carry on respiration; to remove the carbon dioxide and some of the water that is a waste product of respiration. In some animals, other organs of respiration have evolved. For example, fish possess gills, insects have a series of tubules through which air flows, and a number of organisms, particularly the more primitive ones, carry on an oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange through the body surface.

The excretory system provides the body with a means of ridding itself of metabolic waste materials. The primary excretory organs are the kidneys, lungs, skin, and liver.


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